Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Meeting time is extended to 11:45 am if additional time is needed.
I. HF 1965 (Poppe) Saltwater aquatic farm requirements modified
II. HF 1908 (Hansen) Pesticide treated plants false labeling prohibited
III. HF 1595 (Sundin) Modifying bioincentive program
IV. HF 931 (Backer) Advanced biofuel production incentive program modifications
V. HF 212 (Davnie) Eliminating the state preemption of certain pesticide control ordinances for cities of the first class
VI. Roll out of Delete Everything for HF 1733 - Omnibus Agriculture Policy bill
VII. HF 2093 (Poppe) Farmer disaster recovery loan program expanded, and retroactive effective data provided. - MDA update on resources available to address snow/wind damaged/collapsed barns
Note on HF 1733: After the walk through of the DE, public testimony will be taken and then the bill will be laid over. Amendments are due to by 9:45 am on Wednesday, March 13.
HF 1516 (Lippert) Beginning farmer modifications bill has been rescheduled on Thursday, March 14. HF 915 (Anderson) and HF 2021 (Anderson) Grain buyers bills have been rescheduled on Thursday, March 21.
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Omnibus agriculture policy bill.
(Poppe) - Saltwater aquatic farm requirements modified.
(Hansen) - Pesticide-treated plants falsely labeled as pollinator friendly prohibited.
(Sundin) - Bioincentive program modified, account created, and money appropriated.
(Backer) - Agriculture quarterly minimum production level reduced and eligible feedstocks for advanced biofuel production incentive payments added, and renewable chemical production incentive payments minimum production level reduced.
(Davnie) - Pesticide control ordinances for cities of the first class state preemption eliminated.
(Poppe) - Farmer disaster recovery loan program expanded, and retroactive effective date provided.
The room is scheduled until 11:45 if necessary to complete the agenda.
HF 1660 (Vang) Modifying definition of industrial hemp and marijuana HF 1661 (Vang) Allowing hemp growers to sell Minnesota grown hemp to manufacturers in medical cannabis program
Chronic Wasting Disease Bills (all will be laid over) HF 229 (Becker Finn) Fencing requirements for farmed cervidae HF 305 (Becker Finn) Moratorium on processing/buy out program HF 553 (Becker Finn) Transfer CWD from Board of Animal Health to Dept. of Natural Resources HF 1362 (Her) Requiring depopulation of infested herds
Please contact to sign up to testify. Depending on numbers, testimony may be limited to 2 minutes each person.
Bills Added:
(Vang) - Industrial hemp and marijuana definitions modified, industrial hemp possession provisions modified, and commissioner of agriculture required to apply for industrial hemp production primary regulatory authority.
(Vang) - Minnesota hemp growers allowed to sell Minnesota grown hemp to medical cannabis program manufacturers.
(Becker-Finn) - Farmed Cervidae additional fencing requirements established.
(Becker-Finn) - White-tailed deer possession moratorium provided, buyout program created, and money appropriated.
(Becker-Finn) - Farmed Cervidae regulatory duties and powers transferred from Board of Animal Health to Department of Natural Resources.
(Her) - Farmed Cervidae herd depopulation required when an animal is infected with chronic wasting disease.
The room is scheduled until 11:45 is needed to complete the agenda.
HF 1530 (Poppe) Animal cruelty reporting immunity
Ag Innovation During Changing Times - Minnesota Corn Growers - Minnesota Soybean Growers - U of M Regional Sustainable Development Project - Developing Industrial Hemp Industry
I. FFA comments II. HF 1733 (Poppe) MDA Ag Policy bill (informational hearing) III. Presentation the impact of climate change on Minnesota farming IV. HF 962 (Brand) Forever Green Agriculture Initiative Funding
Please contact if you want to sign up to testify on any bill.
Note: HF 1733 replaces the Revisor's language that was previously posted.
Bills Added:
(Brand) - University of Minnesota Forever Green Agriculture Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Poppe) - Omnibus agriculture policy bill.