Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. Update on the state of dairy in MN - Dave Buck, President, MN Milk Producers - Fran Miron, Dairy Producer of the Year - Lucas Sjostrom, Executive Director, MN Milk II. Rural Finance Authority status report on funding levels - Matt McDevitt, Supervisor, MDA Rural Finance Authority III. HF 2959 (Poppe) Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Informational hearing only. IV. HF 3309 (Vang) MN Dept. of Agriculture/Dept. of Health joint lab renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Informational hearing only. - Gary Horvath, MDA Lab Director V. HF 3296 (Poppe) Veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment funding provided, and money appropriated. - David Preisler, CEO, MN Pork Producers Association
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(Vang) - Minnesota Department of Agriculture and Health Laboratory Building renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(Poppe) - Veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment funding provided, and money appropriated.
I. Update from MN Dept. of Agriculture on interim activity • Ashely Bress, Grants Supervisor (DAIRI update) • Anthony Cortilet (Industrial hemp)
II. Center for Rural Policy & Development presentation • Julie Tesch, Pres. + CEO • Marnie Werner, VP, Research & Operations • Kelly Asche, Research Associate
III. MN Dept. of Agriculture on Emerging Farmers Report • Patrice Bailey, Assistant Commissioner, MN Dept. of Agriculture • Ariel Kagen, Ag Marketing & Development, MN Dept. of Agriculture • Hannah Bernhardt, Medicine Creek Farm, Finlayson, MN • Rachel Sannerud, Pluck Flower Farm, Milaca, MN • Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, CEO/Regenerative Agriculture Alliance
I. Responding to a changing climate: Agriculture best practices and what is being done - Joint presentation by Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Board of Soil and Water Resources, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Break for lunch on your own (12-1) Optional soil sample demonstration (12:50-1:00)
II. Alternatives for moving forward: Research update by University of Minnesota Extension
III. Experience from the field: A discussion of how farmers are looking at new practices to adapt to challenges associated with and contribute to solutions to a changing climate
Informational hearing on Special Session Omnibus Agriculture, Housing and Rural Development Finance bill (Revisor #19-5229) Nonpartisan staff walk-through of agriculture articles and spreadsheet. Please contact if you would like to testify.