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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Nathan Coulter (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Nathan Coulter

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


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Friends and neighbors, 

In these final weeks of GOP control of the House, Republicans are wasting no time bringing harmful, bad-faith bills through committee and to the House Floor. So far, Republicans have brought two bills to the Floor, both of which failed. The first took away investigative power from the Attorney General, and the second would have halted the Blue Line extension in the north metro – an area that none of the bill authors represent. Republicans are also attempting to inflict damage through bills like restricting reproductive rights, stopping Paid Family and Medical Leave from going into effect before it even starts, taking funding from our schools, putting immigrant communities in danger, rolling back measures that make our elections safer and more accessible, and so much more.  

Last week, Republicans had their so-called “Parents Bill of Rights” in our Children & Families Committee. I know that parenthood is a deeply personal journey, and I also know that this bill would only make it easier for other parents to make decisions about my kids. That’s why my DFL colleagues and I voted no, and why this bill will not pass the Minnesota House. You can watch a brief video of my remarks in committee here

In the House elections committee, we heard a bill that claims to go after dark money in elections – but actually accomplishes nothing. In the House Higher Education committee last week, we welcomed University of Minnesota President Rebecca Cunningham to share the impact of federal funding freezes on research and advancement. I recommend taking a look at a short clip of her response here. President Cunningham stressed that the University will be losing $150 million in research grants, meaning direct cuts to biomedical research on things like cancer.  

Regardless of these roadblocks Republicans are trying to throw in the way of progress for Minnesota, I’m committed to continuing to work across the aisle to draft legislation that will actually pass off the House Floor, rather than wasting time on political theatre.  

Coulter and Quam

I’m particularly excited about a package of bills I introduced to address food insecurity across the state, including HF 1146, which would focus particularly on seniors. I also introduced legislation to prohibit legislators from becoming lobbyists for two years after leaving office. I know it irks a lot of folks, and looks like politicians are just feathering their own caps, when they leave elected office only to turn around and start lobbying their former colleagues. I’m looking forward to seeing these bills advance through committee, and will keep you updated on progress as they do.  


Working for Bloomington 

I’m also excited about several bills I introduced specifically to help the city of Bloomington, including investing in workforce development, improving our sewer system, and a liquor license for Dwan Golf Course. Last year, we were not able to pass a bonding bill, but I’m hopeful that this year bipartisanship will help get these proposals across the finish line. 


Child Tax Credit and Renter’s Credit

Tax Season is in full swing, and there are two key credits to keep in mind as you file this year, both of which were fought for by the DFL last biennium - the Child Tax Credit and recent changes to the Renter’s Credit. I was proud to author the Renter’s Credit law to simplify the process for all Minnesotans. 

Minnesota renters eligible for a property tax refund will now claim their Renter’s Credit on their Minnesota Individual Income Tax return. The Renter’s Credit will be part of their income tax refund amount, and can be applied to the amount owed on their income tax return, or to other debts referred to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. 

Having the Renter’s Credit on the state income tax form will simplify filing for the around 300,000 renters who claim a property tax refund each year. Renters will no longer have to file a separate return and wait until August or September to get their refund. You can learn more about the Renter’s Credit on the Department of Revenue website.   

Child Tax Credit (Gov. Graphic)

To check your eligibility and learn more about Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit, please check out the Minnesota Department of Revenue's website. This is a good resource to have handy when you file your taxes, and remember: if you are eligible for the child tax credit, you must file for it; it is not automatic. Don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you need help or have questions.


Good News! 

Let’s face it – the news is overwhelming. Between constant updates on the latest harmful move by the Trump administration, worldwide instability, economic concerns, and so much more, it’s easy to feel like all news is bad news. To help counter that and bring some levity back into politics, I want to take a moment in each newsletter to share some straight up good news.  

This week’s is a little bittersweet, as Dan and Hope Wixon, owners of Wixon Jewelers are closing their doors for retirement this May. The Wixons’ shop has a special place in my family’s heart – I found my wife’s engagement ring there and we later purchased our wedding bands from Dan and Hope. While it’s always sad to see a beloved shop in our community close it’s doors, I want to offer my heartfelt congratulations to Dan and Hope on their retirement. Thank you for your years serving our Bloomington community! 

You can read more about their story here.   



Stay Connected

To stay up to date with our important work at the State Capitol, you can see the Minnesota House of Public Information Services’ nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. 

You can also stay up-to-date with the latest by following my Facebook page

To share your input or ideas, or if I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to reach out at 651-296-4218, and I will be happy to help. If you were forwarded this email and you’d like to subscribe, click here. If you have a friend or neighbor who would be interested in receiving these, please forward this and encourage them to subscribe. 


Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving you.   


Rep. Nathan Coulter