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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jamie Long (DFL)

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Legislative Update – Happy Summer!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you’re enjoying summer and are getting outside to enjoy all our state offers. Minnesota has an exceptional system of state parks, which are now more accessible to more visitors with track chairs available at all of them. These all-terrain, electric-powered chairs can help people with disabilities explore trails and other areas unsuitable for wheelchairs. Learn more from the Minnesota DNR here.


New Laws

The 2023-2024 biennium at the Capitol has been the most transformative in generations. House DFLers worked with our partners in the Senate DFL and Governor Walz to deliver historic investments in schools, lower costs for Minnesotans, strengthen protections for workers, guarantee reproductive freedoms, make Minnesota more safe and welcoming for LGBTQ+ neighbors, address gun violence, tackle the climate crisis, and so much more. In numerous ways, Democrats are giving Minnesotans in every corner of the state the tools to have a better life.

On July 1, many new laws took effect as a result of our work. They include funding for the READ Act to boost student literacy, new protections for student journalists, a plain language requirement for driver's license tests, an enhanced prohibition on the use of "deepfakes" in elections, new resources for small businesses and job training, and much more. I had an opportunity to chat with Fox 9 which highlighted them in this story.

Screen shot of Rep. Long speaking on Fox 9 news

Minnesota Energy Infrastructure Permitting Act

I recently had the opportunity to join Governor Walz at a wind farm in the southern Minnesota community of Dexter as he signed into law the transformational clean energy permitting bill I authored this past session. The Minnesota Energy Infrastructure Permitting Act will streamline and modernize our state’s permitting process to accelerate the pace at which we get new clean energy projects up and running.

Minnesota’s carbon-free energy goal – 100% by 2040 – is ambitious, but necessary to make an impact against the threat of climate change. To reach this goal, we need to remove barriers to creating new wind and solar generation as well as transmission projects. New clean energy projects will also result in the creation of new good-paying jobs across the state. The reforms in this bill are estimated to shave up to a full year off of the timeline for the construction of these projects.

Rep. Long part of group standing behind Gov. Walz at a windfarm

Prescription Drug Price Transparency

All Minnesotans deserve to live healthy lives, but too many people are forced to pay exorbitant prices for prescription drugs. Prices for medications continue to skyrocket while pharmaceutical companies rake in massive profits.

In addition to capping co-pays for certain products for chronic conditions like inhalers, insulin, and EpiPens at $25 per month, in 2023, Democrats at the State Capitol took action to shine a bright light on drug costs by requiring pharmaceutical companies and other parties to report certain data on price hikes. In June, the Minnesota Department of Health issued its inaugural List of Drugs with Substantial Public Interest. Next, the department is gathering input from Minnesotans about how prescription drug prices impact their health care, what affordability concerns exist, and which drugs might benefit from pricing transparency. You can give your recommendations and share your stories about how drug prices have impacted you or your family by taking this survey.


Last Update

Whether seeking reelection or not, legislators cannot send certain communication to constituents from the Capitol during an election period, including newsletters like this. Therefore, this will be my last e-update until November. However, I’m still available to help with any state-level issues and will continue to be responsive to community members, so please stay in touch.

Have a great summer!


Rep. Jamie Long
Majority Leader, Minnesota House of Representatives