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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Mike Wiener (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Wiener: End of Session Trainwreck Proves Balance is Needed in St. Paul

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

SAINT PAUL – The 2024 legislative session came to a rocky and unprecedented finish in the Minnesota House of Representatives Sunday evening as House Democrats rolled dozens of unrelated bills into a massive 1,400 page omnibus bill, used procedural motions to shut down debate, and forced a vote just minutes before the midnight deadline.

State Representative Mike Wiener, R-Long Prairie, said that the end of session was unlike anything he’s ever seen during his time in the legislature:

“The chaotic end to the 2024 legislative session was the direct result of failed leadership from House and Senate Democrats,” said Wiener. “We had months to finish our work on time and avoid what unfolded on Sunday night. Instead of working on their priority bills earlier in session, we went weeks without any meaningful pieces of legislation reaching the House Floor for votes. This lack of action led to their desperate and extreme decision to combine dozens of unrelated bills into a 1,400-page omnibus bill and jam it through with zero debate just minutes before the midnight deadline. Minnesotans deserve better than this and its time for a serious governing majority that puts the needs of the people ahead of partisan politics.”
