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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Public Safety Finance and Policy

HF 2465 (Huot) Retired police officers permitted to be eligible to participate in state insurance program, program established for college degree holders to complete peace officer education and training, and money appropriated.

HF 2290 (Curran) No-knock search warrants prohibited.

HF 1836 (Hollins) Prosecutorial and law enforcement training funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2322 (Pinto) Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; responsibilities of Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.

*Discussion of HF 2322 will be confined to the provisions in the bill related to the Department of Public Safety.

HF 1415 (Curran) Funding provided for development of a curriculum to assist licensed therapists to gain skills to provide services to first responders, and money appropriated.

HF 2173 (Becker-Finn) Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians law enforcement modified, and requirements for Tribes to exercise concurrent law enforcement jurisdictional authority modified.

Anyone who would like to provide public testimony must sign up in advance by 10:30 AM on 3/14. Email the Committee Administrator to sign up. Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. Written Testimony is encouraged and must be submitted in word or PDF form to the Committee Administrator by 10:30 AM, 3/14.

*Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2465 (Huot) - Retired police officers permitted to be eligible to participate in state insurance program, program established for college degree holders to complete peace officer education and training, and money appropriated.
HF2290 (Curran) - No-knock search warrants prohibited.
HF1836 (Hollins) - Prosecutorial and law enforcement training funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2322 (Pinto) - Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; Departments of Education, Human Services, and Public Safety responsibilities transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
HF1415 (Curran) - Funding provided for development of a curriculum to assist licensed therapists to gain skills to provide services to first responders, and money appropriated.
HF2173 (Becker-Finn) - Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians law enforcement modified, and requirements for Tribes to exercise concurrent law enforcement jurisdictional authority modified.
H2465A1-2543034964312508455.pdf (3/14/2023)
H1415DE1-528832811183906678.pdf (3/14/2023)
H1836A1-10329488482655866047.pdf (3/14/2023)
H2173A1.pdf (3/14/2023)
H2290A1-10733124482938962253.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2465 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 1415 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2290 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 1836 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2322 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2322 House Research Summary.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2173 Bill Language.pdf (3/14/2023)
MN Police and Peace Officers Association Letter of Support HF 2465.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 1415 One Pager.pdf (3/14/2023)
City of Minnetonka Letter of Support HF 1415.pdf (3/14/2023)
Dakota County Sheriff Letter of Support HF 1415.pdf (3/14/2023)
National Tactical Officers Association Position on No-Knock Warrant Service (HF 2290).pdf (3/14/2023)
MCPA, MSA and MPPOA Letter of Opposition HF 2290.pdf (3/14/2023)
MCAA Training Grant One Pager HF 1836.pdf (3/14/2023)
AGO Letter of Support HF 1836.pdf (3/14/2023)
HF 2322 PowerPower Presentation.pdf (3/14/2023)
PN-3 Coalition Letter of Support HF 2322.pdf (3/14/2023)
Start Early Funders Letter of Support HF 2322.pdf (3/14/2023)
Advocate's Letter of Support for HF2322.pdf (3/14/2023)
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Letter of Support HF 2173.pdf (3/14/2023)
MN Chiefs of Police Association Letter of Support HF 2173.pdf (3/14/2023)
Committee Agenda 3.15.23.pdf (3/14/2023)
Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee Minutes 3.14.23.pdf (3/14/2023)
City of Minneapolis Letter of Support HF 2465.pdf (3/14/2023)
H1836A2-1475889699537026127.pdf (3/14/2023)
Joint Letter of Support HF 2322.pdf (3/14/2023)
Center for Victims of Torture Written Testimony HF 2290.pdf (3/15/2023)
DPS Letter of Support of HF 2173.pdf (3/15/2023)
HF 2173 House Research Summary.pdf (3/15/2023)
HF 1415 House Research Summary.pdf (3/15/2023)
HF 1836 House Research Summary.pdf (3/15/2023)
HF 2290 House Research Summary.pdf (3/15/2023)
HF2465 House Research Summary.pdf (3/15/2023)

Public Safety Finance and Policy

HF 81 (Jordan) Fish kills reporting and protocol development for state response required, and money appropriated. *

*Discussion to HF 81 will be confined to the fiscal appropriation to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

HF 181 (Vang) Reporting of crimes motivated by bias expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; and money appropriated.*

*No public testimony will be taken on HF 181. Public testimony was heard on Jan. 17th, 2023. Written testimony is encouraged.

HF 1877 (Becker-Finn) Definition of park zone modified in controlled substances law.

HF 1524 (Curran) Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's questioned identity process modified.*

HF 1648 (Curran) Outdated statutory language regarding duty of Office of Justice Programs clarified and removed to designate services to domestic abuse victims.*

HF 1647 (Curran) Prosecutors required to notify victims of plea, sentencing, and sentencing modification hearings.*

HF 1713 (Hollins) Ability of crime victims to access reimbursement program improved, and name of reparations program changed to reimbursement act.*

HF 1510 (Moller) Commissioner of public safety authorized to accept donations, nonfederal grants, bequests, and other gifts of money.*

HF 1777 (Curran) Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Advisory Group provided with more comprehensive use in its review of Bureau of Criminal Apprehension issues.*

HF 1759 (Huot) Minnesota Hazardous Materials Incident Response Act modified, bomb disposal cost reimbursement modified, and technical changes made related to smoke alarms.*

HF 2205 (Feist) Crime of computer theft modified to include copies of data.

* HF 1524, HF 1648, HF 1647, HF 1713, HF 1510, HF 1777, HF 1759 and HF 2205 will be combined into a DE amendment to HF 1510.

HF 1182 (Novotny) Grounds required for a peace officer to use deadly force modified.

Anyone who would like to provide public testimony must sign up in advance by 10:30 AM on 3/13. Email the Committee Administrator to sign up. Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. Written Testimony is encouraged and must be submitted in word or PDF form to the Committee Administrator by 10:30 AM, 3/13.

Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF181 (Vang) - Reporting of crimes motivated by bias expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; and money appropriated.
HF1877 (Becker-Finn) - Definition of park zone modified in controlled substances law.
HF1524 (Curran) - Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's questioned identity process modified.
HF1648 (Curran) - Outdated statutory language regarding duty of Office of Justice Programs clarified and removed to designate services to domestic abuse victims.
HF1647 (Curran) - Prosecutors required to notify victims of plea, sentencing, and sentencing modification hearings.
HF1713 (Hollins) - Ability of crime victims to access reimbursement program improved, and name of reparations program changed to reimbursement act.
HF1510 (Moller) - Public safety; various provisions modified relating to public safety commissioner authorization to accept donations or other gifts of money; Minnesota Hazardous Materials Incident Response Act; bomb disposal cost reimbursement; smoke alarms; questioned identity process; Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Advisory Group; victim notification of plea, sentencing, and sentencing modification hearings; and reimbursement act.
HF1777 (Curran) - Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Advisory Group provided with more comprehensive use in its review of Bureau of Criminal Apprehension issues.
HF1759 (Huot) - Minnesota Hazardous Materials Incident Response Act modified, bomb disposal cost reimbursement modified, and technical changes made related to smoke alarms.
HF2205 (Feist) - Crime of computer theft modified to include copies of data.
HF81 (Jordan) - Fish kills reporting and protocol development for state response required, and money appropriated.
HF1182 (Novotny) - Grounds required for a peace officer to use deadly force modified.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Department of Corrections Budget Overview Presentation

Office of the Ombuds for Corrections Budget Overview Presentation

HF 1816 (Wolgamott) The Redemption Project funding provided to assist inmates to transition from incarceration to the community, and money appropriated.

HF 505 (Noor) Incarcerated individual instruction for employment after incarceration and work release funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 1134 (Lee, F) Commissioner of management and budget required to submit evaluations of capital improvement project requests relating to jails to the legislature, study and report of county jails required by commissioner of corrections.

HF 2167 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) Supportive arts for incarcerated persons and persons on supervised release provided, reports required, and money appropriated.

HF 2282 (Finke) Department of Corrections' work release program expansion funding provided, and money appropriated.

Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. Written Testimony is encouraged and must be submitted in word or PDF form to the Committee Administrator by 10:30 AM, 3/9.

*Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1816 (Wolgamott) - The Redemption Project funding provided to assist inmates to transition from incarceration to the community, and money appropriated.
HF505 (Noor) - Incarcerated individual instruction for employment after incarceration and work release funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1134 (Lee) - Commissioner of management and budget required to submit evaluations of capital improvement project requests relating to jails to the legislature, and study and report of county jails required by commissioner of corrections.
HF2167 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) - Supportive arts for incarcerated persons and persons on supervised release provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2282 (Finke) - Department of Corrections' work release program expansion funding provided, and money appropriated.
H1134DE1-8576262431715596468.pdf (3/9/2023)
H1816A1-14929302576696585144.pdf (3/9/2023)
H0505DE1-5495171687243955103.pdf (3/9/2023)
H2167DE1-17710661924244036118.pdf (3/9/2023)
H2167A2-11327318540114211875.pdf (3/9/2023)
Ombuds for Corrections 24-25 Budget Presentation House (002).pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 1816 Bill Language.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 1816 House Research Summary.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 505 Bill Language.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 505 House Research Summary.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 1134 Bill Language.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 1134 House Research Summary.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 2167 Bill Language.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 2167 House Research Summary.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 2161 - A1.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 2282 Bill Language.pdf (3/9/2023)
HF 2282 House Research Summary.pdf (3/9/2023)
Art From the Inside Info Packet HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
Dr. Ann T Deiman-Thornton Letter of Support HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
MN Prison Writing Workshop Letter of Support HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
Roberto Lopez-Rios Impact Statement HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
Voices of Hope Letter of Support HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
What is Art Therapy HF 2167.pdf (3/9/2023)
NAMI MN Letter of Support HF 2282.pdf (3/9/2023)
Home for Good One Pager HF 2282.pdf (3/9/2023)
Supporting Home for Good and a New Vision for Safety in Minnesota HF 2282.pdf (3/9/2023)
Pathways to Employment Factsheet HF 505.pdf (3/9/2023)
H2167A3-9600509414900753698.pdf (3/9/2023)
The Redemption Project Flyer HF 1816.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Housing Stability Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Recruitment and Retention Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Facility Safety and Operations Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Sex Offense Treatment Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Successful Reentry Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Accountability and Transperancy Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Community Supervision Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Data Infrastructure Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Transformational Education Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Family Stabilization Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Health Services Factsheet.pdf (3/9/2023)
Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee Minutes 3.9.23 .pdf (3/9/2023)
Committee Agenda 3.10.23.pdf (3/9/2023)
DOC Budget Presentation 3.10.23.pdf (3/10/2023)

Public Safety Finance and Policy

HF 635 (Greenman) Election official intimidation prohibited, interference with performance of duty of election administration by election official prohibited, tampering with or unauthorized access to types of election systems and equipment prohibited, penalties provided, and money appropriated.*

HF 1234 (Her) Peace officer disability provisions modified, report required, and money appropriated.

HF 1370 (Stephenson) Cause of action for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established, crime of using deep fake technology to influence an election established, and crime for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established.

HF 1376 (Kozlowski) Reward fund established for information on missing and murdered Indigenous relatives, and money appropriated.

HF 2000 (Stephenson) Sports betting authorized and provided, licenses established, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, reports required, and money appropriated.

*Discussion for HF 635 will be limited to the provisions related to new crimes for intimidation and interference.

Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. Written Testimony is encouraged and must be submitted in word or PDF form to the Committee Administrator by 10:30 AM, 3/8.

Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF635 (Greenman) - Election official intimidation prohibited, interference with performance of duty of election administration by election official prohibited, tampering with or unauthorized access to types of election systems and equipment prohibited, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF1234 (Her) - Peace officer and firefighter duty disability provisions modified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1370 (Stephenson) - Cause of action for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established, crime of using deep fake technology to influence an election established, and crime for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established.
HF1376 (Kozlowski) - Reward fund established for information on missing and murdered Indigenous relatives, and money appropriated.
HF2000 (Stephenson) - Lawful gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests provided for and authorized, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling provided for and lawful gambling tax rates modified, pari-mutuel horse racing provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
H1234A1-2567191710785890994.pdf (3/8/2023)
H1234A3-10469850137943676324.pdf (3/8/2023)
H1370A4.pdf (3/8/2023)
H2000A6.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 635 Bill Language.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 635 House Research Summary.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 635 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1234 Bill Language.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1370 Bill Language.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1370 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 2000 Bill Language.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 2000 House Research Summary.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1376 Bill Language.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1376 House Research Summary.pdf (3/8/2023)
City of Minneapolis Letter of Support HF 635.pdf (3/8/2023)
HF 1234 One Pager.pdf (3/8/2023)
MN Sheriffs' Association Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
MN Fire Association Coalition Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
Association of Minnesota Counties Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
City of Rochester Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
City of St. Paul Fire Department Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
MN Chiefs of Police Association Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
NAMI MN Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
Joint City Letter of Support for HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
Office of Mayor Jacob Frey Letter of Support HF 1234.pdf (3/8/2023)
Organization for Social Media Safety Written Testimony HF 1370.pdf (3/8/2023)
MIGA Sports Betting Letter of Support HF 2000.pdf (3/8/2023)
MN Sports Teams Written Testimony HF 2000.pdf (3/8/2023)
A23-0059.pdf (3/8/2023)
Committee Agenda 3.9.23.pdf (3/8/2023)
Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee Minutes 3.7.23 .pdf (3/8/2023)
HCAPE Written Testimony HF 1234.pdf (3/9/2023)

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Budget Presentation.

Presentation on POST Board Rules Relating to Education and Licensing of Peace Officers.

HF 855 (Frazier) Public safety innovation board established, community safety grants provided, law enforcement grants and policy provided, reports required, rulemaking provided, and money appropriated.

HF 538 (Frazier) Peace Officer Standards and Training Board required to revise standards of conduct for peace officers.

HF 25 (Frazier) Violent crime reduction and clearance support account established to support violent crime reduction strategies, grants established for crime and violence prevention and for evidence-processing technology and crisis response teams, supplemental funding provided for the force investigations unit, special revenue accounts established, report required, money transferred, and money appropriated. *

HF 2253 (Novotny) Use of force training reimbursement program established, and money appropriated.

* Public testimony will not be taken on HF 25. Public testimony was taken on Jan. 19th, 2023. Written testimony is still encouraged.

Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. Written Testimony is encouraged and must be submitted in word or PDF form to the Committee Administrator by 10:30 AM, 3/6.

*Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF855 (Frazier) - Public safety innovation board established, community safety grants provided, body camera data storage provided, law enforcement policy provided, law enforcement civilian oversight provided, report required, rulemaking provided, and money appropriated.
HF538 (Frazier) - Peace officers prohibited from joining or supporting hate or extremist groups or criminal gangs; and revocation, suspension, or denial of peace officer license for hate or extremist group or criminal gang activity provided.
HF25 (Frazier) - Violent crime reduction and clearance support account established, grants established for crime and violence prevention and for evidence-processing technology and crisis response teams, supplemental funding provided for the force investigations unit, special revenue accounts established, report required, money transferred, and money appropriated.
HF2253 (Novotny) - Use of force training reimbursement program established, and money appropriated.
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