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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL)

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Weekend Update

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Rep. Xiong


I hope that after reading this you're planning to get out an enjoy the nice(er) weather! 

The Climate Action Caucus that I'm a member of is doing its part to ensure we protect the outdoors so generations that come after us can have clean air and water and enjoy our state's natural beauty. This week we announced one-time investments that will enable every Minnesotan to participate directly in addressing the climate crisis. The plan addresses energy efficiency, solar energy, transportation, local government projects, and environment projects. Public schools, homeowners, local governments, and nursing homes will all benefit, and our environment will benefit.

Every little thing we do counts. Local jurisdictions like St. Louis Park have seen success lowering plastic straw use by having businesses provide them only upon request - I'm a proud co-author on a bill that would bring that measure statewide. My hope is that Minnesotans will begin thinking about how their actions and consumption will permanently impact our environment. 

Climate can-dos v2

Consumer Protection

I am proud to chief author a consumer protection bill that will defend against debt collectors who exploit the fear of people who are most vulnerable. This bill will create protections against debt collection that targets hard working Minnesotans, the elderly, limited English proficiency populations and newer Americans who are not used to our systems and don't fully know their rights. The bill would protect against unjust and aggressive shakedowns of those who have the least and need help the most by requiring debt collectors to more fairly communicate with people so they know their rights and are prepared to communicate directly on settling their financial matters.


This week, I also worked on legislation with my colleagues to:

  • Repeal a law that allows employers to pay their employees with a disability less than the minimum wage. These loopholes are immoral - everyone deserves fair compensation for their work. This legislation also creates a task force to identify and collaborate with employees, employers, businesses, organizations,
    agencies, and stakeholders impacted by the phase-out of sub minimum wages. It will also identify initiatives, investment, training, and services designed to improve wages, reduce unemployment rates, and provide support and sustainable work opportunities for persons with disabilities. 
  • Create penalties for knowingly calling in a false crime report. These false calls infringe on peoples' rights and put people, the community, and the officers in unnecessary danger. 
  • Fund the veterans resilience project, which will provide therapy to veterans and current military service members who suffer from trauma and PTSD. The brave men and women who serve our country deserve the highest standards of care and support when they return. 
  • Provide support for the Native American Community Clinic in Minneapolis, which promotes health and provides culturally-competent care for Native American families across the Twin Cities. 

Be Counted!

The 2020 Census is just around the corner. This once-a-decade count provides data that’s used to determine how much federal funding our state receives for schools, hospitals, transportation, and other services. The U.S. Census Bureau will start sending information on how to be properly counted to every home in Minnesota in March. Click here to download a fact sheet with more information or here to watch a short video.

If you watch for the Census in the mail and fill it out and return it when you receive it, then you do not need to answer the door to a stranger. By law, information they collect cannot be shared with anyone, including landlords, social workers, law enforcement, or employers.

The U.S. Census Bureau still needs to fill temporary positions to conduct the census. These jobs provide flexible hours and competitive wages; in Ramsey and Washington County, census takers can earn $22 per hour. More information about working for the Census is available here.

Have a great second half to your weekend and if you have any comments or questions don't hesitate to reach out: or 651-296-4201.


Rep. Jay Xiong

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