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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Transportation Policy and Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Chairs: Sen. Scott Dibble and Rep. Tim Kelly

The Conference committee will begin meet15 Minutes after the last body adjourns

CONFEREES: SENATE: Dibble; Schmit; Jensen; Hawj; Kent -
HOUSE: Kelly; Sanders; Howe; Petersburg; Erhardt
Room 200 State Office Bldg.

House holds the gavel.

Topics for discussion:

Plan is to look at House only policy provisions from HF4 that are identical or similar with Senate only provisions in SF1647 (Senate Transportation Policy bill)
A list of provisions which match up from HF4 and SF1647 is attached

The tentative plan had been to look at various potential non-controversial or limited controversial house only and senate only policy language in HF4.

Chairs: Sen. D. Scott Dibble and Rep. Tim Kelly

The Conference committee will begin meet15 Minutes after the last body adjourns
CONFEREES: SENATE: Dibble; Schmit; Jensen; Hawj; Kent -
HOUSE: Kelly; Sanders; Howe; Petersburg; Erhardt
Room 200 State Office Bldg.

Senate will still hold the gavel.

Topics for discussion:
-Trunk highway bonding and bonding capacity
-Public/Private Partnerships
-Volunteer firefighter benefits and reporting

House Conferees: Kelly, Petersburg, Sanders, Howe, Erhardt
Senate Conferees: Dibble, Kent, Jensen, Hawj, Schmit

The first meeting of the Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance Bill Conference Committee for HF4 has been rescheduled for Wed. May 6. The Conference Committee will tentatively plan to meet at 1:00pm or at the call of the chair meeting in room 200 of the State Office Building.

Introductions and of Overview of Side by Side document as well as conference summary document and spreadsheet.

The committee may review some same and similar language and possibly adopt some of these provisions


Presentation by the Department of Public Safety on Real ID legislative report
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 49
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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