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Audio/Video Archives - 2009-2010 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

Delete-all amendment to HF2314 (the division supplemental budget) will be posted early Wednesday
Bills Added:
HF2314 (Wagenius) - Natural Resources, Water and Soil Resources, and Pollution Control Agency funding provided to post budgets on Web sites.

Environment Policy and Oversight

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Bills Added:
HF3367 (Bunn) - Solid waste disposal facility requirements modified.
HF1734 (Lanning) - Basin board establishment and taxing authority authorized.
HF2659 (Juhnke) - Discharge permit requirements for feedlots modified.
HF3459 (Sailer) - Local ordinance adoption requirements delayed regarding subsurface sewage treatment systems, and advisory committee requirements modified.
HF3494 (Eken) - Wetland value replacement plans provisions modified.
HF3482 (Persell) - Ponto Lake Township, Cass County; aquatic management area designation provided.

Commerce and Labor

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NOTE: HF612 (Lesch) and HF2163 (Loeffler) have been returned to the committee under rule 4.20. As such, the committee will spend a very limited amount of time on the bills.
Bills Added:
HF2402 (Gardner) - Lead acid battery recycling, purchase, return, and collection regulated, and certain charges modified.
HF2945 (Mahoney) - State Building Code municipal enforcement provisions modified.
HF3363 (Davids) - Petroleum storage tank requirements modified.
HF3097 (Juhnke) - Private shared services regulated, and regulatory provisions modified.
HF3076 (Juhnke) - Elevator provisions modified.
HF3245 (Atkins) - Interstate health insurance choice created, and flexible benefit plans regulated.
HF3186 (Atkins) - Minneapolis liquor license provision clarified, certain insurance requirements modified, and State Agriculture Society authorized to license and regulate tobacco sales on State Fairgrounds.
HF3398 (Atkins) - Former employees provided option to bypass continuation coverage and obtain low-cost immediate conversion health insurance coverage from their former employer's insurer.
HF2941 (Anzelc) - Dental insurance provider agreements regulated.
HF612 (Lesch) - Sick leave minimum standards established.
HF3362 (Davids) - Petroleum tank release provisions modified.
HF3210 (Davids) - Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association provisions modified.
HF2600 (Mullery) - Licensing and regulation provided for an individual engaged in the business of a mortgage loan originator or the mortgage loan business, conforming and transitional provisions provided, and money appropriated.
HF3170 (Davnie) - Payday lending regulated.
HF2163 (Loeffler) - Small employer health insurance market expanded, and small employer health coverage standard application form development process created.
HF3293 (Clark) - State building Code amended, and licensing requirements modified.
HF3237 (Huntley) - Health care provisions changed relating to education plan requirements, health access program, Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, long term care, asset transfers, clinics, dental benefits, prior authorization, drug formulary and administrative committees, preferred drugs, multisource drugs, health plans, claims against the state, eligibility standards, and prepaid health plans.
HF3518 (Seifert) - Liquor license fees amended for manufacturers, and an appropriation for alcohol enforcement reduced.
HF3251 (Lillie) - Portable electronics insurance regulated.

State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections

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Confirmation of appointments to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board: Greg McCullough, John J. Scanlon.
Bills Added:
HF2703 (Greiling) - Board of Teaching rulemaking authority clarified.
HF2840 (Swails) - Collaborative governance council established.
HF2360 (Davnie) - Minneapolis; Special School District No. 1; two member appointment provided on the Minneapolis redistricting commission, and standards established.
HF3066 (Thissen) - Administrative expense data reporting required, the Advisory Group on Administrative Expenses established, and money appropriated.
HF3096 (Pelowski) - Rehabilitation facility, extended employment provider, and day training and habilitation service program provisions changed.
HF1889 (Thissen) - Public employees authorized to buy into the state long-term care insurance program.
HF3475 (Dittrich) - Independent agency created to oversee management of Minnesota's permanent school fund lands.
HF1503 (Abeler) - Massage therapist registration provided.
HF3468 (Poppe) - Town meeting minutes provided.

Transportation Finance and Policy Division

Bills Added:
HF2591 (Lieder) - Local bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance Division

NOTE: Passage of the bill
Bills Added:
HF3449 (Kahn) - State government programs or activities money appropriated or reduced, and provisions changed relating to expenses of governor-elect, income earned by the permanent school fund, lease-purchase agreements, general services, resource recovery, payment of aids and credits to school districts, tax return preparers, and implied consent.

Public Safety Finance Division

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Copies of the proposed bill and spreadsheet are available in the 5th Floor State Office Building lobby area.
Time will be set aside for public comment. Please contact Libby Wyrum at 651-296-4141 to be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1270 (Paymar) - Short-term offender pilot project development required, county of community corrections departments authorized to develop pilot-project for short-term offender commitments, and reports provided.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

PUBLIC TESTIMONY on HF 802 (Murphy) - GAMC Reform Bill. Please contact Jan Horner at 651-296-5496 to testify. Please limit to testimony to 5 minutes per person.
Bills Added:
HF2895 (Juhnke) - ICF/MR variable payment rates modified, and money appropriated.
HF802 (Murphy) - Mental health urgent care and psychiatric consultation required, hospital payment rates reduced, covered services changed, transfers allowed, general assistance medical care program created, coordinated care delivery systems required, temporary uncompensated care pool and prescription drug pool created, and money appropriated.

Public Safety Policy and Oversight

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NOTE: Seizure and forfeiture issues will be dealt with first.
House Files 2990, 2707, 3300, 3315 are pending referral.
House Files 67, 212, 728, 971,1120 are bills that were included in the Public Safety Policy Omnibus bill as it passed off the House Floor but were not included in the Conference Committee Report. The committee will limit itself to procedural action to send these bills to the General Register.
House Files 3382 and 3447 are division reports.
House File 582 was heard and passed in committee last session and sent to the General Register. The committee will limit itself to procedural action to send this bill to Finance.
Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF2610 (Mullery) - Property forfeiture provisions changed, and sale of forfeited property by law enforcement officers, employees, and family members.
HF2989 (Liebling) - Forfeiture provisions recodified and consolidated while making numerous substantive and technical changes.
HF2992 (Champion) - Human Rights Act technical amendments made.
HF3479 (Rosenthal) - Office of Administrative Hearings authorized to review driver's license revocation or disqualification and motor vehicle plate impoundment resulting from implied consent violations.
HF3333 (Hilstrom) - Criminal penalty increased for assaulting a vulnerable adult, and criminal penalties provided.
HF3321 (Lesch) - Collection of fees allowed under the license reinstatement diversion pilot program to be extended for 18 months.
HF2757 (Kahn) - Weight of water used in a controlled substance filtration device established when determining weight or amount of controlled substance.
HF3457 (Hilstrom) - Indeterminate sentencing expanded for sex offenders with prior convictions for certain predatory offenses.
HF3496 (Hilstrom) - Registration required for persons convicted or adjudicated in another country for offenses requiring registration in Minnesota, registration time period of predatory offender restarts after conviction of new crime clarified; attempt, aiding and abetting, and conspiracy to commit crimes against persons included for purposes of registration for predatory offender registration law.
HF2990 (Hilstrom) - State Guardian Ad Litem Board established and money appropriated.
HF2975 (Lanning) - Salvia divinorum sale and possession crime established, and penalty provided.
HF3410 (Kelly) - County and regional jails authorized to house offenders from other states.
HF67 (Mullery) - Gross misdemeanor created for assaulting a utility employee or contractor.
HF212 (Simon) - Pretrial filing prerequisite of a transcript eliminated for admission into evidence of law enforcement vehicle recordings.
HF728 (Mullery) - Animal fighting device or substance possession prohibited.
HF971 (Bigham) - Predatory offender registration time period rule clarified.
HF1120 (Kath) - Public safety; comprehensive incident-based reporting system data use delineated.
HF2707 (Mullery) - Juvenile delinquency provisions modified to include stays of adjudication of delinquency, and juvenile delinquency continuance period duration extended.
HF3300 (Morrow) - Civilly committed sex offenders, sexually dangerous persons, and sexual psychopathic personalities provisions modified, and judicial holds in commitment cases provisions amended.
HF2991 (Hilstrom) - Court authorized to furnish any electronic copies of documents to public defender at no charge.
HF3427 (Winkler) - Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management Act of 2010 enacted, and administrative, programmatic, technical, and clarifying changes made.
HF3382 (Lesch) - Public hearings and public access to juvenile records governing provisions modified, expungement authorized of certain juvenile records, and human services commissioner authorized to grant set of asides or variances for certain individuals disqualified from licensure because of an offense as a juvenile.
HF3447 (Bigham) - DNA collection from offenders authorized.
HF3315 (Bigham) - Criminal penalty provisions modified, participation in comprehensive incident-based reporting system provided, and silencers for wildlife control use extended.
HF3526 (Paymar) - Parole board established and membership duties and powers prescribed, and eligibility of individual to be considered for parole prescribed, and money appropriated.
HF582 (Lesch) - Defendant waiver of jury trial requirement changed.
HF2819 (Mullery) - Public access to certain juvenile records modified and release of records limited.
HF3352 (Lesch) - Fire safety provisions modified to require state fire marshal to coordinate investigation of fatal fires, and obsolete, redundant, or unnecessary language clarified.

K-12 Education Policy and Oversight

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Bills Added:
HF3163 (Mariani) - Prekindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided, including general education, education excellence, and special programs.
HF3541 (Mariani) - Legislative authority required for developing shared common assessments.

Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight

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Bills Added:
HF1680 (Clark) - Minnesota legislature resolved to apologize on behalf of citizens of the state to all persons with mental illness and development and other disabilities who have been wrongfully committed to state institutions.
HF3212 (Simon) - Continuing education requirements exception provided for licensed professional counselors.
HF3634 (Kulick Jackson) - License revocation and license denial required for any health-related licensed professional convicted of a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense.
HF3347 (Urdahl) - School concession stands established as a specific category of food and beverage service establishments.
HF2450 (Doty) - Personal care assistance program modified.
HF3264 (Hosch) - Personal care assistant services modified.
HF3252 (Hosch) - Medical assistance asset limits modified, and notice required regarding asset requirements in certain circumstances.
HF3442 (Hosch) - License and registration fees increased for home care providers, nursing assistant registration fee created, housing with services establishments and personal care assistants modified, rate reduction provided for customized living services, phase-in for nursing facility rate rebasing changed, and nursing facility rate provisions changed.

Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight

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Bills Added:
HF3237 (Huntley) - Health care provisions changed relating to education plan requirements, health access program, Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, long term care, asset transfers, clinics, dental benefits, prior authorization, drug formulary and administrative committees, preferred drugs, multisource drugs, health plans, claims against the state, eligibility standards, and prepaid health plans.
HF3405 (Eken) - Commissioner's state medical review team duties modified.
HF3157 (Mahoney) - Parent notification of child maltreatment in a school facility modified.
HF3056 (Norton) - Provider peer grouping timelines and system modified, and agricultural cooperative health plan for farmers provision added.
HF3476 (Laine) - Lodging establishments definitions modified.
HF3250 (Thissen) - PACE programs authorization modified, and money appropriated.
HF2761 (Kahn) - Health plan coverage work group established for clinical trials, and findings and recommendations required.
HF3512 (Hansen) - Indoor ice arenas required to have electronic air monitoring devices, and electronic air monitoring device required for indoor ice arena facility construction and renovation grants.
HF3300 (Morrow) - Civilly committed sex offenders, sexually dangerous persons, and sexual psychopathic personalities provisions modified, and judicial holds in commitment cases provisions amended.

K-12 Education Policy and Oversight

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MDE presentation: The ACCESS System: Achieving College and Career Readiness for Every Student's Success
The presentation of HF3421 will be discussion-only.
Bills Added:
HF3421 (Mariani) - High school assessments established to determine college and career readiness.

Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division

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Bills Added:
HF1354 (Clark) - Nonprofit housing bonds authorized, and money appropriated.

Cultural and Outdoor Resources Finance Division

Explanation, discussion and vote on Division's Omnibus Supplemental Budget bill (HF 3015)
(2) Committee activity on Legislative Audit Report: Natural Resources Land (time permitting)

To sign up to testify, please contact Charlotte Antin at or 651-296-5360.
Bills Added:
HF3015 (Murphy) - Film production cost reimbursement provided.

Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division

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Bills Added:
HF3221 (Holberg) - Town road extinguishment nullification procedures amended.
HF2561 (Kalin) - North Branch; Veterans Memorial Bridge on marked Trunk Highway 95 designated.
HF2575 (Kalin) - North Branch; Corporal Johnathan Benson Memorial Highway designated.
HF1000 (Norton) - Highway 14 designated as Black and Yellow Trail.
HF3462 (Rosenthal) - Driver's license cancellation provided for failure to pay final installment of driver's license reinstatement fee and surcharges.
SF2572 (Hosch) - Vehicle impoundment notice time clarified.
HF3420 (Holberg) - Medical examination requirements conformed for commercial driver's license to federal law.
HF3506 (Swails) - Washington County; portion of fines and civil penalties imposed for excessive weight violations in Washington County allocated to Washington County.
HF3458 (Shimanski) - Minnesota Department of Transportation roundabout design provided.
Bills Added:
HF1718 (Clark) - Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.
HF3286 (Hornstein) - Metropolitan Council best value contracts and procurement for transit vehicles authorized.
HF2963 (Fritz) - Steele County; speed limit set on portion of County Highway 19.
HF3450 (Holberg) - Priced highway lane governing requirements modified.
HF3461 (Hornstein) - Skyway access requirements established for stations on the Central Corridor light rail transit line.
HF3460 (Hornstein) - Motor vehicle fleet definition changed to conform to International Registration Plan for commercial motor vehicles.

Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs

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HFXXXX (Newton) Providing an official method for folding the Minnesota State Flag.
Bills Added:
HF3508 (Juhnke) - Veterans Preference Act provisions clarified and amended.
HF3403 (Faust) - "IRAQ WAR VET" and "AFGHAN WAR VET" license plates eligibility clarified.
HF2567 (Morrow) - Gold Star motor vehicle license plate eligibility extended to include children and siblings of persons who have died while serving in active military service.
HF3497 (Hansen) - Tree care and tree trimming company registration required, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated.

Civil Justice

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*HF3317 (Mullery) Collection, dissemination, disclosure, and use of data regulated, temporary classification provisions amended, and changes made--will be substituted as a Delete-all amendment to SF863.
Bills Added:
HF1395 (Mullery) - Tax-forfeited property use and conveyance procedures modified.
HF3134 (Hornstein) - Probate and intestate rights established for domestic partners.
HF3135 (Simon) - Wrongful death actions by domestic partners provided, and witness privilege and crime victim rights for domestic partners established.
HF890 (Simon) - Parentage presumption and right to custody provisions modified and clarified, and prebirth parentage orders or judgments provided in certain cases.
HF2881 (Kath) - Qualified persons with medical training or supervision authorized to take blood samples from DWI offenders, and legal immunity provided.
HF2709 (Norton) - Volunteer protections during an emergency or disaster modified, and immunity specified for certain entities.
HF3391 (Olin) - Children in need of protection or service provisions modified.
HF2899 (Pelowski) - Administrative remedy provided for certain data practice law violations, data sharing agreement provided with the department of education, civil penalty provided, and money appropriated.
HF3086 (Thissen) - Access to health records provided to surviving domestic partners, and domestic partners included in provisions governing health care rights, consent to autopsies, and anatomical gifts.
HF2855 (Gunther) - Boiler provisions modified and civil and criminal penalties amended and imposed.
HF3052 (Abeler) - Nonrecourse presettlement funding transactions regulated.
HF2938 (Thissen) - Persons with disabilities licensure programs and provisions modified.
HF2707 (Mullery) - Juvenile delinquency provisions modified to include stays of adjudication of delinquency, and juvenile delinquency continuance period duration extended.
HF3023 (Holberg) - Business screening services regulated, and correction and deletion of certain criminal records provided.
HF3361 (Holberg) - Domestic abuse or sexual attack programs exempted from data practice requirements, and data classified.
HF3383 (Holberg) - Data classification established of private for vehicle information in orders for protection or no contact orders.
SF863 (Mullery) - Omnibus government data classifications provisions bill.
HF2988 (Pelowski) - Minnesota Data Practices Act provision added on computer data, and state agency use of temporary session cookies on government Web sites clarified.
HF3336 (Simon) - Right of first refusal offers modified for property obtained with federal transit funding.
HF3079 (Hortman) - Permitting efficiency provided, and environmental review provisions modified.

Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division

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Bills Added:
HF2960 (Paymar) - Background check required for transfer of a firearm at a gun show and penalty provided.
HF3382 (Lesch) - Public hearings and public access to juvenile records governing provisions modified, expungement authorized of certain juvenile records, and human services commissioner authorized to grant set of asides or variances for certain individuals disqualified from licensure because of an offense as a juvenile.
HF1396 (Paymar) - Domestic abuse; courts authorized to include pets and companion animals in protective orders.
HF3447 (Bigham) - DNA collection from offenders authorized.

State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF2907 (Johnson) - State goals set for the deployment and speed of high-speed broadband.
HF3096 (Pelowski) - Rehabilitation facility, extended employment provider, and day training and habilitation service program provisions changed.
HF2954 (Dill) - General burning permits provided, forestry service fees establishment authority modified, forest management lease pilot project modified, timber sales provisions modified, and certain pilot projects and reports eliminated.
HF3065 (Simon) - Securities lending agreements and holding of municipal funds provided.
HF3292 (Davnie) - Hennepin County; business entity participation authorized for certain energy-related purposes.
HF2786 (Reinert) - Duluth; membership rules provided for the Spirit Mountain Recreation Area Authority.
HF2949 (Gardner) - Treatment works allocation and interceptors reserved capacity costs provisions modified.
HF3147 (Kulick Jackson) - Assessor duties specified.
HF3335 (Poppe) - Mower County; process provided for making office of county recorder appointive.
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