Legislative Update – March 21, 2025Dear Neighbors, I hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather and longer days of sunlight as we officially enter spring! Here at the Capitol, I’m thankful for all the constituents and advocates who are making their voices heard by their legislators. I attended the Rise and Repair Rally and met with some 55A constituents, met with AARP, and was joined by great folks advocating for my bill funding the Family Assets for Independence in MN, which empowers Minnesota families and helps them save the money they need to build financial security and independence. ![]() This week, DFLer David Gottfried was sworn in as the House’s 134th member after winning a special election for an open seat in Roseville. That means the House is back to the 67-67 tie voters delivered in November, and the previously negotiated co-governing agreement is now in effect. House committees will rotate gavels, with DFL and Republican co-chairs setting their respective agendas and bill hearings. I’m looking forward to coming together on the places we agree and finding compromises that move our state forward. I’m already working on multiple bills that can get bipartisan support, and I’m dedicated to fighting for a responsible state budget that helps working families thrive and protects Minnesotans from the chaos coming out of Washington.
Supporting New Parents, Growing Families, and Foster KidsThis week, I was so glad to be joined by Alicia, a fellow social worker and new mom, to present my "Baby Bonus" bill, which increases the incredibly successful child tax credit by $400 the year you have a child. This bill helps Minnesota families who need support the most during a critical time—the year they have a child. I'm proud that it also has statewide, border-to-border bipartisan support (9 GOP co-authors!) from legislators who understand the importance of supporting new and growing families here in Minnesota. You can read my full press release here, and watch the bill hearing here. As the DFL Vice-chair of the Children and Families Committee, this is just one step we can take to ensure that Minnesota remains a great state to raise a family. ![]() I presented another bipartisan bill this week to increase support for the Office of Foster Youth Ombudsperson, which was created by a bipartisan effort I led in 2022. This bill would add staff so they can go out into the world to meet fosters where they are--whether at family foster homes, group homes, residential facilities--and empower kids with the skills to know their rights and advocate for themselves! We’re doing important work supporting our foster youth here in Minnesota, and I’m hoping we can continue to expand our efforts again this year. ![]()
Upcoming Town HallI hope you can join me, Rep. Kaela Berg, and Sen. Lindsey Port for our District 55 Town Hall on Saturday, April 5th from 1:00-2:00 p.m. at the Burnhaven Library (1101 County Rd 42 W, Burnsville, MN 55306). You can RSVP on this Facebook event. ![]() We’ll be providing updates about our work building a strong state budget and specific legislation we’re working on and then take questions from constituents about the issues that matter most to you. I hope you can join us! |
Stay in TouchUnfortunately, due to technological constraints, replies to this newsletter won’t reach my email account. If you have questions, ideas, or feedback that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email me at rep.jessica.hanson@house.mn.gov or call (651) 296-4212. For more regular updates, you can subscribe to these email legislative updates if you haven’t already, here, and you can also “like” and follow my official State Representative Facebook page. Sincerely, Jess Hanson |