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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Mary Franson (R)

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Legislative Update 03.14.25

Friday, March 14, 2025
Franson Banner

Good morning,

We are wrapping up our last official week with a one-vote Republican majority here in the House, since the special election in House District 40B took place on Tuesday. I have a brief update on the impact of that election outcome, other legislative news, and I will address concerns about the impact of tariffs. Thank you for taking the time to read my update this week!

Special Election Outcome

Democrat candidate David Gottfried won the special election for a seat in the Roseville/Shoreview area. He will be sworn into office early next week, meaning all committees except for the Fraud and Oversight Committee will be co-chaired going forward. However, Speaker Lisa Demuth will remain the sole Speaker of the House for the rest of the session. 

Here is a video posted on social media by Gottfried, in which he claims not getting tipped 20% at his job as a server is a lingering effect of slavery...


Gottfried will be on the side of the aisle that is supporting $100 million in reparations for slavery in Minnesota this session, even after we heard that we are heading towards a $6 billion deficit in a few short years. 


The Democrat's Legislative Agenda

So far this session, House Republicans have been adamant about the need to address and stop fraud that is running rampant across the state. We have established the Fraud and Oversight Committee, introduced bills to increase oversight and accountability, and more. On Monday, HF3 came to the floor and we debated it. This bill strengthens oversight by requiring reports on the implementation of recommendations from the legislative auditor. Democrat Representative Zach Stephenson claimed that this bill "was not the worst idea," but encouraged his colleagues to vote 'no' so that it could be used for bargaining at the end of the session. Rather than addressing fraud now, the DFL would rather wait and use this bill for their benefit in budget negotiations down the line. 


Tariffs...What is the Impact?

There has been a lot of concern about the impact of tariffs on the price of living here in Minnesota. Right now, there are no tariffs in place and they might not even come into effect. However, I recently spoke with with Al Haman of Runestone Electric, who explained the impact this way:

"Runestone Electric Association’s power supplier, Great River Energy, purchased 2% of its energy from Manitoba Hydro in 2024.  MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) manages the flow of high-voltage electricity across 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Manitoba. Less than 1% of MISO’s energy came from Canada in 2024. Great River Energy does not expect a significant impact on the wholesale market at this time. The bigger risk is natural gas imports since the price of electricity is tied closely to the price of natural gas. Any disruption of imports or increased prices due to tariffs could drive the overall market price of gas up. This risk is lower for the next few months since we are coming out of the winter heating season, and gas prices are more stable during the summer."

So, even if tariffs go into effect, they will have very little impact on the cost of gas or other resources here in Minnesota. I appreciate the conversation that we've had on this topic, and I encourage you to voice your concerns if you have them. That being said, this is not going to have a significant impact even if the tariffs do actually go into effect.


Bill Introductions

I introduced HF490 on Tuesday this week to my Capital Investments Committee. This bill provides funding to the Alexandria Lake Area Sanitary District (ALASD) for improvements and upgrades to the existing system. This is a much needed bonding project for our community that I am proud to support. 

I also introduced HF1262 to the Commerce Committee on Thursday. This bill establishes a licensing framework for food trucks, allowing them to sell alcohol in addition to food, which would create new business opportunities and expand consumer options at food trucks.

These projects are vital for our community, and I am proud to carry them. I look forward to updating you on the status of these bills as they move through the House.

Budget Cuts

Governor Walz’s proposed budget includes big cuts to nursing home funding, and with more mandates being added, there’s a $900 million funding gap over the next four years. That kind of shortfall would put a huge strain on care facilities, staff, and the elderly who rely on them, making it harder to provide quality care. Many nursing homes are already struggling to keep up with rising costs, and these cuts could force some to reduce services or even shut down. Budget challenges are real, but with smart planning and responsible spending, we don’t have to end up in this situation. I will continue to fight for our nursing homes and vulnerable populations, because this proposal is not sustainable or good for the people of Minnesota.

Budget Cuts


Reminder that there will be a fish fry in Alexandria today at St Mary's Parish/School from 5-7pm!

St. Patrick's Day is coming up, and you can celebrate during the 2025 Shamrock Shuffle. They have many activities to choose from, linked here

Lucky Duck Bingo is this Monday, March 17th.


Shoutout to the Alexandria Girl's Basketball team! They have been on fire recently, beating De La Salle in an unpredicted win early this week. Keep an eye on their playoff run!

Congratulations also to Sauk Centre Mainstreeters Girls Basketball for clinching the Section 6AA Championship and earning a spot in the State Tournament!

Please Contact Me

If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding any issue related to state government, please feel free to contact me at either 651-296-3201 or I would love to hear from you.

It’s an honor to represent the best!

Franson Signature