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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Transportation Policy and Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 49
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Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The bills will be tentatively planned to be heard in the following order: HF516, HF441, HF710, HF324, HF594
Bills Added:
HF324 (Erhardt) - Motor vehicle registration tax amended.
HF441 (Swedzinski) - Rental motor vehicles tax dedicated to the corridors of commerce program.
HF516 (Lueck) - Motor vehicle tire sale estimated revenue allocated to the highway user tax distribution fund.
HF594 (Anderson) - Aviation tax on gasoline revenues dedicated as a substitute for aviation gasoline to the state airports fund.
HF710 (Koznick) - Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue allocation modified.
H0710A1.pdf (2/17/2015)
H0594DE1.pdf (2/18/2015)

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The order of the bills heard is tentatively planned as HF12, HF282, HF215, HF101 and HF404.
Bills Added:
HF12 (Cornish) - Blue Alert system created to aid in the apprehension of those who kill or injure law enforcement officers.
HF101 (Mahoney) - County consent on trunk highway projects provided.
HF215 (Howe) - Motor vehicle part sales estimated tax revenue allocated to the highway user tax distribution fund.
HF282 (Petersburg) - Corridors of commerce program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF404 (Carlson) - Infant and child car seats exempted from sales tax.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Governor's Budget Presentation
Commissioner Charles Zelle

The Governors 2015 Dept of Transportation budget document can be found at:


Transportation Policy and Finance

Overview and presentation of Governors budget by the Department of Public Safety of its transportation related functions:
Department of Public Safety Budget Overview (Transportation Accounts)
Commissioner Mona Dohman
Deputy Commissioner Mark Dunaski
Col. Matt Langer, State Patrol
Pat McCormack, Driver and Vehicle Services
Donna Berger, Office of Traffic Safety
Bruce West, Office of Pipeline Safety

Dawn Olson, MNLARS Program Director, DPS
Paul Meekin, CIO for DPS

Oil Transportation Preparedness Study
Deputy Commissioner Mark Dunaski, DPS
Joe Kelly, Director, Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Bruce West, State Fire Marshal

The 180 page report can be found at:

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Met Council Governor's Budget Presentation (Transportation related)
Adam Duininck, Chair, Metropolitan Council
Judd Schetnan, Government Affairs Director, Metropolitan Council

Greater Minnesota Transit Overview:
Marc Hall, President of Minnesota Public Transit Association , Director, Pipestone County Transit
Gary Ludwig, Executive Director, Trailblazer Joint Powers Board
Jack Larson, Executive Director, Arrowhead Transit
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 49
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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