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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Housing Finance and Policy Division

HF 3326 (Hausman) Housing infrastructure bonds issued, public housing rehabilitation funding provided, shelter supply increased, housing infrastructure bond eligible use added, bonds issued, and money appropriated
HF 3253 (Tabke) Minnesota housing tax credit contribution fund established; credit against individual income tax, corporate franchise tax, and insurance premiums for certain contributions provided; report required, and money appropriated
HF 3358 (Hassan) A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing the sale and issuance of housing infrastructure bonds; increasing the capacity of shelters; appropriating money
HF 2967 (Sauke) Mortgage financing for manufactured homes in manufactured home park cooperatives allowed

Please contact Owen Wirth at if you would like to testify on any of the above bills.
Bills Added:
HF3253 (Tabke) - Minnesota housing tax credit contribution fund established; credit against individual income tax, corporate franchise tax, and insurance premiums for certain contributions provided; report required; and money appropriated.
HF3326 (Hausman) - Housing infrastructure bonds issued, housing infrastructure bonds eligible use added, supply of shelters increased, and money appropriated.
HF2967 (Sauke) - Mortgage financing allowed for manufactured homes in manufactured home park cooperatives.
HF3358 (Hassan) - Housing infrastructure bonds issued, shelter supply increased, and money appropriated.
H2967A1.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3326A1.pdf (2/17/2020)
H2967A2.pdf (2/19/2020)

Education Finance Division

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Informational presentations on:
Online access to music education
College savings account pilot
Pathways in technology early college high school (P-Tech)

*more agenda items may be added*

Capital Investment Division

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Governor's state agency bonding recommendations:
Human Services


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I. HF 2090 (Davids) Public safety facility construction exemption provided
II. HF 3245 (Marquart) Taxation; income, corporate franchise, and estates; conforming to federal changes
III. Presentation from Department of Revenue on Federal Update and 2020 Tax Filing Season
Bills Added:
HF2090 (Davids) - Public safety facility construction exemption provided.
HF3245 (Marquart) - Income, corporate franchise, and estate taxation conformed to federal changes.

Ways and Means

NOTE: If the agenda is not completed by the end of the hearing, the committee will meet again on Friday, Feb. 21 at 9:00 AM in room 200 to finish.

I. HF 3100 (Howard) Emergency insulin program established, Minnesota insulin patient assistance program established, pharmacy and insulin manufacturer participation required, reports required, and money appropriated

II. HF 3068 (Dehn) Voter data access related to presidential nomination primary regulated, and voter request that data be excluded from lists allowed.

III. HF 8 (Pinto) Firearm transfer criminal background checks required.

IV. HF 9 (Richardson) Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm.

V. *HF 141 (Poppe) Port authorities; majority vote of commissioners required to approve real property sales and transfers.

VI. *HF 492 (Dettmer) Traffic violations that cause great bodily harm or death to another misdemeanor established.

NOTE: HF 3100, HF 8, HF 9 and HF 3068 have gone through multiple committees with opportunity for public testimony. The focus of this hearing is on the fiscal components of the bills and no public testimony will be taken. 24 hour rule in effect for HF 8 and HF 9. Amendments for HF 3100 and HF 3068 are requested by 4:30 PM on Wednesday.

*NOTE: Pursuant to House Rule 4.20, HF 141 and HF 492 were returned to Ways and Means from the General Register. Both bills were heard and debated on the merits during the 2019 legislative session and there is no fiscal impact. The committee will be making procedural votes to move the bills out of committee and back to the General Register.
Bills Added:
HF3100 (Howard) - Insulin; dependent child notice required, Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act established, reports required, public awareness campaign required, and money appropriated.
HF8 (Pinto) - Firearm transfer criminal background checks required, and transferee permit disqualification grounds modified.
HF9 (Richardson) - Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm, and money appropriated.
HF141 (Poppe) - Port authorities; majority vote of commissioners required to approve real property sales and transfers.
HF492 (Dettmer) - Traffic violations that cause great bodily harm or death to another misdemeanor established.
HF3068 (Dehn) - Voter data access related to presidential nomination primary regulated, and voters allowed to request that their data be excluded from the lists.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Call to Order

Approval of minutes of February 11, 2020

HF2992 (O'Neill) Modifying closure requirements for solid waste disposal facilities.

HF2999 (Fischer) Modifying penalities for gross overlimits; providing criminal penalities.

HF3239 (Ecklund) Cervidae carcass importing prohibited.

HF3268 (Persell) PFAS Task Force created, and money appropriated.


**Bills may be taken up in any order, added or removed, at the discretion of the Chair.**

If you would like to testify, please contact Addie Miller, or 651-296-2491.
Bills Added:
HF2992 (O'Neill) - Solid waste disposal facility closure requirements modified.
HF2999 (Fischer) - Game and fish; gross overlimit penalty modified, and criminal penalties provided.
HF3239 (Ecklund) - Cervidae carcass importing prohibited.
HF3268 (Persell) - Environment; PFAS Task Force created, and money appropriated.

Education Policy

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HF3201 (Kunesh-Podein) - Increase Teachers of Color Act strengthened, increase in percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers sought, reports required, and money appropriated.

Informational presentation on the Reimagine Minnesota Report

HF3065 (Becker-Finn) - Sign language and English interpreter requirements modified.

HF1940 (Huot) - Student receiving specialized instructional services programs allowed to participate in service area outside individualized education program.

HF1868* (Youakim) - Student journalists in grades 6 through 12 speech and press rights clarified.

More agenda items may be added.

*Pursuant to House Rule 4.20, HF1868 was returned to the Education Policy Committee at the end of the 2019 session. The committee will vote to send the bill back to the General Register but will not take further public testimony as this bill received a hearing and was voted out of committee on March 6, 2019.

Testifiers should contact Alyssa Fritz ( to be added to the testifier list or submit written materials.

Materials must be submitted 24 hours prior to the hearing start time in order to be included in committee member folders.

HF2930* (Schultz) – Special education aid calculation for charter schools modified.
Bills Added:
HF3201 (Kunesh-Podein) - Increase Teachers of Color Act strengthened, increase in percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers sought, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF3065 (Becker-Finn) - Sign language and English interpreter requirements modified.
HF1868 (Youakim) - Student journalists in grades 6 through 12 speech and press rights clarified.
HF1940 (Huot) - Students allowed to participate in alternative delivery of specialized instructional services program.


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Please note bills may be taken in any order.

HF 3228 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Affordability Act established, prescription drug affordability commission and prescription drug affordability requirements created, and report required.

HF 3223 (Schultz) Pharmacy and provider choice allowed relating to biological product dispensing and prescribing.

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee, please email and at least 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING. Handouts must be emailed in a pdf file with OCR format.
Please note that public testimony may be limited to no more than 3 minutes per testifier.

Bill removed (due to illness of author):
HF 3032 (Halverson) Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.
Bills Added:
HF3228 (Morrison) - Prescription Drug Affordability Act established, prescription drug affordability commission and prescription drug affordability requirements created, and report required.
HF3223 (Schultz) - Pharmacy and provider choice allowed relating to biological product dispensing and prescribing.
Author's document, AAM-Biosimilars-Council-Failure-to-Launch.pdf (2/18/2020)
Author's document, biosimilar payer implications.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3223-Mayo Clinic Testimony.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3228 Cost Commission Opposition Statement 2.19.20.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3228-AG office handout.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3228-BIO Written Testimony.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3228-MCC MA Letter.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3228-PhRMA submission.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-A1 Amendment (Halverson).pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-American Lung Association.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Association for Nonsmokers Letter in Support .pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-AVA Testimony.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Blue Cross letter of support.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Children's Minnesota letter of Support.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-CWMN Letter of Support.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Handout from LeeAnne Gerz.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-MSFG Letter of Support.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Prohibition by Price, submitted by Michael LaFaive.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-submission from A. Olson, Banning Ecig Flavors is Not the answer.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-submission from A. Olson, List of sources used for information on both flyers.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-submission from A. Olson, Solution to Teen Vaping.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-submission from G. Bentley, The Public Health Case for E-cigarette Flavors.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-TaxFoundationTestimony.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Testimony from Reason Foundation.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Testimony Lindsey Stroud Heartland Institute.pdf (2/18/2020)
HF 3032-Written Testimony, Michael LaFaive.pdf (2/18/2020)

Health and Human Services Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation from Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm

HF2898 (Edelson) Civil commitment governing provisions modified, engagement services pilot project established, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF2898 (Edelson) - Civil commitment governing provisions modified, and engagement services pilot project established.
A20-0600.pdf (2/13/2020)
H2898A1.pdf (2/17/2020)

Subcommittee on Local Government

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HF1095 (Elkins) Procedure for creating municipal street improvement districts established.

HF1513 (Kunesh-Podein) Local government; city charter commission expenses payment provided.

HF3060 (Lee) Local government; certain contracts prohibited.

*Bills may be added or removed from the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1095 (Elkins) - Procedure for creating municipal street improvement districts established.
HF1513 (Kunesh-Podein) - Local government; city charter commission expenses payment provided.
HF3060 (Lee) - Local government; certain contracts prohibited.

Subcommittee on Elections

HF3429 (Dehn)
Elections; various technical and policy changes made.

HF3006 (Freiberg)
Eliminate required legislative approval for spending federal Help America Vote Act funding.

HF983 (Elkins)
Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized.

TESTIFYING: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please inform the committee administrator.

HANDOUTS: Handouts must be in PDF format and emailed by 3 p.m. the day before the meeting to the committee administrator. If you are bringing hard copies, please bring 40 copies and email the handout.

*Bills may be added or removed from the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF983 (Elkins) - Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized.
HF3006 (Freiberg) - Help America Vote Act account money appropriated to the secretary of state.
HF3429 (Nelson) - Elections; special procedures provided for the safe and secure conduct of the 2020 state primary and state general elections; funding provided for various election-related purposes, including administration, security, accessibility, training, public health and safety, and public outreach; local grants authorized; report required; money transferred and appropriated for purposes of the Help America Vote Act, the federal CARES Act, and the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act; and money appropriated.


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HF3222 (Becker-Finn) - State Building Code; baby diaper changing station installation in public restrooms required.
HF3211 (Sundin) - Occupational safety; federal crane certification standards adopted.
HF3212 (Sundin) - Apprenticeship federal conformity provisions adopted.
Bills Added:
HF3211 (Sundin) - Occupational safety; federal crane certification standards adopted.
HF3212 (Sundin) - Apprenticeship federal conformity provisions adopted.
HF3222 (Becker-Finn) - State Building Code; baby diaper changing station installation in public restrooms required.

Health and Human Services Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation from Commissioner of Human Services Jodi Harpstead

NOTE: For the purpose of making corrective referrals, the following bills will be moved to new committees without recommendation:

To Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division:
HF3249 (Moran) Child support; arrears reporting requirement modified.

To Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division:
HF3311 (Richardson) Birth to Age Eight Pilot Project modified.
Bills Added:
HF3249 (Moran) - Child support; arrears reporting requirement modified.
HF3311 (Richardson) - Birth to Age Eight Pilot Project modified.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Rules and Legislative Administration
Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
9:30 AM to 9:45 AM
400 South State Office Building

I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes for June 5, 2019

IV. LCC Legislative Plan for Employee Benefits and Policies

Presenters: Kelly Knight and Barb Juelich

V. Miscellaneous personnel reports

Presenters: Kelly Knight and Barb Juelich

VI. SC6 (Gazelka)
A Senate Concurrent Resolution adopting deadlines for the 2020 session.

VII. Calendar for the Day for February 20, 2020

VIII. Adjournment


Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF 12 (Cantrell) Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited. (Procedural motion to re-refer to General Register)*

HF 1121 (Youakim) Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage for motorcycles required. (Procedural motion to re-refer to General Register)*

HF 1501 (Davnie) Consumer short-term and small loan interest rates regulated. (Procedural motion to re-refer to General Register)*

Bills scheduled for hearing with public testimony:

HF 3180 (Claflin) Food packaging chemical use regulated.**
HF 3181 (Claflin) Nonwoven disposable product labeling provided.**

*Pursuant to House Rule 4.20, the following bills were returned to the Commerce Committee after receiving a Second Reading on the House Floor: HF 12, HF 1121, HF 1501. These bills have each had hearings with the opportunity for testimony and discussion in 2019. No further public testimony will be taken. The Committee will vote to re-refer these bills back to the General Register as a procedural matter.

**If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee on HF 3180 or HF 3181, please email Travis.Reese@house.MN and Laura.Taken-Holtze@house.MN at least 24 hours in advance.
Bills Added:
HF12 (Cantrell) - Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited.
HF1121 (Youakim) - Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage for motorcycles required.
HF1501 (Davnie) - Consumer short-term and small loan interest rates regulated.
HF3180 (Claflin) - Food packaging chemical use regulated.
HF3181 (Claflin) - Nonwoven disposable product labeling provided.

Education Policy

HF3179 (Sandell) - School district transportation contracts clarified.

HF125* (Bennett) - Education finance; evidence-based grant standard established for any legislative grants awarded to organizations for prekindergarten through grade 12 education programs, and report required.

Informational presentation on findings from The Violence Project’s Mass Shooter Database

Informational presentation on youth e-cigarette use

HF3166 (Edelson) - Vaping awareness and prevention instruction for public school students required.

HF3164 (Edelson) - Vaping prevention pilot grant created, and money appropriated.

More agenda items may be added.

*No public testimony will be taken on HF125 as the bill received a hearing in the Education Policy Committee on January 30, 2019 and was included in HF1711, the Committee’s 2019 policy bill.

Testifiers should contact Alyssa Fritz ( to be added to the testifier list or submit written materials.

Materials must be submitted 24 hours prior to the hearing start time in order to be included in committee member folders.
Bills Added:
HF3179 (Sandell) - School district transportation contracts clarified.
HF125 (Bennett) - Education finance; evidence-based grant standard established for any legislative grants awarded to organizations for prekindergarten through grade 12 education programs, and report required.
HF3166 (Edelson) - Vaping awareness and prevention instruction for public school students required.
HF3164 (Edelson) - Vaping prevention pilot grant created, and money appropriated.

Government Operations

F3068 (Dehn) A bill for an act relating to elections; regulating access to certain lists of voter data related to the presidential nomination primary; allowing voters to request that their data be excluded from the lists.

HF1372 (Long) Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voter list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to permanent absentee voter list before election.

HF1152 (Freiberg) County auditors authorized to transmit ballots electronically to persons with disabilities.

HF673 (Lucero) Payment for security services added to allowable non-campaign disbursements list.
Bills Added:
HF3068 (Dehn) - Voter data access related to presidential nomination primary regulated, and voters allowed to request that their data be excluded from the lists.
HF673 (Lucero) - Security service payments added to list of allowable non-campaign disbursements.
HF1152 (Freiberg) - County auditors authorized to transmit ballots electronically to persons with disabilities.
HF1372 (Long) - Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voter list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to voters on permanent absentee list before election.

Capital Investment Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Governor's state agency bonding recommendations:
Employment and Economic Development
Water and Soil Resources Board
Public Facilities Authority

Agriculture and Food Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Update on the state of dairy in MN
- Dave Buck, President, MN Milk Producers
- Fran Miron, Dairy Producer of the Year
- Lucas Sjostrom, Executive Director, MN Milk
II. Rural Finance Authority status report on funding levels
- Matt McDevitt, Supervisor, MDA Rural Finance Authority
III. HF 2959 (Poppe) Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Informational hearing only.
IV. HF 3309 (Vang) MN Dept. of Agriculture/Dept. of Health joint lab renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. Informational hearing only.
- Gary Horvath, MDA Lab Director
V. HF 3296 (Poppe) Veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment funding provided, and money appropriated.
- David Preisler, CEO, MN Pork Producers Association
Bills Added:
HF2959 (Poppe) - Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3309 (Vang) - Minnesota Department of Agriculture and Health Laboratory Building renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3296 (Poppe) - Veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Informational presentations on:
Pregnant and Parenting Pupil Transportation
Reach out and Read

*more agenda items may be added*
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