If you would like to testify at the Alexandria hearing on Thursday, December 6, 2001 from 1-4, please contact Todd Olson at (651) 296-2577 or at todd.olson@senate.leg.state.mn.us
If you would like to testify at the St. Paul hearing on Thursday, January 3, 2002 from 9-5, please contact Andy Gildea at (651) 296-5065 or at andy.gildea@house.leg.state.mn.us
If you would like the Stadiums Task Force to read your e-mail, please send your message to stadium@house.leg.state.mn.us
We want to hear every message, and we want to offer as many people a chance to testify in person as is possible.
The Stadiums Task Force is a group of 18 individuals who will examine whether the state of Minnesota needs to get involved
in the construction of a new stadium for the Minnesota Twins and/or a shared football stadium for the University of Minnesota and the NFL's Minnesota Vikings.
The Task Force consists of six Stadium Task Force members each appointed by the House, the Senate, and Governor Ventura. The group will hear testimony from supporters and critics of these proposals.
Hearings in Alexandria and Mankato are planned to give citizens in Greater Minnesota more of a chance to listen and participate.
Legislative proposals related to funding a baseball stadium will be discussed by Representative Harry Mares( R- White Bear Lake), Senator Dean Johnson (DFL-Willmar), Representative Mark Holsten (R-Stillwater), Senator Dick Day (R-Owatonna), Rep. Phyllis Kahn (DFL-Minneapolis), Sen. Ellen Anderson (DFL-St. Paul), and Sen. John Marty (DFL-Roseville).
Legislative proposals to fund a football stadium will be discussed by Senator Dave Johnson (DFL-Bloomington) and Representative Doug Stang ( R-Cold Spring).
After eight planned hearings, it is expected that the Task Force will vote in late January on recommendations for action by the 2002 Legislative Session, which begins on January 29.