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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Nathan Coulter (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Nathan Coulter

Friday, March 14, 2025



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Friends and neighbors, 

Last week, we received the latest budget forecast for Minnesota. This forecast will guide how we set and pass our next state budget. While some deep challenges are looming, we will end our current biennium with a $3.7 billion surplus, and have an expected $616 million surplus for the next.  Our main responsibility in the Minnesota Legislature this year is to pass a balanced state budget, but the chaos, confusion, and cuts from the Trump Administration are only serving to make that job more difficult and put Minnesota’s financial stability at risk. As we build our state budget this year, responsible DFL leadership has ensured we’re doing so alongside a surplus, but that gets more difficult looking to the future as we factor in the impacts of the Trump administration. 

We can only control what we can control here in Minnesota. To that end, we’ll do all we can to combat rising prices and take care of our neighbors, but we need our Republican partners in St. Paul and D.C. to work with us.  

I hope the forecast makes House Republicans realize it’s time to stop wasting time playing political theatre with bills that won’t pass and start working with DFLers to craft a budget that benefits all of Minnesota. 

Trump's Economic Impact

The hyper-partisan agenda House Republicans insist on bringing to the Floor was on display last week, when we blocked Republicans from their attempt to loosen gun safety laws with a Shoot First bill, putting our kids and families in even more unnecessary danger. I refuse to put guns above my children’s safety. I heard from a number of folks in Bloomington who agree, and I appreciate everyone who has reached out echoing similar sentiments. 


My Bills 

Now that the House has returned to a tie, I’m looking forward to Republicans finally working with us on legislation that will help the entire state. I’m particularly excited about a package of bills I introduced to address food insecurity across the state, including HF1146, which would focus particularly on seniors. My bill package includes funding for food shelves like VEAP, which serves our Bloomington community. I had the opportunity to pay them a visit in January and see the great work they’re doing to fight food insecurity. 

I’m also looking forward to moving HF71, which would create a working group to explore adding requirements for local candidates for office (think school board, city council) to register with the Campaign Finance Board just like us State Representatives and other State candidates do. This would promote more transparency in our local elections. 

I’m also carrying a bill to authorize an additional liquor license for the Dwan Golf Course, which is owned by the City of Bloomington and will soon have a renovated clubhouse. 



Upcoming Community Conversation

Join Rep. Michael Howard and me for a Community Conversation at Atonement Lutheran Church in Bloomington. We'll discuss the current legislative session, priorities for the term, and community happenings. RSVP is encouraged but not required. This is a non-partisan event and all are welcome! 

Community Conversation


Good News! 

Let’s face it – the news is overwhelming. Between constant updates on the latest harmful move by the Trump administration, worldwide instability, economic unease, and so much more, it’s easy to feel like all news is bad news. To help counter that and bring some levity back into politics, I want to take a moment in each newsletter to share some straight up good news or exciting events right here in Bloomington. 

It’s never too early to start dreaming of summer, especially as March Minnesota dangles false spring in front of us only to snatch it away days later. If you’re eager to start making summer plans, you can now register your kiddos for Bloomington Parks and Recreation’s summer programming! Youth camps and sports are now open for registration, and you can even find activities like Monday night paddleboarding or Tuesday archery sessions. 

For a full list of events and to register your little ones, head to the Bloomington Youth Programs page. 



Stay Connected

To stay up to date with our important work at the State Capitol, you can see the Minnesota House of Public Information Services’ nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. 

You can also stay up-to-date with the latest by following my Facebook page

To share your input or ideas, or if I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to reach out at 651-296-4218, and I will be happy to help. If you were forwarded this email and you’d like to subscribe, click here. If you have a friend or neighbor who would be interested in receiving these, please forward this and encourage them to subscribe. 


Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving you.   


Rep. Nathan Coulter 



Representative Nathan Coulter

5th Floor, Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar St.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155

Phone: 651-296-4218
Email: (replies to this newsletter are not monitored)
Legislative Assistant: Helen Flock, 651-297-8409