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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Long-Term Care Division

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HF3654 (Lippert): Personal care assistance; enrollment requirements, additional duties, and payment rate methodology established; methodology study required; providers required to submit workforce data; and reports required.
HF2182 (Klevorn): Direct Care Service Corps established, report required, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF3654 (Lippert) - Personal care assistance agency enrollment requirements, additional duties, and payment rate methodology established; payment rate methodology study required; commissioner of human services required to study methodology; providers required to submit workforce data; and reports required.
HF2182 (Klevorn) - Direct Care Service Corps established, report required, and money appropriated.
H3654A2.pdf (3/5/2020)
H2182A2.pdf (3/6/2020)

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 3875 (Poston) Wadena; local sales and use tax authority modified
II. HF 3792 (Wolgamott) St. Cloud; local sales and use tax authority modified
III. HF 3776 (Theis) Waite Park; local sales and use tax authority modified
IV. HF 3661 (Kresha) Little Falls; local sales and use tax authority modified
V. HF 3711 (Nornes) Fergus falls; local sales and use tax authority modified
Bills Added:
HF3875 (Poston) - Wadena; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3792 (Wolgamott) - St. Cloud; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3776 (Theis) - Waite Park; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3661 (Kresha) - Little Falls; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3711 (Nornes) - Fergus falls; local sales and use tax authority modified.

Ways and Means

I. REMOVED: HF 3980 (Liebling) Public health response contingency account money deposit transferred. (pending referral)
II. *HF 1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.
III. *HF 1246 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, and report required.
IV. *HF 4 (Lesch) Prescription Drug Pricing Restrictions
V. *HF 1405 (Stephenson) Clean Energy First Act established, and electric utilities required to meet resource needs using clean energy resources.
VI. *HF 2806 (Long) Clemency Review Commission established, Board of Pardons procedures modified, and clarifying changes made.
VII. *HF 1257 (Cantrell) Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
VIII. HF 2001 (Cantrell) Workforce certificates of compliance ensured to apply equally to in-state and out-of-state contractors.
IX. REMOVED: HF1863 (Lillie) State employee salaries funding appropriated in the event of non-appropriation.
X. HF 3375 (Ecklund) Workforce training pilot project funding provided, and money appropriated.
XI. Informational session on Stadium Reserve Account : MMB presentation and OLA Stadium Reserve Report Recommendations
MMB presentation
• Myron Frans, Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget
• Bryan Dahl, Financial Planning Director, MMB Budget Division
• Jen Hassemer, Assistant Commissioner for Debt Management

OLA Stadium Reserve Report Recommendations
• Ryan Dean Baker, Office of the Legislative Auditor
• Scott Tjomsland, Office of the Legislative Auditor

*These bills will be procedural motions to refer without recommendation to another committee. HF 4 and HF 1257 will be recommended to be referred to State Government Finance. HF 1246 and HF 2806 will be recommended to be referred to Judiciary Finance and Civil Law. HF 1 and HF 1405 will be recommended to be referred to Jobs and Economic Development Finance. Should these bills move forward, a more complete discussion will occur upon return to Ways and Means for final consideration.
Bills Added:
HF4 (Lesch) - Drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify the attorney general of certain prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers related to price increases; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated.
HF1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities created for children ages birth to three; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.
HF1246 (Morrison) - Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, drug manufacturers required to submit drug price information to the commissioner of health, civil penalties provided, and report required.
HF1257 (Cantrell) - Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
HF2806 (Long) - Clemency Review Commission established.
HF1405 (Stephenson) - Clean Energy First Act established, electric utilities required to meet resource needs using clean energy resources, cost recovery authorized, pilot project established, and reports required.
HF3375 (Ecklund) - Workforce training pilot project funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2001 (Cantrell) - Workforce certificates of compliance ensured to apply equally to in-state and out-of-state contractors.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 871 (Davids) Business entities provided option to file as C corporations
II. HF 3882 (Marquart) Full section 179 expensing allowed for like-kind exchange property
III. HF 3136 (Swedzinski) Unused section 179 expensing and bonus depreciation subtraction carryover allowed
Bills Added:
HF871 (Davids) - Business entities provided option to file as C corporations.
HF3882 (Marquart) - Full section 179 expensing allowed for like-kind exchange property.
HF3136 (Swedzinski) - Taxation; unused section 179 expensing and bonus depreciation subtraction carryover allowed.

Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division

HF3222* (Becker-Finn) - State Building Code; baby diaper changing station

HF3173 (Wazlawik) - Child care agencies; county agencies required to publish and distribute information about variances.

HF3822 (Wazlawik) - Child care; personal liability exemption established for family day care inspectors, exception removed for counties to be liable for claims at family day care where county had actual knowledge of risk that led to claims, counties required to use uniform family child care variance application, and human services commissioner directed to issue a uniform variance application developed by the Family Child Care Task Force for family day care providers.

HF3884 (Wazlawik) - Child care services provider definition modified, and child care services grant provisions modified.

HF3737 (Pryor) - Human services hearing procedures, crimes, background studies, and licensure requirements provisions modified.

More agenda items may be added.

*HF3222 was heard and public testimony was taken during the February 27 meeting; further testimony will not be taken on this bill.

If you wish to testify or submit materials on any of these bills, please contact the Committee Administrator, Alyssa Fritz (, by 10:00 am the day before the hearing. Members of the public will be asked to keep their testimony to two minutes.
Bills Added:
HF3173 (Wazlawik) - Child care agencies; county agencies required to publish and distribute information about variances.
HF3822 (Wazlawik) - Child care; personal liability exemption established for family day care inspectors, exception removed for counties to be liable for claims at family day care where county had actual knowledge of risk that led to claims, counties required to use uniform family child care variance application, and human services commissioner directed to issue a uniform variance application developed by the Family Child Care Task Force for family day care providers.
HF3884 (Wazlawik) - Child care services provider definition modified, and child care services grant provisions modified.
HF3737 (Pryor) - Child care provider licensing and training provisions amended.
HF3222 (Becker-Finn) - State Building Code; baby diaper changing station installation in public restrooms required.

Agriculture and Food Finance and Policy Division

I. Continuation of industrial hemp discussion
• Anthony Cortilet, MN Department of Agriculture

II. HF 3706 (Vang) Industrial hemp provisions modified, definitions provided, and industrial hemp data classified.
• Whitney Place, Assistant Commissioner, MN Department of Agriculture
• Peder Kjeseth, Director of Government Relations, MDA

III. HF 3533 (Poppe) Real property provisions modified and updated, obsolete provisions repealed, and clarifying and technical changes made.
• Betti Kamolz, Brown County Recorder
• Troy Olsen

IV. HF 3739 (Lippert) Farm crisis loan origination fee grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
• Paul Sobocinski, livestock farmer and Land Stewardship Project rural policy organizer
• Dan Miller, Farm Business Instructor at Riverland College and livestock and crop farmer

REMOVED: MDA Policy bill
HF 3991 (Poppe) Grain buyer contract dates modified.
Bills Added:
HF3533 (Poppe) - Real property provisions modified and updated, obsolete provisions repealed, and clarifying and technical changes made.
HF3706 (Vang) - Industrial hemp provisions modified, definitions provided, and industrial hemp data classified.
HF3739 (Lippert) - Farm crisis loan origination fee grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
All bills will be heard on an informational only basis

HF 4017 (Wolgamott) Northstar Commuter Rail between Big Lake and St. Cloud is no longer pending introduction.
Bills Added:
HF3034 (Ecklund) - Koochiching County; rail grade crossing separation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3656 (Haley) - Red Wing; rail grade separation funding provided, 2017 appropriation and authorization extended, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3193 (Fabian) - Karlstad; airport runway construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3465 (Ecklund) - Koochiching County; Falls International Airport funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3307 (Kiel) - Thief River Falls Airport funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3111 (Torkelson) - Redwood Falls Municipal Airport funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3210 (Stephenson) - Coon Rapids Boulevard trail and pedestrian bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3613 (Dettmer) - Forest Lake; pedestrian bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3393 (Bernardy) - Fridley; BNSF Northtown Yard road extension and overpass funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF4017 (Wolgamott) - Northstar commuter rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Government Operations

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3580 (Youakim) Teacher licensure provisions modified, Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board composition modified, rulemaking authorized, and technical changes made.

HF2509 (Freiberg) Volunteerism Innovation Board established, grants required, and money appropriated.

HF3957 (Klevorn) India Day observance established.

HF2058 (Masin) State condemnation procedures modified.

**Bills may be added or removed from the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2058 (Masin) - State condemnation procedures modified.
HF3957 (Klevorn) - India Day observance established.
HF2509 (Freiberg) - Volunteerism Innovation Board established, grants required, and money appropriated.
HF3580 (Youakim) - Teacher licensure provisions modified, Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board composition modified, rulemaking authorized, and technical changes made.

Health and Human Services Finance Division

HF963 (Halverson) Prescription contraceptive supply requirements established; contraceptive methods, sterilization and related medical services, patient education, and counseling health plan coverage required; and eligible organizations accommodations established.
HF3450 (Morrison) Family planning grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF840 (Lien) Medical assistance adult dental coverage expanded to include periodontal disease nonsurgical treatment.
HF1523 (Cantrell) Commissioner of human services directed to establish prescription drug purchasing program, and program authority and eligibility requirements specified.
HF3980 (Liebling) A bill for an act relating to public health; transferring money for deposit in the public health response contingency account. (Bill added)

A version of (HF1523, HF840, HF3450, HF963) were previously heard during the 2019 session and we will have an abbreviated presentation. Testimony will be limited to two minutes. Bills may be added or removed.
Bills Added:
HF963 (Halverson) - Prescription contraceptive supply requirements established; contraceptive methods, sterilization and related medical services, patient education, and counseling health plan coverage required; and eligible organization accommodations established.
HF3450 (Morrison) - Family planning grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF840 (Lien) - Medical assistance adult dental coverage expanded to include periodontal disease nonsurgical treatment.
HF1523 (Cantrell) - Commissioner of human services directed to establish prescription drug purchasing program, and program authority and eligibility requirements specified.
HF3980 (Liebling) - Health care response account and provider grant and loan program created, and money transferred to the health care response account and the public health response contingency account.
H0840A2.pdf (3/4/2020)
H0963A1.pdf (3/4/2020)
H1523DE3-2.pdf (3/4/2020)
H0963A2.pdf (3/5/2020)

Jobs and Economic Development Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3140 (Kunesh-Podein) - Minneapolis; Mikwanedun Audisookon Center funding provided, and money appropriated.

Testimony from Commissioner Leppink and others on the wage theft law.
Bills Added:
HF3140 (Kunesh-Podein) - Minneapolis; Mikwanedun Audisookon Center funding provided, and money appropriated.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3543 (Cantrell) Chaska; Minnesota River dredge spoil sites 2019 appropriation modified.
HF2946 (Acomb) Raptor protection from lead poisoning funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3220 (Becker-Finn) Fishing; lead tackle trade-in program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3063 (Becker-Finn) Nontoxic ammunition vouchers funding provided, and money appropriated
HF3605 (Sundin) Local government roads wetland replacement credit funding provided, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF3543 (Cantrell) - Chaska; Minnesota River dredge spoil sites 2019 appropriation modified.
HF2946 (Acomb) - Raptor protection from lead poisoning funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3220 (Becker-Finn) - Fishing; lead tackle trade-in program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3063 (Becker-Finn) - Nontoxic ammunition vouchers funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3605 (Sundin) - Wetland replacement credits for local government roads funding provided, and money appropriated.

Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division

HF3539 (Carlson) - Net zero energy emissions project established, report required, and money appropriated.

Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF3539 (Carlson) - Net zero energy emissions project established, report required, and money appropriated.

Transportation Finance and Policy Division

I. Call To Order

II. Approval of Minutes

III. HF3977 (Brand)
Revenue and security federal loan deposits provided, accounts established, and money appropriated.

HF3498 (Schultz)
School zone speed limits amended.

HF3964 (Hornstein)
Federal REAL ID Act; compliance implementation governed, background check requirements eliminated, and documentation of residence for driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended.

IV. Adjournment
Bills Added:
HF3977 (Brand) - Revenue and security federal loan deposits provided, accounts established, and money appropriated.
HF3498 (Schultz) - School zone speed limits amended.
HF3964 (Hornstein) - Federal REAL ID Act; compliance implementation governed, background check requirements eliminated, documentation of residence for driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended, and money appropriated for Driver and Vehicle Services temporary staffing.

State Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 3202 (Christensen) Hairstyling and makeup application exempted from licensure

II. HF 2230 (Masin) Salon licensure and continuing education requirements amended

III. HF 3499 (Nelson) Secretary of State authorized to spend federal Help America Vote Act funds (Pending referral from Government Operations Committee)

Additional Bills May Be Added Pending Referrals
Bills Added:
HF2230 (Masin) - Salon licensure and continuing education requirements modified.
HF3202 (Christensen) - Hairstyling and makeup application exempted from licensing.
HF3499 (Nelson) - Elections; special procedures provided for the safe and secure conduct of the 2020 state primary and state general elections; funding provided for various election-related purposes, including administration, security, accessibility, training, public health and safety, and public outreach; local grants authorized; report required; money transferred and appropriated for purposes of the Help America Vote Act, the federal CARES Act, and the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act; and money appropriated.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Law Enforcement Excellence Week - POST Board Day

Presentation by the POST Board on Recent Activity

HF 3630 (Dehn) Peace officer autism training development and implementation required, and money appropriated.

HF 2934 (Youakim) Dementia and Alzheimer's disease; crime alert categories increased to include dementia and Alzheimer's disease categories, law enforcement training on associated issues grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.

HF 3380 (O'Neill) Human sex trafficking investigations case policy adoption required by law enforcement.

HF 3117 (Quam) Confidential informant policy use required.

Bills from Last Year
*HF 627 (Pinto) Eyewitness identification best practices policies required.
*HF 334 (Mariani) Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training membership expanded
*HF 2460 (Howard) Peace Officer Excellence Task Force established.

Bills from Last Hearing:
HF1864 (Munson) Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.

*Bills that have been heard last year. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on these bills. Technical amendments will be provided for these bills to update certain dates.
**This bill was heard last hearing. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on this bill. An amendment heard during last session will be attached

Bills Added:
HF3630 (Dehn) - Peace officer autism training development and implementation required, and money appropriated.
HF2934 (Youakim) - Dementia and Alzheimer's disease; crime alert categories increased to include dementia and Alzheimer's disease categories, law enforcement training on associated issues grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF627 (Pinto) - Law enforcement policies required on best practices for eyewitness identifications.
HF334 (Mariani) - Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training membership expanded.
HF3380 (O'Neill) - Human sex trafficking investigation case policy adoption required by law enforcement.
HF3117 (Quam) - Confidential informant policy use required.
HF1864 (Munson) - Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
A20-0609.pdf (3/3/2020)
H2460A1.pdf (3/4/2020)
H1864A2.pdf (3/4/2020)
H1864A3.pdf (3/4/2020)

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
o HF 3075 (Elkins): A bill for an act relating to government data practices; classifying as private certain data on users of a shared mobility program;
o HF 1424 (Stephenson) Student Loan advocate established bill...
o HF3517 (Lesch) tracking warrant unique identifier
o HF 3659 (Lesch): A bill for an act relating to government data; modifying certain Safe at Home provisions;

*Bills may be added to, or removed from, the agenda. Bills may be taken in any order.

**If you have questions, or wish to testify on an agenda item, please contact Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani:
Bills Added:
HF1424 (Stephenson) - Student loan advocate established, licensure of student loan servicers required, certain practices prohibited in student loan servicing, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3075 (Elkins) - Shared mobility program user data classified as private.
HF3517 (Lesch) - Location tracking warrant scope expanded.
HF3659 (Lesch) - Safe at Home provisions modified.

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
o HF 3103 (Moran): Minnesota Human Rights Act race definition added.
o HF 3127 (Moran): A bill for an act relating to human services; child welfare; modifying requirements for court-appointed counsel in child protection cases; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 260C.163, subdivision 3
o HF 3181 (Claflin): Nonwoven disposable product labeling provided

*Bills may be added to, or removed from, the agenda. Bills may be taken in any order.

**If you have questions, or wish to testify on an agenda item, please contact Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani:
Bills Added:
HF3127 (Moran) - Parent Representation in Child Protection Proceedings Task Force created.
HF3103 (Moran) - Minnesota Human Rights Act race definition added.
HF3181 (Claflin) - Nonwoven disposable product labeling provided.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Law Enforcement Excellence Week

Presentation on the Attorney General and Department of Public Safety Police-Involved Deadly Force Encounters Working Group Report

HF 2709 (Mariani) Peace officer training reimbursement funding provided, and money appropriated

HF 2460 (Howard) Peace Officer Excellence Task Force established.

Last Hearing Bill:
**HF 3360 (Sandstede) Violent crime enforcement team funding provided, and money appropriated.

Evening Hearing Bills:
HF 3976 (Dehn) Aiding and abetting felony murder sentencing task force established, and report required.
HF 3975 (Mariani) Post-conviction relief time limit modified for when a court may hear a petition.
HF 3837 (Hornstein) Crimes motivated by bias reporting expanded, property damage crime motivated by bias amended, Peace Officer Standards and Training Board bias training required, law enforcement agencies adoption of standard policies regarding crimes motivated by bias required, and money appropriated.
HF XXX1 (Pinto) Sets the maximum term of incarceration for a gross misdemeanor at 364 days
HF XXX2 (Pinto) Conforms harassment statute with case law.
HF 741 (Noor) Limiting the use of money bail for certain offenses
HF 2023 (Moller) Adultery crime repealed.
HF 3069 (Pinto) Assault by strangulation
HF 3730 (Long) Coroner or medical examiner given access to criminal justice data communications network for unknown deceased person identification.
HF 3108 (Edelson) Immunity from prosecution for controlled substance and alcohol violations provided for sexual assault victim and persons assisting the victim.
HF 3869 (Moller) Data; unauthorized copying of data stored in computers included as computer theft.
HF 3675 (Edelson) Department of Public Safety grant funding acceptance authorized.
HF 2385 (Howard) Controlled substance schedules modified.
HF 1864 (Munson) Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
HF 3820 (Mekeland) Metropolitan area definition expanded for 911 emergency service purposes.
HF 3771 (Nornes) Controlled substance administering without a prescription crime created, and bill of rights for protected persons violation crime created.

*Bills may be added to the agenda
**This bill was heard last hearing. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on this bill. An amendment heard during last session will be attached (A20-0672 Amendment)
***The committee will recess and reconvene at 6:00 pm in the Basement Hearing Room. Expect for this committee to meet until Midnight.

Bills Added:
HF2709 (Mariani) - Peace officer training reimbursement funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2460 (Howard) - Peace Officer Excellence Task Force established.
HF741 (Noor) - Money bail use for certain offenses limited.
HF2023 (Moller) - Adultery crime repealed.
HF3069 (Pinto) - Assault by strangulation crime established, and crime of domestic assault by strangulation repealed.
HF3730 (Long) - Coroner or medical examiner given access to criminal justice data communications network for identifying unknown deceased persons.
HF3108 (Edelson) - Immunity from prosecution for controlled substance and alcohol violations provided for sexual assault victim and persons assisting the victim.
HF3869 (Moller) - Data; unauthorized copying of data stored in computers included as computer theft.
HF3675 (Edelson) - Department of Public Safety grant funding acceptance authorized.
HF3837 (Hornstein) - Crimes motivated by bias reporting expanded; property damage crime motivated by bias amended; Peace Officer Standards and Training Board bias required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; law enforcement agencies adoption of standard policies regarding crimes motivated by bias required; and money appropriated.
HF3771 (Nornes) - Controlled substance administering without a prescription crime created, and bill of rights for protected persons violation crime created.
HF2385 (Howard) - Controlled substance schedules modified.
HF1864 (Munson) - Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
HF3820 (Mekeland) - Metropolitan area definition expanded for 911 emergency service purposes.
HF3360 (Sandstede) - Violent crime enforcement, domestic abuse prevention, and substance abuse prevention funding provided; reports required; and money appropriated.
HF3975 (Mariani) - Postconviction relief time limit modified for when a court may hear a petition.
HF3976 (Dehn) - Aiding and abetting felony murder sentencing task force established, and report required.
H0741A7.pdf (2/28/2020)
XXX1.pdf (3/2/2020)
XXX2.pdf (3/2/2020)
A20-0672.pdf (3/3/2020)
A20-0679.pdf (3/3/2020)
H1864A2.pdf (3/3/2020)
H1864A3.pdf (3/3/2020)

Legacy Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3591 (Becker-Finn) - Chronic wasting disease and water study funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3513 (Hansen) - Conservation reserve program state incentive funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3530 (Gunther) - Jackson County; Belmont Park trail funding provided, and money appropriated.

Continued discussion of the Clean Water Fund

Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF3591 (Becker-Finn) - Chronic wasting disease and water study funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3513 (Hansen) - Conservation reserve program state incentive funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3530 (Gunther) - Jackson County; Belmont Park trail funding provided, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 2533 (Bernardy) Appropriation Approved for the Office on the Economic Status of Women

II. HF 3429 (Dehn) Elections Technical Administration Changes Made

Additional Bills May Be Added Pending Referrals
Bills Added:
HF2533 (Bernardy) - Office on the Economic Status of Women funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3429 (Nelson) - Elections; special procedures provided for the safe and secure conduct of the 2020 state primary and state general elections; funding provided for various election-related purposes, including administration, security, accessibility, training, public health and safety, and public outreach; local grants authorized; report required; money transferred and appropriated for purposes of the Help America Vote Act, the federal CARES Act, and the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act; and money appropriated.
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