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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Omnibus Environment Finance bill (HF846) walk-through.

Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Amendments are due to committee staff by 3:00 p.m., Monday, April 13th.
Bills Added:
HF1437 (Garofalo) - Omnibus jobs, economic development, and energy finance bill.
HF2040 (Hamilton) - Animal Health Board funding provided, and money appropriated.
H1437DE1.pdf (4/9/2015)
Ag Summary Spreadsheet_HF1437DE1.pdf (4/9/2015)
H1437A1.pdf (4/10/2015)
H2040A1.pdf (4/10/2015)
H1437A5.pdf (4/10/2015)
H1437A8.pdf (4/13/2015)
A15-0443.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A2.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A3.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A4.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A9.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A10.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A13.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A14.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A17.pdf (4/13/2015)
H1437A16.pdf (4/13/2015)

Higher Education Policy and Finance

HF 845 will be used to discuss and pass the Higher Education Omnibus Budget Bill.
Bills Added:
HF845 (Nornes) - Omnibus higher education policy and finance bill.
H0845DE4.pdf (4/13/2015)

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board Confirmation Hearings
-Dan Rosen
-Carol Flynn
-Christian Sande

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Amendment deadline is Monday, April 13 at 9 am.

Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to testify, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant, Chris Stolarzyk, at

Informational Hearing - No action will be taken on HF 1652 (Baker) Minnesota prescription monitoring program changes made.

Bills Added:
HF1659 (Peterson) - Pharmacy technician to pharmacist permitted ratio increased, definitions modified, and Pharmacy Board size increased.
HF1653 (Baker) - Medical assistance coverage for psychiatric residential treatment for persons under age 21 authorized.
HF1651 (Baker) - Opiate antagonist purchases and training grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1640 (Peterson) - Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) monetary parental contribution repealed.
HF1634 (Baker) - Hospital that specializes in treatment of cerebral palsy and other conditions payment rates for provided services increased.
HF1584 (Albright) - Health professional license requirements modified.
HF1582 (Zerwas) - Body art establishment and body piercing technician licensing requirements modified.
HF1211 (Peterson) - Disability waiver rate system modified.
HF1151 (Zerwas) - Medical assistance coverage and reimbursement for dental services modified, new dental reimbursement system development authorized, oral health system administrative simplification work group convened, basic dental screenings performed by dental hygienists and dental therapists covered, and money appropriated.
HF1011 (Albright) - Medical assistance coverage permitted for mental health services provided by physician assistants in outpatient settings.
HF981 (Peterson) - Optometrist licensing provisions changed.
HF604 (Baker) - Medical assistance rates increased for chemical dependency providers, and report required.
HF560 (Albright) - Employed persons with disabilities program premium payments reduced for medical assistance.
HF1652 (Baker) - Minnesota prescription monitoring program changes made.

Legacy Funding Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
There will be a delete all amendment inserting the language for HF1781 (Clean Water fund) into HF303.
Bills Added:
HF303 (Urdahl) - Omnibus legacy bill.
H0303DE2.pdf (4/10/2015)

Ways and Means

An amendment to the previously adopted Budget Resolution will be considered.
Bills Added:
HF321 (Mack) - Interstate medical licensure compact project provided.
HF385 (Hortman) - Business conversion provisions modified.
HF610 (Davnie) - Towed recreational vehicles provided three-year registration cycle.

Transportation Policy and Finance

This is the Omnibus House Transportation Policy and Finance Bill as amended by the DE2 amendment and which will be marked up and amendments offered to this bill during this hearing by the committee. Amendments are now due no later than 3 pm on Friday April 10 to the committee staff. Amendments will be posted by shortly after that time.
Bills Added:
HF4 (Kelly) - Omnibus transportation policy and finance bill.
H0004DE2.pdf (4/9/2015)
HF4 Transportation Approriations HF 4 DE2 4-7-15.pdf (4/9/2015)
A15-0420.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A1.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A2.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A3.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A8.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A10.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A11.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A12.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A17.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A20.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A24.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A31.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A33.pdf (4/10/2015)
A15-0416.pdf (4/10/2015)
A15-0417.pdf (4/10/2015)
A15-0418_1.pdf (4/10/2015)
A15-0436.pdf (4/10/2015)
A15-0440.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A6.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A13.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A14.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A15.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A16.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A32.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A22.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A29.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A34.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A25.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A5.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A6.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A27.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A28.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A35.pdf (4/10/2015)
H0004A19_1.pdf (4/13/2015)
H0004A37.pdf (4/13/2015)
2015 transportation Small Cities fund - HF4 DE1 25M.pdf (4/21/2015)

Ways and Means

Bills Added:
HF1429 (Dill) - Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Crow Wing, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Hubbard, Lake, Martin, Pine, St. Louis, Todd, Washington, and Winona Counties; public and private sales and conveyances of state lands provided, and prior sale authority modified.
HF1164 (Zerwas) - Commercial motor vehicle road test requirements for school bus endorsement modified, and third-party testing provisions for school bus companies modified.
HF631 (Runbeck) - Motor vehicle registration refunds provided.
HF815 (Dill) - Agricultural product motor vehicle weight limit permit requirements amended, and hauling product for use as a biofuel provided.
HF177 (Sanders) - Self-service storage insurance regulated.
1429 A15.pdf (4/9/2015)

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continued public comment on the Job Growth and Energy Affordability Omnibus Policy and Finance bill.

The Committee plans to walk through the omnibus bill Wednesday night. The deadline for amendments is 2:00PM Friday, April 10.

Possible mark up and action will be taken on the omnibus bill.


Agriculture Finance

Opportunity for public testimony on the author's delete-all amendment to HF1437 will be provided at this meeting. The committee will consider adoption of the delete-all amendment, but no other action on the bill will be taken. The Author's delete-all amendment will be posted by the afternoon of Thursday, April 9th.
Bills Added:
HF1437 (Garofalo) - Omnibus jobs, economic development, and energy finance bill.

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Other bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF983 (Lucero) - State aid new source created for school districts with low general education revenue per pupil and low property wealth per pupil.
HF498 (Dettmer) - Physical education standards and benchmarks provided.
HF1283 (Peterson) - Teacher powered school grants provided, and money appropriated.
HF250 (Newton) - School personnel notice and reporting requirements added.
HF1134 (Newton) - Teaching license granted to public postsecondary faculty experienced in teaching subjects for which secondary and postsecondary credits are available.

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF2077 to be heard on an informational basis.
Bills Added:
HF922 (Drazkowski) - Local referenda related to spending required to be conducted on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
HF2077 (Drazkowski) - School building bond agricultural credit provided, and money appropriated.
HF1897 (Isaacson) - Career and technical education need grant programs established, and money appropriated.
HF1248 (Freiberg) - West Metro Education Program; school buildings conveyed to member districts, and orderly transition provided.
H0922A3.pdf (4/8/2015)
H0922A4.pdf (4/8/2015)

Capital Investment

Presentation by House Fiscal Analyst, Andrew Lee on State Debt Capacity.

Presentation and discussion on the Governor's bonding proposal.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continued public comment on HF843 (Garofalo) Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee Omnibus Policy and Finance bill.

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to testify, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant, Chris Stolarzyk, at
Bills Added:
HF1843 (Smith) - Mobile food shelf grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF1061 (Miller) - Safe harbor funding provided for sexually exploited youth, and money appropriated.
HF564 (Hamilton) - Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and home and community based service providers.
HF975 (Hamilton) - State Quality Council and regional quality council requirements modified, and money appropriated.
HF1209 (Barrett) - Suicide prevention training required, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1145 (Dean) - Chemical dependency prevention program grants provided, and money appropriated.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Public testimony will be received on the delete all amendment version of HF4 which will make up the House Omnibus Transportation bill. This amendment will be posted by noon on Tuesday April 7th on the House website. Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per testifier and no more than 2 testifiers per organization.

Please contact Natalie Cecchihi, Committee Legislative Assistant at 651-296-5999 or or Joe Marble, Commitee Administrator at 651-296-7185 or to be added to the list to testify on this bill
Bills Added:
HF4 (Kelly) - Omnibus transportation policy and finance bill.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Civil Legal Services Presentation
Bills Added:
HF1776 (Pinto) - Violent Crime Coordinating Council and multijurisdictional investigations expanded to include combating sex trafficking crimes, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agent funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1056 (Norton) - Local law enforcement agency grant program established to develop or expand lifesaver programs that locate lost or wandering persons who are mentally impaired, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2152 (O'Neill) - Minneapolis; automated property system reporting requirements and references removed.
HF233 (Hancock) - Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Calendar for the Day: April 13, 2015

V. Adjournment


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1001 (Dean) - Resident definition modified to exclude days spent in Minnesota for medical treatment.
HF1119 (Hertaus) - Resident definition modified.
HF1393 (McDonald) - Resident definition modified.
HF837 (Davids) - Domicile definition modified.
HF1901 (Smith) - Apportionment of taxes occasioned by a decedent's death provided.
HF1972 (Schomacker) - Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
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