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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Mike Wiener (R)

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Capitol Newsletter from Rep. Mike Wiener

Friday, March 8, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

The first month of the 2024 legislative session is coming to a close and it’s nice that the pace has been slower compared to the breakneck speed of last year. Despite the slower pace, there is no shortage of issues I am fighting to prevent from becoming law this year. Top on the list includes the so-called North Star Act, which would turn Minnesota into a “sanctuary state” and a magnet for illegal immigration. I am also standing firm against legislation that further erodes the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Minnesotans.

I would like to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to the Wadena County Board of Commissioners for approving a resolution opposing the North Star Act. Your leadership on this issue is an example to the rest of Minnesota’s counties about the importance of representing and listening to the voice of the people. Thank you!

School Resource Officer Update

Despite the many disappointments and challenges, I am pleased to report that the House of Representatives approved legislation on Monday that fixes a change in state law that had resulted in many schools around Minnesota removing School Resource Officers (SROs).

The issue traces back to an omnibus education bill that Democrats enacted in 2023 that imposed certain prohibitions on the use of force in schools and created legal ambiguity for SROs, thus opening them up to possible litigation. Because of that, many school districts across Minnesota pulled SROs from their middle and high schools.

SROs play an important role in not only keeping schools safe but also building important relationships with students and staff.

Since the summer, Republicans have been calling for hearings and a special session to immediately fix this problem. Until this week, the Democrat majority had continued to delay—choosing to listen to the anti-law enforcement voices in their party instead of the students, teachers, parents, and more who wanted SROs back in their schools.

For House Democrats, Monday’s vote was a full retreat from their previous position and is a clear victory for students, teachers, and parents.

State Flag Update

Like many of you, I have had significant concerns and reservations about proposed changes to the state flag as well as the process that has led to such a dramatic reimagining of our flag.

This week, House and Senate Republicans held a press conference calling on Governor Walz and legislative leaders to let the people of Minnesota decide if they want to officially adopt the new state flag or if the Redesign Commission should go back to the drawing board.

For most of us, the old flag was perfectly fine and there was no reason to change it in the first place. The fact that an unelected board gets to decide the new state flag without any official referendum vote from Minnesotans is wrong.

You and your neighbors should get to decide what the state flag should be.

Stay tuned for more on this, we’re not done fighting to make the voice of the people heard.

Staying in Touch

As always, please communicate to me any thoughts, questions, or concerns you may have. Please never hesitate to reach out to me whether it’s via phone or email. I can be reached at 651-296-4293 or via email at It would be an honor to speak with you.

Until next time, have a great weekend,


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