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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Education Policy

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

III. Presentations: Innovative and effective ways schools/districts are tackling the opportunity gap and seeing results.
A. Intermediate District 287
B. Prairie Island Indian Community
C. St. Louis Park Public Schools
D. St. Cloud Public Schools

IV. Adjournment

Health and Human Services Policy


Continuation of Department of Human Services (DHS) overview presentation
HF147 (Huot) Community paramedic and medical response emergency medical technicians allowed to provide medicine services.
HF148 (Huot) Emergency medical technician permitted to be a member of a basic life support ambulance service, and occupational title of emergency medical technicians modified.
HF189 (Huot) Ambulance service medical assistance rate increase scope expanded.
HF99 (Freiberg) Opioid overdose reduction pilot program established, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF147 (Huot) - Community paramedic and community medical response emergency medical technicians allowed to provide telemedicine services.
HF148 (Huot) - Community emergency medical technician permitted to be a member of a basic life support ambulance service, and occupational title of emergency medical technicians modified.
HF189 (Huot) - Ambulance service medical assistance rate increase scope expanded.
HF99 (Freiberg) - Opioid overdose reduction pilot program established, and money appropriated.
H0147A1.pdf (1/29/2019)

Higher Education Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes from January 23, 2019

IV. Minnesota Student Association

V. Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans

VI. Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage

VII. Adjournment

Post- Session: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities @ the State Capitol Rotunda

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of minutes for January 23 & 24, 2019

III. Presentation of the Attorney General's Working Group on Sexual Assault Recommendations

IV. HF 15 (Stephenson) Repeals the voluntary relationship defense in sex offense cases, removing the “marital rape” exception.

V. HF 70/111 (Kunesh-Pudein) Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women created, annual report on violence against indigenous women and girls required, and money appropriate.

V. Adjournment
Bills Added:
HF15 (Stephenson) - Voluntary relationship defense for criminal sexual conduct crimes eliminated.
HF111 (Kunesh-Podein) - Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women created, violence against indigenous women and girls annual report required, and money appropriated.

Veterans and Military Affairs Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of Veterans Homeless with presentations from the MN Dept of Veterans Affairs Programs and Services Division and the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans

Property and Local Tax Division

1. Continued Overview of Minnesota Property Tax System
2. Overview of Property Tax Burden (Voss) Report by House Research
voss_pay17.pdf (1/25/2019)

Long-Term Care Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation: Vulnerable Adult Protection Dashboard and Office of Health Facility Complaints backlog update
-Commissioner Jan Malcolm, Minnesota Department of Health

Presentation: Overview of Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Prevention Working Groups; Findings on Licensure Approaches for Assisted Living Facilities
-Commissioner Jan Malcolm, Minnesota Department of Health

Presentation: Improving Quality and Safety in Long Term Care Settings
-Marie Dotseth, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Health Systems, Minnesota Department of Health

Presentation: Electronic Monitoring in Care Facilities
-Sean Burke, Minnesota Elder Justice Center

**Additional agenda items may be added**

Water Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continuation of brief overview of water management by state agencies.
Presentation on water issues facing Minnesota from Dr. William Arnold.
Presentation on water contamination issues in Minnesota’s Karst lands by Dr. Calvin Alexander.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Rules and Legislative Administration
Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler

Friday, January 25, 2019
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Capitol Room 120

I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes of January 14, 2019

IV. Adoption of Preliminary Committee Budgets

V. Adoption of Recount Resolutions

VI. Discussion of Permanent Rules of the House

a. Presentation by House non-partisan staff on the Division structure currently in place under the temporary rules.

b. Public testimony. To sign up to testify contact Will Blauvelt at: or 651-296-3909. Priority will be given to testifiers that sign-up at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Testifiers will be limited to 2 minutes of testimony.

VII. Adjournment

Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes

III. Presentation: The First 1,000 Days Matter
Aaron Sojourner, PhD
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Associate Professor and Labor Economist

IV. Presentation: 2018 Minnesota KIDS COUNT Data Book
Stephanie Hogenson
Children's Defense Fund, Outreach Director

Jennifer Bertram
Children's Defense Fund, KIDS COUNT Coordinator

V. Adjournment

Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division

Electrical Power Systems - How they work, present status in Minnesota and our future with renewables
Dr. Ned Mohan, University of Minnesota
Mark Ahlstrom, NextEra Energy Resources, WindLogics
Jukka Kukkonen, PlugInConnect

Capital Investment Division

A tutorial on how local units of government and political subdivisions navigate the complexities of submitting a capital investment budget request to the state.
• Minnesota Management and Budget Office

Continuation of Reports from January 15, 17, and 22 meetings if needed.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview from the Commerce Department
Commissioner Steve Kelley

State Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Approve Minutes for January 23, 2019

II. Overview for the Board of Accountancy

III. Overview for the Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design

IV. Overview for the Board of Cosmetologist Examiners

V. Overview for the Board of Barber Examiners

VI. Adjourn


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continued Public Testimony
Department of Revenue Presentation on 2019 Tax Filing Season

Government Operations

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of minutes for January 22, 2019
III. HF13 (Kunesh-Podein)
Gender equality provided for under the law, and constitutional amendment proposed.
IV. HF71 (Moran)
Equal rights; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution by the states.
V. Adjournment
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 29, 2019

If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at
Bills Added:
HF13 (Kunesh-Podein) - Equal rights; gender equality provided for under the law, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF71 (Moran) - Equal rights; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution by the states.

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of minutes of January 23, 2019

III. Uniform Laws Commission-General Overview
• Robert Tennessen
• Michele L. Timmons, Uniform Law Commissioner and former Revisor of Statutes)
• Kimberly Lowe

IV. Minnesota Department of Human Rights—General overview
• Scott Beutel, Public Policy Director
• Rebecca Lucero, Commissioner

V. Adjournment

Agriculture and Food Finance and Policy Division

Presentation on services for farm stress and rural mental health support
- Commissioner Thom Petersen, Department of Agriculture
- Ted Matthews, Rural Mental Health Counselor
- Connie Dykes, Farm Advocate
- Meg Moynihan, MN Department of Agriculture

Bills Added:
HF232 (Poppe) - Farm advocates, farmer-lender mediators, and mental health counseling support for farm families and business operators additional money appropriated.
HF82 (Kiel) - Mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF84 (Kiel) - Mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Presentations from House Research

II. The Chair is allowing a half hour for groups to provide a couple minutes of relevant testimony on issues relating to the Education Finance Division. To reserve a spot on the agenda please email Sarah Burt at your earliest convenience & no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting: All testimony will be limited to 2 minutes.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

*Agenda Update: House File number assigned to a bill that had been originally posted as HFXXX (Hansen).

Presentation on the Closed Landfill Investment Fund (CLIF) and the Metropolitan Landfill Contingency Action Trust (MLCAT).
*HF 233 (Hansen) Authorized capital projects funding source changed, public land and buildings of a capital nature acquisition authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF233 (Hansen) - Previously authorized capital projects funding source changed, conditional spending authorized to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
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