Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. Continuation of industrial hemp discussion • Anthony Cortilet, MN Department of Agriculture
II. HF 3706 (Vang) Industrial hemp provisions modified, definitions provided, and industrial hemp data classified. • Whitney Place, Assistant Commissioner, MN Department of Agriculture • Peder Kjeseth, Director of Government Relations, MDA
III. HF 3533 (Poppe) Real property provisions modified and updated, obsolete provisions repealed, and clarifying and technical changes made. • Betti Kamolz, Brown County Recorder • Troy Olsen
IV. HF 3739 (Lippert) Farm crisis loan origination fee grant funding provided, and money appropriated. • Paul Sobocinski, livestock farmer and Land Stewardship Project rural policy organizer • Dan Miller, Farm Business Instructor at Riverland College and livestock and crop farmer
I. FFA greeting II. HF 3767 (Brand) County agricultural society county fair revenue use modified. III. HF 3799 (Poppe) modifying membership of the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council; modifying terminology. IV. MN Dept of Agriculture Annual Biodiesel Report to the Legislature and Annual Bioincentives Report to the Legislature V. HF 3699 (Poppe) Increasing the minimum biofuel content in gasoline to 15 percent; requiring fuel retailers to offer blends of ten percent biofuel for use by certain motorists.
If you would like to testify, please contact or
Bills Added:
(Brand) - County agricultural society county fair revenue use modified.
(Poppe) - Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council membership modified, and terminology modified.
(Poppe) - Gasoline minimum biofuel content increased to 15 percent, fuel retailers required to offer ten percent biofuel blends for use by motorists, and certain dates modified.
I. MN Dept. of Agriculture: Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Value report - Paul Hugunin, Agricultural Marketing and Development Division - Ashley Bress, Agricultural Marketing and Development Division - Darrin Froemming - Deeann Lufkin - Andrew Miron II. HF 3030 (Brand) Restaurants required to serve specified drinks as default beverage for children's meals.
Note: HF 3421 and HF 3464 have been removed from the agenda.
Bills Added:
(Brand) - Restaurants required to serve specified drinks as default beverage for children's meals.
I. MN Department of Agriculture update on meat processing/meat inspectors - Dr. Nicole Neeser, Dairy & Meat Inspection Division Director
II. University of Minnesota report on Kosher and Halal meat -Anne Dybsetter, Executive Director, Southwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership -Ariel Kagan, MDA Strategy & Innovation Specialist -Maryan Abdinur, Food, Land and Community Program Lead at Hope Community Inc.
III. HF 3420 (Lippert) Poultry processing plant and associated industrial park planning grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. -Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, CEO, Regenerative Agriculture Alliance -Stu Lourey, MN Farmers Union -Felipe Illescas, Legislative & Policy Director, MN Council on Latino Affairs
IV. HF 3458 (Petersburg) Farmamerica grant funding provided, and money appropriated. -Jessica Rollins, Farmamerica
Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
(Lippert) - Poultry processing plant and associated industrial park planning grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
(Petersburg) - Farmamerica grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
I. Update from MN Dept. of Agriculture on farm/rural stress initiatives • Meg Moynihan, Ag Marketing & Development • Monica McConkey, Rural Mental Health Specialist • Steve Zenk, Farm Advocate
II. Update from MN Dept. of Agriculture on farm safety • Peder Kjeseth, Legislative Director • Paul Hugunin, MDA Ag. Marketing & Development Division Director • Megan Schossow, Outreach Director, Upper Midwest Agriculture Safety and Health Center • Nancy Leppink, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
III. HF 3224 (Brand) Farm safety grant program established, and money appropriated • Michele Gran and James Gran
Bills Added:
(Brand) - Farm safety grant program established, and money appropriated.