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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL)

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Legislative Update: Welcome to Session!

Saturday, February 12, 2022



Rep. Xiong


Dear Neighbors,

Since this year's legislative session started last Monday, it feels like every single day is full of 12-hours of activity. Buckle up for a long legislative update.

Start of Session




Equal Rights Amendment

Starting the session off on a good and very important note, our House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee heard HF 726 on the first of the month. The bill, once it becomes law, guarantees gender equality in the Minnesota Constitution. You can watch the hearing here.

Minnesota women deserve equal rights in all aspects of life. And assumed equality for women is not enough — our state and US constitutions should be clear that we have equal rights. 

38 states have already passed this same bill to include gender equality in their Constitutions, including states that are much more conservative than ours. I'm honestly surprised that we haven't been able to get it through both bodies yet; I encourage my Republican colleagues in the Senate to hear the bill.


MN House Info Article on HF726




Justice for Amir Locke

Amir Locke should be here today. 

I support my colleague Rep. Athena Hollins, and her bill to put tougher restrictions on no-knock warrants. No-knock warrants are dangerous, and often lead to harm for both civilians and officers. Here in St. Paul, we haven't used one since 2016, but the Minneapolis Police Department averages more than 100 per year. This is common-sense, good policy that we can pass in response to the murder of 22-year-old Amir Locke at the hands of police.

Video of House DFL Presser on No-Knock Warrants

Black History Month

Black History Month

Today, we have the most Black legislators in the history of Minnesota. They bring their experience, expertise, knowledge, and solutions about how to move the Black community forward. I’m honored to take the lead of my Black colleagues this year, and work to invest the $7.7 billion surplus to address the disparities felt by the Black communities.

We cannot move forward unless we reflect back. It is important that we acknowledge the immeasurable contributions that Black Minnesotans have made to our state. I encourage you to check out the Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery this month, the only museum of its kind in the state.


“As lawmakers who are here, I hope, to do no further harm, it’s important that we remember that it was the laws, policies, and practices that kept Black people in servitude. That allowed unequal treatment. That allowed them to be taken away from their families, from their children. Today, we have an opportunity before us to do no more harm.” - Rep. Rena Moran



Lunar New Year

Happy year of the Tiger! This is a time for celebrating the new year, seeing loved ones, feasting, and honoring ancestors.

There's a celebration hosted by the Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations taking place at the Mall of America this Saturday! Details here.



Essential Worker Bonuses

This Wednesday, the House Workforce and Business Development Finance and Policy Committee, the Committee where I serve as Vice Chair, heard testimony on HF 2900, which appropriates $1 billion for bonus payments to thousands of frontline workers.

We need to get this support to frontline workers. No one who hasn’t been in their position can quite understand the toll that it takes to put your life and your family’s wellbeing in jeopardy, just to do your job. Over the course of this pandemic, our healthcare workers, teachers, and childcare workers have kept our communities going. Now, we’re seeing record burnout in these professions. It’s time to show that we, as the state of Minnesota, care about their work, and give them a bit of relief as we’re giving relief to businesses.

Video of 2-9 Workforce Hearing


First Law of 2022

The first bill to be signed by the Governor this year was Rep. Dan Wolgamott's bill, HF 1203, which extends worker's comp benefits for those frontline workers who contract COVID-19 on the job.

This bill is just common sense. We're still in the pandemic. I'm glad that we were able to pass it swiftly in a bipartisan fashion.


“Every day throughout this pandemic, frontline workers have protected us and have saved lives,” said Governor Walz. “This bipartisan bill—passed within days of the Legislature gaveling in for the 2022 session—makes it clear that in Minnesota, we are grateful for our first responders, take care of our workers, and give them both the benefits they deserve.”



My Bills

I've introduced two bill thus far this session:

You can always check in on the bills that I've authored here.


Stay in Touch

Thank you for reading this legislative update! I appreciate your time and attention to the state legislature. As always, please don't hesitate to contact me at

In solidarity,

Representative Jay Xiong



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