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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL)

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COVID-19 Information from MAP Caucus

Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Information from MAP Caucus

ST. PAUL, MN – Minnesota's Asian Pacific (MAP) Caucus today released the following statements and information regarding COVID-19.

We want everyone to take social distancing seriously – meaning no large gatherings and for the elderly to stay home. We cannot risk possible transmission of COVID-19,” said MAP Caucus Chair Samantha Vang.

We are committed to continuing to work together with the Walz Administration and the Minnesota Senate to help the people of Minnesota navigate this public health crisis,” said Rep. Jay Xiong. “Every Minnesotan should follow the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Minnesota Department of Health to prevent the spread of this disease by washing their hands thoroughly and frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, staying home when sick, and avoiding touching their face.”

On Wednesday, March 11, the Minnesota House announced additional COVID-19 preparedness legislation, including banning price gouging of food and other household necessities; no/low-interest loans to providers, clinics, facilities, health systems; expanding eligibility for Unemployment Insurance and paid leave; compensating hourly school workers for COVID-related closures; and reducing financial barriers for Minnesotans who need testing and treatment.  

On Friday, March 13, Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-01 declaring a peacetime emergency in Minnesota and unveiled legislative proposals to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic (largely similar to proposals introduced by the House). These actions came in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announcing community mitigation strategies to limit the spread of the virus.

On Sunday, March 15, Governor Walz signed Executive Order 20-02, authorizing the temporary closure of Minnesota K-12 public schools to students in order for school administrators and teachers to make long-term plans for the continuity of education and essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools will be closed to students by Wednesday, March 18 through Friday, March 27 to accommodate this planning between school staff, teachers, and administrators with guidance from MDH and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).


MDH is making information about the coronavirus available in multiple languages. A full list of available languages and links to download materials are available below. 

COVID-19 in Amharic (PDF)

COVID-19 in Arabic (PDF)

COVID-19 in Chinese (PDF)

COVID-19 in Hmong (PDF)

COVID-19 in Karen (PDF)

COVID-19 in Russian (PDF)

COVID-19 in Somali (PDF)

COVID-19 in Spanish (PDF)

COVID-19 in Vietnamese (PDF)  

MDH has also set up non-English versions of its coronavirus website. A full list of available languages and links to each page is available below. 





School and child care questions:

Call 651-297-1304 or 1-800-657-3504 (7am-7pm daily)


*Childcare providers with questions should call 1-888-234-1268 


Health questions or concerns about the virus:

651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903 (7am-7pm daily)



Questions for workers and employers:

651-259-7114 or 800-657-3858 


The MAP Caucus members include Assistant Majority Leader Fue Lee (DFL - Minneapolis), MAP Caucus Chair Samantha Vang (DFL - Brooklyn Park), Rep. Kaohly Her (DFL- St. Paul), Rep. Tou Xiong (DFL - Maplewood), Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL- St. Paul), and Sen. Foung Hawj (DFL - St. Paul).


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