Last week the House of Representatives approved the Housing Bill, which funds a variety of programs aimed at helping create more affordable housing, and provisions to ensure Minnesotans can have the safe, secure, and affordable housing they deserve. Minnesota was experiencing an affordable housing crisis well before COVID-19. Now, that crisis has intensified, and we need to invest in innovative solutions to take on housing insecurity.
Measures in the bill include those to:
- Fund the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) for specific programs;
- Establish the lead safe homes grant program;
- A task force on shelter resident rights and shelter provider practices;
- Investments in various affordable housing related programs;
- Provisions related to the Minnesota Bond Allocation Act, residential rental housing/landlord and tenant law, and manufactured housing.

State Government, Elections and Veterans
As our state continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Government, Elections, and Veterans bill includes investments in the responsive state government Minnesotans deserve to meet this moment and assist in our economic recovery. Now is no time to cut critical services that are going to help us build back better. The bill we passed last week also invests in Minnesota’s veterans with additional funding for our state veterans’ homes, funding to help end veteran homelessness, strategies to prevent veteran suicide, and a pathway for veterans who have been charged with crimes stemming from service-related trauma to get mental health or substance abuse help as an alternative to incarceration. The bill also includes several provisions to strengthen our democracy and elections including those to solidify and expand Minnesota’s nation-leading election administration system. These measures include provisions restoring the vote to ex-offenders on probation, making Minnesota’s Automatic Voter Registration more efficient and effective, and reforming Minnesota’s campaign finance disclosure system to make it more transparent.
Importantly, my provision was included that would allow all Minnesotans to access democracy, including those who don’t speak English. Our bill requires providing voting instructions in languages other than English so all Minnesotans can vote with confidence.

Minnesotans expect our roads and bridges to be safe and efficient, but across the state, our transportation infrastructure continues to deteriorate. Many bridges, like the Third Street/Kellogg Bridge, are near collapse. Thankfully, our St. Paul bridge received funding in the Jobs and Local Projects or “Bonding” bill, which we passed last October. Our transportation budget we passed in the House makes direct investments in transportation to address the long-term safety risk posed by our aging roads, bridges, and transportation infrastructure. The bill helps Minnesota grow our multimodal transportation system to help people get where they need to go no matter where they live, with investments in including pedestrian and bike infrastructure, transit investments in both the metro and greater Minnesota, road safety improvements, rail projects, and more.

Food Drive on Saturday
This Saturday, April 24 there will be a food drive at IBEW Local 110 at 1330 Conway St. in St. Paul starting at 9:00 a.m. Thirty- pound food boxes will be available until supplies run out. Please help spread the word to our neighbors in need. A big thank you to IBEW Local 110 and St. Paul Regional Labor Federation for all your efforts to keep our community and neighbors fed.

Keep in Touch
With the Chauvin trial winding down, and jury deliberations underway, many of our Eastside neighbors are on high alert. I have been working with my Twin Cities colleagues and have made it clear to the governor and all who are contributing to Operation Safety Net that we expect First Amendment rights to be protected for those who are grieving and crying out for justice.
Please stay well, stay vigilant, and take care of yourself and others in our Eastside neighborhoods.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or to let me know if you need assistance at rep.jay.xiong@house.mn or 651-296-4201.
In solidarity,
Jay Xiong
State Representative