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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Spencer Igo (R)

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Capitol Newsletter from Rep. Spencer Igo

Friday, February 28, 2025

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Minnesota’s weather can be quite the rollercoaster, but it’s always a welcome relief when we get a stretch of warmer days after enduring bitter cold. I hope everyone takes advantage of this beautiful change. Whether it’s a walk through the neighborhood, a visit to a local park, or just stepping outside to soak up the sunshine, it’s a great reminder of how refreshing a little time outdoors can be!


On Tuesday, I presented my bill to expand the definition of “carbon-free” as it relates to Energy, to apply to wood related biomass, HF249. This bill is a practical and balanced approach to clean energy to include not just wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, but also our forest products industry. Minnesota needs an all of the above energy approach and utilizing the state’s 5th largest industry of Timber is way to do that. This bill aims to strengthen the state's energy grid by incorporating the residuals of wood products to be used to create energy and more. Policy like this promotes energy independence and supports our local industries. HF 249 provides a smart, pro-business, and pro-rural Minnesota strategy for advancing clean energy while working toward lower emissions.


IRRRB Chair Named

Two years ago, I was honored to be named Chair of the Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB), becoming the first Republican to hold this role. My term came to an end this week as a new Chair was elected. I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as Chair of the Board and the progress we made. Over the past two years, the IRRR has played a critical role in supporting responsible mining, investing in our schools, developing and instituting a new housing program, and expanding opportunities for businesses and workers alike. I would like to congratulate the newly appointed Chair, Senator Justin Eichorn and Vice Chair, Representative Roger Skraba.


It was a great working with Commissioner Rukavina and look forward to continuing the good work together for our region.

Housing Committee Update

On Tuesday, the committee heard HF177 and HF178, which are crucial pieces of legislation designed to provide much-needed financial relief to first-time homebuyers. In a housing market where homes are becoming increasingly difficult to buy and afford, these bills aim to ease the burden for those looking to take the important step of homeownership. HF177 and HF178 would offer refundable tax credits for both new construction single-family and multi-family homes, respectively.

Additionally, on Wednesday, the committee heard HF688, a bill that modifies service dog provisions in housing accommodations for persons with disabilities. The committee was visited by Tucker, a service dog in training, who will meet his client very soon! HF1143 was also heard which appropriates money for the greater Minnesota housing infrastructure program.


Grand Rapids FFA

It was a pleasure to meet a group of FFA students from Grand Rapids this week! It's clear that the next generation of agricultural leaders is in great hands, and I'm excited to see all that they will accomplish in our communities.



During the Association of Minnesota Counties Day at the Capitol, I had the opportunity to meet with several county commissioners and hear firsthand about the challenges and priorities facing our communities at the county level. These discussions are invaluable in ensuring that state policies align with the needs of our local governments. I appreciate the time we had to connect, and I look forward to working together to find solutions that support our counties and the residents they serve.


Greenway Highschool Students

I took a trip to Greenway Highschool this morning to visit Mr. Floersheim's CIS Intro to American Government class. It was great to see the school and talk with these students. Thank you for having me!


Contact Me

Make sure to keep your eye out for the next newsletter for current news about what's happening at the Capitol.

I am here and at work for you. If you have any concerns or would like to have a conversation, I am available by phone at 651-296-4936 or by email. I look forward to hearing from you!

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