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Audio/Video Archives - 2009-2010 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 1358
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K-12 Education Policy and Oversight

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SciMathMN presentation on setting priorities for STEM education, recommendations from Minnesota's TIMSS participation
Discussion of Math and Science Teacher Academies

Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight

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HF328 (E. Murphy) Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified
HF247 (Thissen) Long-term care savings plan provided and income tax subtraction provided for contributions made to the long-term care savings plan
HF337 (Fritz) Home care tax credit established, long-term consultation team amended, and caregiver burden scale established
HF42 (Thissen) Four-month waiting period waived for unemployed persons for MinnesotaCare, and money appropriated

HF327 (E. Murphy) has been removed from the agenda

Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight

Sexual violence prevention, an overview
HF587 (E. Murphy) Sexual violence prevention demonstration grant funding provided, and money appropriated --Informational hearing only
HF550 (Ruud) Sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy prevented, sexually transmitted infection prevalence and health care system cost studied, responsible family life and sexuality education program created, and money appropriated
*Note--Testimony to HF550 will be limited to sections 2 and 3 of the bill

K-12 Education Policy and Oversight

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation of Governor's State of Minnesota Mid-Career Alternative Route to Teaching (SMART) proposal

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

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Governor's budget recommendations - Department of Human Services

Housing Finance and Policy and Public Health Finance Division

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Presentations from health-related boards
HF680 (Kalin) Use of federal stimulus funding for energy programs allocated.

Cultural and Outdoor Resources Finance Division

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Grant Management in Minnesota
1) Office of Grants Management
2) Office of the Legislative Auditor

Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division

MnDOT Update on Statewide Rail Plan
HF267 (Hortman) Motor vehicle restraint required for child passengers under the age of eight and shorter than 4 feet 9 inches tall

Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs

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HF510 (Juhnke) Pesticide control law, and the fertilizer, soil and plant amendment law provisions changed.
HF598 (Eken) Nursery law provisions changed.
HF280 (Otremba) MinnesotaCare; Resubmission for federal approval requested of the elimination of depreciation add-back for self-employed farmers.

HF564 (Urdahl) has been removed from the agenda.

Civil Justice

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation from MN Courts on Civil Penalties;
HF334 (Hilstrom) Prejudgment garnishment prohibited in certain circumstances.

K-12 Education Finance Division

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Current and potential student assessment costs

Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continued testimony on the 2009 agriculture special appropriation bill.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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2009-10 Permanent House Rules

Ways and Means

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF392 (Lenczewski) Internal Revenue Code federal update made.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Commissioner of Revenue's presentation of governor's budget, continued. Public testimony will be taken.

Property and Local Sales Tax Division

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HF393 (Johnson) Land constituting an intermediate airport reattached to the city and school district where the property is located.
HF27 (Brod) Taxable value limited for reconstructed homes in a disaster area.
HF151 (Mahoney) Apprenticeship training facilities property tax exemption extended to land on which the building is located.
HF136 (Koenen) Emergency services special taxing district sunset date eliminated


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Commissioner of Revenue's presentation of governor's budget, continued. Public testimony will be taken.

Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division

Dairy Day at the Capitol:
We will hear from the Department of Ag and dairy groups on the state of the dairy industry in Minnesota.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

HF18 (Hansen) Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council support provided.
Report to Minnesotans on the MN Pollution Control Agency outcomes from the current budget.

K-12 Education Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF2 (Greiling) School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
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