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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jay Xiong (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Jay Xiong

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Greetings Eastsiders,     

It was a late, late night on the Floor on Thursday while we heard several bills, including those to ban private prisons, invest in clean energy, and protect trans rights. We adjourned around 5:30 a.m. Friday after passing landmark legislation to ensure the safety and rights of our trans neighbors.  


Making Minnesota a Trans Refuge State 

Early Friday morning, we voted to pass legislation to prevent out-of-state laws from interfering in the practice of gender-affirming health care. With the passage of the Trans Refuge bill, we made Minnesota an island of refuge for the trans community, who continue to face obscene levels of discrimination across the country. With our neighbors from the East, West, and South also threatening the lives and well-being of our trans neighbors, Minnesota will remain a safe place for those seeking gender-affirming care without fear of criminal penalty in states that have stripped these human rights. 



Protecting Reproductive Rights for Everyone 

Earlier this week, the Minnesota House voted to pass legislation to protect reproductive freedom for Minnesotans, as well as those from across the country coming to Minnesota in need of access to the full range of reproductive health care options. Once law, the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act will guarantee out-of-state subpoenas and court orders for records related to reproductive care cannot be weaponized for prosecution where such care is considered a crime.   

Earlier this session, we established a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions on reproductive care. However, many other states are passing or operating under laws that make it difficult or impossible to access reproductive healthcare, including every one of our bordering states. These laws can include criminal penalties for providers and patients, as well as restrictions on the types of care that can be provided. Because of this, we’re making sure that Minnesota laws are explicit about protections for both health professionals and patients. We will not allow other states to persecute people for simply seeking or providing reproductive healthcare. 




State Budget Targets  

This week, the House Speaker, Senate Majority Leader, and Governor Walz reached an agreement on a framework for a new state budget. With Democratic leadership in the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, we’ve been able to work together to agree on a budget with almost two months remaining in the legislative session. This means committees will have more time with their budget targets to carefully consider legislation rather than rushing to decide at the last minute. Next week, the House Workforce Development Committee, which I chair, will be advancing our budget to invest in strong, equitable opportunities for Minnesotans to achieve economic security. Beginning in April, committee work will conclude and each chamber will pass budget bills off the floor.  


In the Community 

Thank you to Stephen Moore of Culture Booster, Reverend Carl Johnson of Storehouse Grocers and Mary Anne Quiroz of Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center for meeting with me about the East Side Cultural District Plan. 




Please continue reaching out at or simply reply to this email to get in touch!   

I appreciate your attention to these legislative updates. Have a good week.  

In Solidarity,  

Jay Xiong  

State Representative  


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