Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Met Council overview (transportation area only): Testifying: Adam Duininck - Chair -introductory remarks Judd Schetnan - Government Affairs Director Brian Lamb, General Manager Metro Transit Arlene McCarthy, Director, Metropolitan Transportation Services
Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB) overview Testifying: Peter McLaughlin, Chair, Counties Transit Improvement Board and Hennepin County Commissioner
Additional testimony from Scott Schulte, Anoka County Commissioner
Suburban Transit Providers overview Testifying: Plymouth City Council Member - Jeff Wosje -Chair Suburban Transit Association and Chanhassen City Council Member - Jerry McDonald Vice-Chair Suburban Transit Association
MNDOT/DEED Freight Rail Economic Development Study: Bill Gardner, Director, MnDOT Freight Office Marnie Werner, Center for Rural Policy and Development (Published State of Rail Report in Jan 2015) Mark Wegner, President, Twin Cities & Western Railroad and President, Minnesota Regional Railroads Association Mike Beard, Former House Member and Chair
Link to MNDOT FRED Study Report and data: Link to FRED Legislative Report (more condensed version):
Airports overview: Cassandra Isackson, Director, MnDOT Aeronautics Office Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) overview: Mitchell Kilian, Director of Government Affairs, MAC Jeff Hamiel, Executive Director/CEO, MAC
MNDOT Study on Grade Crossing and Rail Safety for Oil and other Hazardous Materials. The complete study with appendices can be found at: (December 2014)
Testifying: Dave Christianson, MnDOT Rail Planner Bill Gardner, Director of MnDOT’s Freight Office Brian Sweeney, BNSF (Burlington Northern) John Apitz, Minnesota Regional Railroads Assc Lon Van Gemert , Progressive Rail Phillip Qualy, United Transportation Union David Brown, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
Matt Burress, House Research and Andrew Lee, House Fiscal Committee Staff will present a two part overview the first 2 days of committee hearings Mon. Jan 12th and Wed. Jan. 14th. Part 2: Transit & Other Finance: Transit Finance; Other Transportation Finance; Budgets; Recent History
Presentation overview on Minnesota’s Ports and Waterways Testifying: Randy Olson, Exec. Director, Port Authority of Red Wing Lorrie Louder, Senior VP of Business and Inter-Governmental Affairs, St Paul Port Authority Deb Deluca, Government and Environmental Affairs Director, Duluth Seaway Port Authority