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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL)

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Legislative Update- November 20, 2021

Saturday, November 20, 2021
Rep. Xiong


Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you staying well and healthy.

COVID-19 cases in Minnesota are skyrocketing, putting a great deal of pressure on our health care workers. Hospitals across the state are once again reaching capacity and the availability of ICU beds is extremely limited.

As Minnesotans and Eastsiders, we don’t only care about ourselves. We also care about the health of our family, coworkers, and neighbors. If you’ve been hesitant, now is the time to get vaccinated against COVID-19. A map of locations where you can get your shot is available here.




Eligibility has recently been extended to those aged 5-11, which will help prevent spread of the virus in schools, and will ultimately help prevent community transmission (written parental permission is required for all children to receive the vaccine). To help extend efficacy of the vaccine, booster shots are now available, and more information is available here.


Booster Shots



House Capital Investment Committee Visits the East Side

The Minnesota House Capital Investment Committee continued its statewide tour of Minnesota, visiting sites in the Twin Cities including on the East Side of Saint Paul. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to show my colleagues firsthand the benefits our community could enjoy with robust investment in public infrastructure.

The Conway Community Center needs overdue improvements and has asked for state assistance with an expansion to the facility, including roof repairs, main entry upgrades, and security and safety enhancements.





The committee also stopped at the East Side Freedom Library, which has been serving the community for over 100 years. State investments would help preserve the building by making sorely needed updates to improve accessibility and lighting to the structure.



Metro State University was another stop on the tour of East Saint Paul. The University has requested funds to expand its Cyber Security program to address the growing workforce demand for cyber security positions.



We also listened to a presentation about the Funny Asian Woman Kollective, the Asian American Center for Media and the Arts, and the Lower Phalen Creek Project, where a $2.8 million investment would help complete the Wakan Tipi Center construction. Committee members also had the opportunity to see a presentation by 30,000 Feet to learn more about their funding request to build the Black Arts Center for creative learning.


Finally, the committee learned about the Hillcrest Redevelopment project. Ramsey County is seeking funding to add 1,000 housing units and green space with parks and trails with carbon free infrastructure.


Free Park Friday

Once again, all state parks will have free admission the day after Thanksgiving. Take advantage of the opportunity to get outside on Free Park Friday.



Keep in Touch

Don’t hesitate to contact me anytime at or 651-296-4201 if you need assistance.

It’s an honor to serve our Eastside neighborhoods at the State Capitol.

In Solidarity,

Jay Xiong

State Representative

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