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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division

*HF1 - Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.

*Please see DE5 amendment posted.

Walk through and testimony/discussion will take place during the morning meeting on February 18th and continue in the evening of February 18th beginning at 5:30PM in Capitol 120. Public testimony on HF1 will take place during the evening portion of the meeting.

If you would like to testify on this bill, please email the Committee Administrator, Alyssa Fritz (; members of the public will be asked to keep testimony to two minutes per person.

Materials must be submitted to by 12 PM on Monday, February 17 in order to be included in committee member folders.
Bills Added:
HF1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities created for children ages birth to three; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.

Higher Education Finance and Policy Division

Call to Order

Approval of minutes from April 26, 2019

2020 Overview Presentations:

I. University of Minnesota
II. Minnesota Private Colleges & Universities
III. Minnesota State Colleges & Universities


If you wish to testify, please notify Addie Miller at or 651-296-2491

Health and Human Services Finance Division

HF3100 (Howard) Emergency insulin program established, Minnesota insulin patient assistance program established, pharmacy and insulin manufacturer participation required, reports required, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF3100 (Howard) - Insulin; dependent child notice required, Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act established, reports required, public awareness campaign required, and money appropriated.
HF3100.2 (1).pdf (2/18/2020)
H3100A6-2.pdf (2/18/2020)
H3100A7-1.pdf (2/18/2020)
H3100A11.pdf (2/18/2020)
H3100A12.pdf (2/18/2020)

Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3209 (Stephenson) - Utilities required to analyze economics of resting nonrenewable generating facilities to seasonal operation, and Public Utilities Commission provided process for seasonable operations pilot project approval.
HF3054 (Stephenson) - Electric generation sources and associated air pollution emission semiannual reports to customers by electric utilities required.
HF3101 (Christensen) - Electric utilities required to include renewable energy program information with bill inserts.

Bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF3054 (Stephenson) - Electric generation sources and associated air pollution emission semiannual reports to customers by electric utilities required.
HF3101 (Christensen) - Electric utilities required to include renewable energy program information with bill inserts.
HF3209 (Stephenson) - Utilities required to analyze economics of resting nonrenewable generating facilities to seasonal operation, and Public Utilities Commission provided process for seasonable operations pilot project approval.
H3101DE1.pdf (2/16/2020)
H3054A3.pdf (2/16/2020)
H3054A5.pdf (2/16/2020)
HF 3054 A4.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3209A3.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3101A2.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3209A1.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3209A2.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3209A4.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3054A6.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3054A7.pdf (2/17/2020)
H3054A8.pdf (2/17/2020)

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3

State Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3

I. HF 354 (Carlson, L) Establishes a General Fund appropriation for a "Beyond Opioids" documentary by Minnesota Public Television and the Association of Minnesota Educational Radio Stations

HF 1607 (Claflin) Provides planning money for a new state Velodrome to be built and managed by the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission

HF 1740 (Huot) Provides flags for the families of Minnesota military personnel and first responders who have been killed in the line of duty
Bills Added:
HF354 (Carlson) - Beyond Opioids Project public television and community radio funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1607 (Claflin) - Velodrome for track cycling funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1740 (Huot) - Capitol flag program established for families of military service members and first responders who die in the line of duty.

Transportation Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3

To sign up for public testimony, please email
Bills Added:
HF2986 (Sundin) - State rail safety inspection program requirements established.
HF2987 (Sundin) - Rail yard emergency preparedness safety training provided.
HF3091 (Koegel) - Metropolitan Council transit service evaluation requirements established.
HF3075 (Elkins) - Shared mobility program user data classified as private.

Veterans and Military Affairs Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentations from:

Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Minnesota Department of Military Affairs
Student Veterans Association of Minnesota

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Division

o HF 3095 (Christensen): A bill for an act relating to health; removing race from data on certificates of marriage reported to the state registrar; requiring marriage license applications to be modified to conform with this change; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 144.223
o HF 3009 (Lesch) A bill for an act relating to public safety; regulating the use of unmanned aerial vehicles by law enforcement agencies; classifying data; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 13.82, subdivision 15, by adding a subdivision; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 626
o HF 3012 (Lesch) A bill for an act relating to public safety; enabling reporting of information related to use of electronic location tracking warrants; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 626A.08, subdivision 2; 626A.37, subdivision 4
o HF 3010 (Lesch): A bill for an act relating to public safety; requiring a government entity to obtain a search warrant before accessing electronic communication information; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 626A.26, subdivision 3; 626A.27, subdivision 2; 626A.28, subdivisions 3, 4, 5; 626A.31, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 626; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 626A.28, subdivisions 1, 2; 626A.29; 626A.30

*Bills may be added to, or removed from, the agenda. Bills may be taken in any order. If the committee does not complete hearing the bills on this agenda, the remaining bills will be added to an agenda later in the week.

***If you have questions, or wish to testify on an agenda item, please contact Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani:
Bills Added:
HF3095 (Christensen) - Certificate of marriage provision changed, and race removed from data on certificate of marriage.
HF3009 (Lesch) - Unmanned aerial vehicle use by law enforcement agencies regulated, and data classified.
HF3010 (Lesch) - Government entity required to obtain search warrants before accessing electronic communication information.
HF3012 (Lesch) - Electronic location tracking warrant information reporting enabled.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance Division

HF3073 (Moran) - Pregnancy and parenting leave incumbency requirement modified.
Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF3073 (Moran) - Pregnancy and parenting leave incumbency requirement modified.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Survivor Advocacy Day

HF 3218 (Moller) Short Description: Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigation of peace officers accused of sexual assault required.

HF 3070 (Pinto) Human trafficking offense penalties increased, and prostitution patron penalties increased

HF 464 (O'Neill) Relating to public safety; establishing the domestic abuse transformation program account for funding domestic abuse transformation programs

HF 2983 (O’Neill) Unrestricted sexual assault examination kit; samples required to be tested, retention and storage requirements established, design and publication of a uniform consent form required, searchable database to track the status of testing created, additional lab scientists and software upgrade funding provided, and money appropriated.

Last Year Bills
*HF 734 (Gomez) Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated
*HF 2586 (Gomez) U-Visa certification documents timely process required by certifying entities.
*HF 2367 (Dehn) Certifying entities required to timely process visa certification documents.

*Bills that have been heard last year. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on these bills. Technical amendments will be provided for these bills to update certain dates.
**Bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF464 (O'Neill) - Domestic abuse transformation program account established to fund domestic abuse transformation programs, and money appropriated.
HF734 (Gomez) - Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated.
HF2586 (Gomez) - U-Visa certification documents timely process required by certifying entities.
HF3070 (Pinto) - Human trafficking offense penalties increased, and prostitution patron penalties increased.
HF2983 (O'Neill) - Unrestricted sexual assault examination kit; samples required to be tested, retention and storage requirements established, design and publication of a uniform consent form required, searchable database to track the status of testing created, additional lab scientists and software upgrade funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3218 (Moller) - Peace officers accused of sexual assault required to be investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
HF2367 (Dehn) - Certifying entities required to timely process visa certification documents.
H3218A1.pdf (2/14/2020)
H0734A1.pdf (2/15/2020)
H0464A1.pdf (2/15/2020)
H2367A3.pdf (2/17/2020)
H2586DE1.pdf (2/17/2020)
H2983A2.pdf (2/17/2020)

State Government Finance Division


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. HF 3100 (Howard) Emergency Insulin Program Established (pending referral from Health and Human Services Policy Division)

The hearing will focus on the role of the Department of Administration relative to the proposed Emergency Insulin Program and the appropriation to the Department of Administration. Testimony should focus on these items within the bill.

A newly engrossed copy of HF 3100 will be posted during Monday's floor session when the Committee Report from Health and Human Services Policy Committee is reported to the House.

Individuals wishing to testify should call Jim Gelbmann, Committee Administrator at (651) 296-7427.

IV. Adjourn
Bills Added:
HF3100 (Howard) - Insulin; dependent child notice required, Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act established, reports required, public awareness campaign required, and money appropriated.

Water Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview on Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and E.coli water issues.

Long-Term Care Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Long-Term Care Interim Updates from Commissioner Jan Malcolm, MN Department of Health

Long-Term Care Interim Updates from Commissioner Jodi Harpstead and Assistant Commissioner Dan Pollock, MN Department of Human Services

Ways and Means

I. *HF 5 (Halverson) Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; and rulemaking authorized.
II. *HF 11 (Lesch) Earned sick and safe time provided, rulemaking authorized, civil penalties imposed, reports required, and money appropriated.
III. Overview of Governor Walz' Capital Budget recommendations
- Myron Frans, Commissioner, MN Management and Budget
- Britta Reitan, State Budget Director
IV. Legislative Budget Office presentation
- Michelle Weber, Director

*Pursuant to House Rule 4.20, HF5 and HF 11 were returned to the Ways & Means Committee. The committee will not take additional testimony on these bills as they received a full hearing last year. The committee will consider technical amendments and vote on procedural motion to send the bills back to the General Register.

Bills Added:
HF5 (Halverson) - Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
HF11 (Lesch) - Earned sick and safe time provided, rulemaking authorized, civil penalties imposed, reports required, and money appropriated.

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Overview of Local Option Sales Taxes & 2019 law change
II. HF 2931 (Layman) Grand Rapids; local sales and use tax authorized
III. HF 3155 (Sundin) Carlton County; local sales and use tax imposition authorized
IV. HF 2956 (Lueck) Crosslake; local sales and use tax authority modified
V. HF 3134 (T. Xiong) Oakdale; local sales and use tax authorized
Bills Added:
HF2931 (Layman) - Grand Rapids; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF2956 (Lueck) - Crosslake; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3134 (Xiong) - Oakdale; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF3155 (Sundin) - Carlton County; local sales and use tax authorized.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Introductions and opening remarks

II. HF 3023 (Marquart) Like-kind exchange gains or losses recognition over a period of years provided, and additions and subtractions modified.

III. Referral of bills to division
These bills will not be heard or amended, they are moving to the Property & Local Tax Division and any action taken on them will take place there.
HF 2931 (Layman) Grand Rapids; local sales and use tax authorized
HF 2956 (Lueck) Crosslake; local sales and use tax authority modified
HF 3022 (Hamilton) Mountain Lake; tax increment financing five-year rule extended to ten years
HF 3049 (Dettmer) Property owned by congressionally-chartered veteran organization tax exemption provided
HF 3050 (Dettmer) Property owned by congressionally-chartered veteran organization tax exemption provided
HF 3114 (Quam) Senior citizens' property tax credit established, and money appropriated
HF 3134 (T. Xiong) Oakdale; local sales and use tax authorized
Bills Added:
HF3023 (Marquart) - Income and corporate franchise taxation; like-kind exchange gains or losses recognition over a period of years provided, and additions and subtractions modified.
HF2931 (Layman) - Grand Rapids; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF2956 (Lueck) - Crosslake; local sales and use tax authority modified.
HF3022 (Hamilton) - Mountain Lake; tax increment financing five-year rule extended to ten years.
HF3049 (Dettmer) - Property owned by congressionally-chartered veteran organization tax exemption provided.
HF3050 (Dettmer) - Property owned by congressionally-chartered veteran organization tax exemption provided.
HF3114 (Quam) - Senior citizens' property tax credit established, and money appropriated.
HF3134 (Xiong) - Oakdale; local sales and use tax authorized.

Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division


I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

III. Presentation by the Department of Human Services on Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Program Integrity

IV. Adjournment

More agenda items may be added.

Please contact the Committee Administrator, Alyssa Fritz (, with any questions about this meeting.

Education Finance Division

Youth and Parent Voices

*Other agenda items may added*

Capital Investment Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
State agency bonding recommendations:
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Public Safety
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
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