Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Day 2 of Food Week: Food access and awareness initiatives I. LEADMn: College food pantry initiative - Oballa Oballa, Riverland Community College II. Youth led ag and food access initiatives: - Miah Ulysse, Northside Fresh Coordinator & Policy Manager, Appetite for Change III. Connecting local food and food shelves: Farm to Food Shelf, Milk in Food Shelves, and Summer Feeding Service Program - Bob Branham, Director of Produce Strategy (Farm to Food Shelf) - JoAnna Lund, Child Hunger Program Specialist (Summer Meal Program) - Julie Vanhove, Feeding Minnesota Sourcing Manager (Milk) IV. Alternative food delivery systems: Farmers markets, food hubs and community supported agriculture. - Chris Harms, Founder and Executive Director of Giving Gardens, White Bear Lake - Joe Nowak, University of Minnesota, Farmers Market Metrics Project co-author - David Kotsonas, MN Farmers Market Board Member/Market Manager, St. Paul Growers Association
Day 1 of Food Week: Framing the Issue of Food Insecurity I. Healthy Food Access Study: Demographics and factors contributing to food access challenges and food insecurity - Ela Rausch, Project Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis II. Health and economic impacts of food access challenges and food insecurity - Vayong Moua, Director of Health Equity Advocacy, Blue Cross Blue Shield III. Rural Grocery Survey - Dr. Bev Durgan, Dean, UM-Extension & Kathy Draeger, Statewide Director, Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, UM - Extension IV. Good Food Access Update - MN Dept. of Agriculture IV. HF 436 (Poppe) Good Food Access Funding - Lorna Schmidt, American Heart Association - Corey Christianson, owner of KC’s Market in Badger - Ben Devore, farmer from Cimarron Farm, Lake Elmo - Lori Throp, Executive Director, The Food Group which operates “Fare for All” -Lars Kuehnow, Neighborhood Program Officers with Duluth LISC
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Good food access account from general fund money transferred.
Farm Finance During Challenging Times I. Ag economy from a lender's point of view and dynamics of federal shutdown - Perry Aasness, Compeer Financial II. Trends and usage of programs designed to support farmers during difficult financial times - Matt McDevitt, Rural Finance Authority - Kent Olsen, Associate Dean for the Extension Center for Community Vitality and the administrative lead for the Farmer Lender Mediation Program - Brad Schloesser, Executive Director, Southern Minnesota Center of Agriculture, Dean of Agriculture, South Central College III. Farm panel: weathering difficult times - Darrel Mosel, Dairy and Crop Farmer, Gaylord, MN - Anne Schwagerl, Prairie Point Farm, Browns Valley, MN - Kevin Papp, MN Farm Bureau President and Blue Earth County farmer - Pakou Hang, Hmong American Farmers Association Co-Founder and Executive Director IV. HF 158 (Brand) FLAG grant funding - Scott Carlson, Executive Director, FLAG - Bruce Miller, Minnesota Farmers Union - Darrel Mosel, Dairy and Crop Farmer, Gaylord, MN
Bills Added:
(Brand) - Farmers' Legal Action Group grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
I. Board of Animal Health: Budget and function overview and update on animal disease issues - Beth Thompson, Executive Director II. Agriculture Utilization Research Institute: Budget and function overview - Shannon Schlecht, Executive Director - Dan Skogen, Planning and Government Relations Director
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Minnesota agriculture special license plates established, and money appropriated.
Presentation on services for farm stress and rural mental health support - Commissioner Thom Petersen, Department of Agriculture - Ted Matthews, Rural Mental Health Counselor - Connie Dykes, Farm Advocate - Meg Moynihan, MN Department of Agriculture
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Farm advocates, farmer-lender mediators, and mental health counseling support for farm families and business operators additional money appropriated.
(Kiel) - Mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Kiel) - Mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators funding provided, and money appropriated.