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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division


2007-2008 Regular Session - Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Chair Huntley began the twenty-eighth meeting at 12:37 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was not present.

HF 586 (Bly) - Rice County nursing facilities designated as metro for determining reimbursement rates.

Rep. Bly gave a brief presentation of his bill. Also testifying were:

Kyle Nordeen, Northfield Retirement Community
Patricia Vincent, Northfield Retirement Community

A quorum present at 12:46 p.m., the Chair formally called the meeting to order. The clerk noted the roll:

Members present:

Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Hosch, Larry, Vice-Chair
Abeler, Jim
Anderson, Bruce
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Erickson, Sondra
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Liebling, Tina
Loeffler, Diane
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul
Walker, Neva

Rep. Fritz moved HF 586 before the Division for consideration and further moved the H0586DE1 amendment. Discussion followed and the H0586DE1 amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Bob Hill, Department of Human Services, came to the table to respond to questions.

Upon no further discussion, Rep. Fritz moved HF 586, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

HF 2149 (Lenczewski) - Hennepin County nursing facility property payment rate increased.

The Chair moved HF 2149 before the Division for consideration. Rep. Lenczewski introduced Jonathan E. Lundberg, CEO, MN Masonic Homes, who testified on behalf of their Bloomington campus.

Discussion followed. Chair Huntley moved HF 2149 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

Rep. Murphy moved approval of the March 20 minutes. The motion prevailed.

HF 1720 (Lenczewski) - Hennepin County nursing facility reimbursement rates increased.

The Chair moved HF 1720 before the Division for consideration and Rep. Lenczewski introduced David Shaw, Administrator, Martin Luther Manor, who testified to the bill. Discussion followed and Chair Huntley moved HF 1720 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

Chair Huntley announced the 9th grade students in the audience from St. Louis Park High School who were participating in the Minnesota Historical Society Capitol Historic Site's "Voice of the People: Your Role in Minnesota Government" tour and education program.

HF 450 (Peterson, A.) - Big Stone County nursing facility planned closure rate adjustment authorized.

Chair Huntley moved the bill before the Division. Rep. Peterson gave a brief presentation and introduced Todd Howell, Administrator of Graceville Health Center, who testified to the bill. Discussion followed.

Rep. Peterson moved an oral amendment as follows:

line 1.12, after the period insert "The effective date shall be retroactive from August 4, 2005."

The Chair renewed the motion on the oral amendment and the oral amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Chair Huntley moved HF 450, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

HF 1812 (Carlson) - Robbinsdale nursing home bed moratorium exception provided

Chair Huntley moved HF 1812 before the Division. Rep. Carlson gave a brief presentation of his bill. Testifying in favor of the bill was:

Sharon St. Mary, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Society, University Specialty
Center, Minneapolis

Jerry Zubar, architect of the new facility was available for questions as well.

Discussion followed and the Chair moved HF 1812 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

HF 1620 (Kalin) - Chisago County nursing facilities payment rates increased to geographic group III median rate.

The Chair moved HF 1620 before the Division. Rep. Kalin made a brief presentation of the bill. Also testifying in favor of the bill was:

Mary Cordts, Director, Parmly Senior Center, Center City

The Chair moved HF 1620 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

HF 1804 (Faust) - Kanabec County nursing facility rate increase authorized.

Testifying with Rep. Faust was:

Jack L'Heureux, Administrator, Villa Health Care Center, Mora

The Chair moved HF 1804 before the Division and further moved the H1804DE1 amendment. On a voice vote, the motion prevailed.

Rep. Faust made closing remarks and Chair Huntley moved HF 1804, as amended, be laid over for possible consideration in the final omnibus bill.

HF 1836 (Thissen) - Nursing facility rate increase provided for the costs of code compliance, reports required, and money appropriated.

Rep. Thissen moved HF 1836 before the Division and further moved the H1836DE1 amendment. Testifying on the bill was:

Patti Cullen, Care Providers of MN, on behalf of the Long Term Care Imperative

Rep. Thissen made additional comments and discussion followed.

The H1836DE1 amendment was adopted on a voice vote. More discussion followed and Chair Huntley moved HF 1836, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

HF 636 (Dittrich) - Pediatric dentist participation in a state health care program definition modified.

The Chair moved HF 636 before the Division and Rep. Dittrich made a brief presentation.

Discussion followed with Dominic Sposeto of the Minnesota Dental Association responding to questions.

Discussion continued and Chair Huntley moved HF 636 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.

Chair Huntley made announcements regarding the upcoming omnibus bill and the anticipated schedule and adjourned the meeting at 2:02 p.m.

Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..

HF586 (Bly) Rice County nursing facilities designated as metro for determining reimbursement rates.
HF450 (Peterson, A) Big Stone County nursing facility planned closure rate adjustment authorized.
HF1812 (Carlson) Robbinsdale nursing home bed moratorium exception provided.
HF1620 (Kalin) Chisago County nursing facilities payment rates increased to geographic group III median rate.
HF2149 (Lenczewski) Hennepin County nursing facility property payment rate increased.
HF1720 (Lenczewski) Hennepin County nursing facility reimbursement rates increased.
HF1804 (Faust) Kanabec County nursing facility rate increase authorized.
HF1836 (Thissen) Nursing facility rate increase provided for the costs of code compliance, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF636 (Dittrich) Pediatric dentist participation in a state health care program definition modified.

HF1289 (Heidgerken) removed from the agenda.
HF1988 (Abeler) removed from the agenda.