SAINT PAUL, Minn. – Today, the Minnesota House Taxes Committee heard HF2254, legislation authored by Representative Jess Hanson (DFL-Burnsville) to establish a baby bonus to the Minnesota Child Tax Credit. The proposal builds on the incredibly successful Child Tax Credit passed by the Legislature in 2023, increasing the credit by $400 for each qualifying child born in that year.
“This bill helps Minnesota families who need support the most during a critical time—the year they have a child. Even just a little extra help can mean the world to a young working parent trying to make ends meet, and that’s why I authored this bill,” said Representative Hanson. “In our tied legislature, I couldn’t be happier that this bill has statewide, border-to-border bipartisan support from legislators who understand the importance of supporting new and growing families here in Minnesota.”
Testifying alongside Rep. Hanson in favor of the bill was Alicia, a social worker and new mom who supports the legislation. The bill has nine Republican and 26 DFL co-authors. Video of the bill hearing will be posted on the House Public Information YouTube page.