Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Huntley called the thirtieth meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. on Monday, March 26, 2007, in Room 10 of the State Office Building. A quorum was present. The clerk noted the roll:
Members present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Hosch, Larry, Vice-Chair
Abeler, Jim
Anderson, Bruce
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Erickson, Sondra
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Liebling, Tina
Loeffler, Diane
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul
Walker, Neva
Rep. Abeler moved approval of the March 24 minutes. The motion prevailed.
HF 601 (Walker) - Crisis nursery grant program established, and money appropriated.
Rep. Walker moved HF 601 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Testifying to the bill was:
Mary Pat Lee, Director, Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery
There being no discussion, Chair Huntley moved HF 601 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.
HF 605 (Walker) - Human services programs, Minnesota Family Investment Program, and child care provisions modified; and money appropriated.
Rep. Walker moved HF 605 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. Testifying to the bill were:
Trishalla Bell, Affirmative Options Coalition
Deborah Schlick, Affirmative Options Coalition
Rep. Walker moved the
A07-0560 amendment. Discussion and testimony:
Ann Sessoms, Department of Human Services
Kate Lerner, Director, MACSSA
There being no further discussion, the motion prevailed and the
A07-0560 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Hosch moved and explained the
07-3450 amendment and an author's amendment as follows:
Page 41, after line 32, insert lines 1.4 through 1.17 from HF 2042 (
07-3450), and renumber the sections accordingly.
Discussion continued and upon there being no further discussion, the motion prevailed and the
07-3450 and author's amendments were adopted.
Discussion continued on the bill and Ann Sessoms came to the table to respond to questions.
Deborah Schlick, Affirmative Options Coalition, came to the table also.
There being no further discussion, the Chair moved HF 605, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2111 (Hosch) - Workforce U; Minnesota Family Investment Program pilot program established, and money appropriated.
Rep. Hosch moved HF 2111 before the Division and made a brief presentation. Also testifying were:
Phil Nelson, Program Manager, Workforce U
Jerome Mattern, Chair, Employer, Workforce U
Discussion followed and Rep. Hosch moved an oral amendment: line 1.14, delete "expanding the program statewide" and insert "possible statewide implementation" The motion prevailed. The oral amendment was adopted.
Upon there being no further discussion, Chair Huntley moved HF 2111, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2005 (Ruud) - Kinship navigator program established for grandparents and relatives raising related children, and money appropriated.
Rep. Ruud moved HF 2005 before the Division for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. Testifying were:
Sharon Durken, Executive Director, MN Kinship Caregivers
Dr. Lee Antell, President and CEO, MN Kinship Caregivers, on behalf of grandparents
who are raising grandchildren
At 9:40 a.m. Representative Murphy assumed the gavel and testimony continued on the bill:
Peter Banovetz, Board Member, MN Kinship Caregivers
Sharon Olson, Vice President, MN Kinship Caregivers
There being no further discussion, Rep. Ruud renewed her motion that HF 2005 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
At 9:50 a.m. Chair Murphy announced a recess until 10:00 a.m.
At 10:00 a.m. Vice Chair Hosch assumed the gavel.
HF 1023 (Slawik) - Child support enforcement programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
Testifying were:
Judith Brumfield, Assistant Community Services Director, AMC, MICA, MACSSA
Jean Diederich, Chief Support Officer, Hennepin County and President AFSCME
Local 34 and Member, Council 5 Executive Board
Susan Gaertner, Ramsey County Attorney
Rep. Slawik made closing comments and Vice Chair Hosch moved HF 1023 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1290 (Slawik) - Child safety system and child safety fund established, reports required, and money appropriated.
Rep. Slawik moved HF 1290 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Also testifying were:
Victoria Reinhardt, Ramsey County Commissioner, representing MACSSA, AMC and
Judith Brunfield (see above)
Discussion occurred with closing comments by Rep. Slawik who renewed her motion that HF 1290 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1722 (Murphy) - Pharmacy dispensing fee modified.
Rep. Murphy moved HF 1722 before the Division for consideration in the omnibus bill. Testifying in favor of the bill was:
Dr. Stephen W. Schondelmeyer, MN Pharmacy Payment Reform Advisory Committee
Rep. Murphy renewed her motion that HF 1722 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2317 (Loeffler) - Hennepin County new chance program for young parents funding provided, and money appropriated.
Rep. Loeffler moved the bill before the Division for consideration and gave a brief presentation. Also testifying were:
Hiatia Small, Case Manager, New Chance Program
Jackie Range, Director, New Chance Program
Discussion followed and Rep. Gottwalt moved an oral amendment:
line 1.10, delete "and"
line 1.11, after “participants" insert “and benefits savings to the state"
The motion prevailed. The oral amendment was adopted. Rep. Loeffler renewed her motion that HF 2317, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.
At 11:03 a.m. Vice Chair Hosch recessed the Division.
At 11:10 a.m. Rep. Liebling assumed the gavel.
HF 1169 (Walker) - Child welfare, placement, and licensing provisions modified.
Rep. Walker moved the bill before the Division and further moved the
H1169A6 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted. Rep. Walker then moved the SCS1221A-7 amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Walker renewed her motion that HF 1169, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
Chair Liebling recessed the Division until 6:00 p.m.
At 6:30 p.m. Chair Liebling resumed the Division meeting in Room 10 of the State Office Building.
HF 655 (Huntley) - Medicinal use of marijuana authorized, civil and criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 655 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance, and further moved the
H0655A14 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted. Representative Huntley presented his bill and testifying in opposition to the bill were:
James Backstrom, Dakota County Attorney
Tim O’Malley, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Susan Klang, Hospice Nurse, Rosemount
Discussion occurred on the bill with bill proponent Tom Lehman, representing Minnesotans for Compassionate Care, coming to the table to respond to questions of members.
Also testifying in opposition to the bill:
Robert Bushman, Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association
At 7:13 p.m. Chair Liebling laid the bill on the table.
HF 2254 (Ruth) - Waseca County nursing facility payment rates modified for services to ventilator-dependent persons.
Rep. Thao moved the bill before the Division for consideration and Rep. Ruth gave a brief presentation of her bill.
Rep. Thao further moved the
H2254A1 amendment and the motion prevailed. Testifying on behalf of the bill was:
Peter Madel, Jr. CEO, Lakeshore Inn Skilled Nursing Facility, Waseca
Rep. Thao renewed his motion that HF 2254, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1619 (Hilstrom) - Incarcerated individuals allowed to remain eligible for medical assistance until conviction.
Chair Liebling moved the bill before the Division for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and further moved the
H1619DE1 amendment. The motion prevailed. Testifying was:
Ron Wiborg, Hennepin County Community Corrections
Discussion occurred and Chair Liebling renewed her motion that HF 1619, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2004 (Atkins) - Communities for a Lifetime Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
Rep. Thao moved HF 2004 before the Division for possible inclusion and Rep. Atkins presented his bill. Testifying was:
Linda Giersdorf, Executive Director, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Mankato
Following discussion, Chair Liebling moved HF 2004 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 173 (Erickson) - Nursing facilities payment rates in specified counties increased to the geographic group III median rate.
Rep. Erickson moved the bill before the Division for consideration in the omnibus bill.
Testifying to the bill was:
Bob Dahl, President and CEO, Elim Care, Inc.
There being no discussion, Rep. Liebling moved HF 173 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 175 (Erickson) - Nursing facilities payment rates in specified counties increased to the geographic group III median rate.
Rep. Erickson moved her bill before the Division for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. Discussion followed and Chair Liebling moved HF 175 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 221 (Urdahl) - Meeker County day training and habilitation provider rate reimbursement increased, and proposal required to address the disparity between providers across the state.
Chair Liebling moved HF 221 before the Division for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. Testifying on behalf of the bill was:
Dale Miller, Director, Pro Works
Discussion followed and Rep. Loeffler moved an oral amendment:
line 1.11 delete "LEGISLATION" and insert "STUDY"
line 1.12, after "services" insert "shall study disparities in both funding and clientele needs in order to evaluate equity concerns" and delete the rest of line 1.12
delete all of lines 1.13 and 1.14 and 1.15 through "the state"
line 1.15 and 1.16 delete "proposed legislation" and insert "resulting report"
The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted. Chair Liebling moved HF 221, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1401 (Fritz) - Reverse mortgage incentive program established, eligibility requirements and other standards provided, and money appropriated.
Rep. Fritz moved HF 1401 before the Division for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation.
At 7:58 p.m., Rep. Murphy assumed the gavel.
Testifying in favor of HF 1401:
Bonnie Clark, Reverse Mortgage Counselors Inc., St. Paul
Rep. Otremba moved to amend HF 1401 as follows:
page 7, after line 33, insert lines HF 1407 (
07-0714) except lines 1.1 through 1.8 (the bill's title) and discussion occurred. The motion did not prevail on a voice vote. Rep. Liebling called for a division and the motion prevailed 12 to 2.
Rep. Fritz renewed her motion that HF 1401, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1719 (Huntley) - Medical assistance eligibility treatment of assets modified
Rep. Huntley moved the bill before the Division for consideration and explained the current language which was different than that in the members' packets. Chuck Haas of White Bear Lake testified in favor of the bill. Upon no further discussion. Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1719 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2275 (Norton) - Dental providers critical access reimbursement modified, and additional staff required to administer critical access dental program
Rep. Thao moved HF 2275 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and further moved the
H2275A1 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Rep. Norton presented her bill. Also testifying in favor of the bill was:
Dominic Sposeto, representing the Minnesota Dental Association
Discussion followed the Rep. Thao renewed his motion that HF 2275, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill.
HF 594 (Otremba) - Medical assistance nonemergency medical transportation competitive bidding modified, level of need criteria specified, and reimbursement rate increased.
Rep. Otremba moved the bill before the Division. Testifying to the bill were:
Jan Roers, Owner, People's Express, on behalf of STSA and MN Medical Providers
Tom Reis, Twin City Transportation, Inc.
There being no further discussion, Rep. Otremba renewed her motion that HF 594 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 908 (Liebling) - Developmental disabilities quality assurance system established and extended, reports required, and money appropriated.
Rep. Liebling moved HF 908 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and gave a brief presentation. Discussion occurred. Upon no further discussion, Rep. Liebling renewed her motion that HF 908 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 2181 (Abeler) - Care coordination for children with high-cost mental health conditions provided through the U special kids program, and money appropriated.
The bill was not technically before the Division as of this date. Therefore, only testimony was taken on the bill. Rep. Huntley made the presentation for Rep. Abeler, the chief author. Testifying:
Gary Cox, Manager, Children's Mental Health, Department of Human Services
Discussion followed and upon there being no further discussion, Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 9:11 p.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant