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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2016 (Backer) - County program aid modified.
HF1707 (Drazkowski) - Environment and natural resources trust fund payment account established, trust fund payments to counties provided, and money appropriated.
HF1459 (Drazkowski) - Statements of proposed taxes provided to be mailed in October, and deadlines within the property tax system modified.
HF2077 (Drazkowski) - School building bond agricultural credit provided, and money appropriated.
HF1649 (Dill) - Sustainable Forest Incentive Act early withdrawal allowed.
HF920 (Drazkowski) - Rail project expenditure and other powers restricted.
HF984 (Drazkowski) - State general levy phased out over six years.

State Government Finance

Bills Added:
HF1190 (Kresha) - Minnesota Military Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1261 (Kresha) - State agency rulemaking regulated, and rules having substantial economic impact provided process requirements.
HF1353 (Laine) - Minnesota ethnic councils governing laws revised.

State Government Finance

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Bills Added:
HF744 (Gunther) - Accountancy examinations and peer review standards modified, and rulemaking authorized.
HF795 (Mack) - Cost-benefit approach implemented to measure success of corrections and human services programs.
HF1470 (Smith) - Business fees and filings regulated.
HF2013 (Knoblach) - State forecast recession estimate required.

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

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Bills Added:
HF782 (Runbeck) - Reverse referendum approval of debt issuance provided.
HF1671 (Drazkowski) - Reverse referendum allowed.
HF2034 (Quam) - First class city per capita aid limits imposed.
HF682 (Norton) - Destination Medical Center; public infrastructure definition modified, and local matching contribution clarified.


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Bills Added:
HF1628 (Quam) - Durable medical equipment and supply exemptions modified, refunds provided, and money appropriated.
HF1704 (Youakim) - Eligibility for grants from revenue generated by lottery in lieu tax modified.
HF1985 (Lenczewski) - Sales tax; June accelerated payments repealed.
HF2017 (McDonald) - Digital products sales tax repealed.
HF2019 (McDonald) - Annual city celebration sales tax exemption provided.
HF2134 (Knoblach) - Nonprofit BMX track admissions exempted from sales tax.
HF1478 (Garofalo) - Metropolitan area sales tax base modified.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1126 (Simonson) - Duluth; community offender reentry program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1215 (Melin) - Domestic violence victim service funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1500 (Schoen) - Crime victim support grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1088 (O'Neill) - Crimes committed in a patient care zone penalties increased, and assaults by inmates in public institutions sentencing provisions amended.
H1088A1.pdf (4/7/2015)
A15-0063.pdf (4/8/2015)

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
An amendment for HF4 will be posted by noon on Tuesday April 7th. The remainder of the meeting will be spent by the committee going through the bill as amended.
Bills Added:
HF4 (Kelly) - Omnibus transportation policy and finance bill.

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Informational Hearing - No action will be taken on HF 1152 (Daniels) Home care employee work group established to review and make recommendations on vaccinating and screening home care employees, and money appropriated.

Additional bills added: HFs 1543, 1443, 1341, 1277, 1272, 1199, 1012, 960, 778, 1790, 1853, 1073, 1063. Amendment deadline for the additional bills added is 2 pm. Added bills will be taken up during the evening hearing.

If you would like to testify, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant, Chris Stolarzyk, at
Bills Added:
HF211 (Kiel) - Rural mental health professionals, public health nurses, dental therapists, and advanced dental therapists added to the health professional education loan forgiveness program; and money appropriated.
HF1447 (Kiel) - Legislative Health Care Workforce Commission investment priorities implemented; advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, mental health professional, and primary care residency training grant programs established; health profession student preceptors and medical resident preceptors incentive payment provided; and money appropriated.
HF614 (Baker) - Long-term care workforce needs provided, employee scholarships and loan forgiveness provided, health related licensing board authority to discipline health professionals for defaulting on loan or service obligations eliminated, nursing facility rate provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF627 (Franson) - Nursing facility employee scholarship costs modified, list of health professionals eligible for the health professional education loan forgiveness program modified, and money appropriated.
HF1152 (Daniels) - Home care employee work group established to review and make recommendations on vaccinating and screening home care employees, and money appropriated.
HF971 (Schomacker) - Statewide advance care planning resource organization grant awarded, and money appropriated.
HF1543 (Gruenhagen) - Isuroon funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1443 (Mack) - Public assistance program treatment of income simplified; and reporting income, changes, overpayment, and underpayment requirements simplified.
HF1341 (Pierson) - Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services Division funding provided; services for people who are deaf, deafblind, or hard-of-hearing funding provided; and money appropriated.
HF1277 (Gruenhagen) - International Medical Graduates Council created, and money appropriated.
HF1272 (Mack) - Correction orders and conditional licenses provided for home and community based service programs, and settlement agreements provided.
HF1199 (Pierson) - Residential asleep-overnight staff base wage increased, ICF/DD payment rates increased to defray costs resulting from minimum wage increases.
HF1012 (Dean) - Home and community based setting residency ratio restrictions modified.
HF960 (Mack) - Social Work Board licensing provisions changed.
HF778 (Pierson) - Early dental prevention statewide initiative established, dental operatory expansion grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1790 (Mack) - Human services commissioner required to seek an amendment to the budget methodology for consumer-directed community support.
HF1853 (Backer) - Critical access hospital new payment rates set, and new payment methodology required for disproportionate share hospital payments.
HF1073 (Backer) - Community first services and supports program modified.
HF1063 (Backer) - Mental health peer specialist training and outreach provided; clubhouse program service medical assistance coverage established; report required; funding provided for intensive community rehabilitation services, suicide prevention, intensive treatment for adolescents and young adults, and housing for individuals with mental illness; and money appropriated.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Additional bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF1875 (Erhardt) - Pilot student loan forgiveness provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF545 (Johnson) - Veterans to agriculture pilot program established, and money appropriated.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Pending referral to the Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee, the Committee will also hear HF1976 (Albright) Electronic transactions modified, penalties authorized, and death or injury reporting requirements modified (pending referral from the Civil Law and Data Practices Committee).

For HF843 (Garofalo) a DE-1 will be introduced which will serve as the Job Growth and Energy Affordability Committee Omnibus Policy and Finance bill.

The Committee may also hear any bills that were not heard on Tuesday, April 7.

Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

Bills Added:
HF1951 (Garofalo) - Rate-regulated cooperative associations allowed to file for Public Utilities Commission review adjustments for property taxes and other costs.
HF1693 (Atkins) - Unclaimed property requirements modified, commissioner's duties modified, and money appropriated.
HF1969 (Vogel) - Legislative approval of housing incentives and allocations by the Metropolitan Council required.
HF750 (Kiel) - Job training grants to employers provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF843 (Garofalo) - Omnibus employment, economic development, and energy bill.
H1693DE1.pdf (4/7/2015)

Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The hearing on HF779 concluded on Tuesday, April 7th.
Bills Added:
HF1337 (Kiel) - Agricultural Utilization Research Institute funding provided to increase capacity for rural economic development, and money appropriated.
HF153 (Clark) - Urban agriculture development grants established, and money appropriated.
H0153A3.pdf (4/7/2015)
H0153DE4.pdf (4/7/2015)
H0153A4.pdf (4/7/2015)
H0153A6.pdf (4/7/2015)

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Governor Dayton's Revised Education Recommendations

Hearing may be continued Wednesday Evening.

Individuals or organizations wishing to provide comment on Governor's Revised Education Recommendations should contact the Committee Administrator at Please indicate if you can only testify after normal business hours, and would like to testify in the evening.

Other bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1446 (Selcer) - Science, technology, engineering, and math based course development by school districts funding provided; and money appropriated.
HF1643 (Sundin) - Early childhood family education revenue and school readiness aid use flexibility provided.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

*Testimony will be limited to not more than 30 minutes for those in support and not more than 30 minutes for those in opposition of the legislation.

**No action will be taken on the bills.
Bills Added:
HF231 (Loon) - Intoxicating liquor off-sale sales permitted on Sundays.
HF1239 (Loon) - Municipalities authorized to allow off-sale intoxicating liquor sales on Sundays.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1328 (McNamara) - Conservation easement stewardship accounts created, and money appropriated.
HF1781 (Torkelson) - Clean water fund; soil and water governing provisions modified, comprehensive watershed management planning program provided, Clean Water Council membership modified, and money appropriated.
H1781DE1_1.pdf (4/7/2015)
H1781A1.pdf (4/7/2015)
H1781A3.pdf (4/7/2015)
H1328A2.pdf (4/7/2015)

Education Finance

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Bills may be taken in any order. Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1217 (Davnie) - Concurrent enrollment provided, and money appropriated.
HF1219 (Davnie) - Data on homeless and highly mobile students reported.
HF1709 (Murphy) - Full service community schools provided, and money appropriated.
HF1712 (Quam) - School crisis response team coordination help by the education commissioner authorized.
HF2113 (Carlson) - Special education payments for charter schools modified.

Agriculture Finance

The hearing on HF779 will continue on Wednesday, April 8th, if additional time necessary.
Bills Added:
HF2058 (Petersburg) - Local food promotion and education event funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1845 (Swedzinski) - Interagency feasibility study required.
HF1905 (Metsa) - Butcher training pilot program established.
HF1904 (Anderson) - Retail petroleum dispenser grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF779 (Hamilton) - Agriculture Research, Education, Extension, and Technology Transfer Board established; and money appropriated.
H0779A4.pdf (4/6/2015)
H0779DE1.pdf (4/6/2015)

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
*Bills may be added to agenda
**Bills may be taken up in any order
***Bills not taken up on Tuesday will be heard during the regularly scheduled Wednesday meeting

Bills Added:
HF328 (Loon) - Crowdfunding transactions provided exemption from securities regulation.
HF579 (Franson) - Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF716 (Mahoney) - Saint Paul Port Authority governing provisions modified.
HF776 (Sanders) - Voice-over-Internet protocol service and Internet protocol-enabled service regulation prohibited.
HF1290 (Loonan) - Insurance fraud prevention account funding provided, and annual money transfer from the automobile theft prevention program to the general fund ended.
HF1749 (Murphy) - Aircraft manufacturing facility loan from the Minnesota Investment Fund provided.
HF1977 (Vogel) - Labor and industry commissioner required to allow builders flexibility in methods used to achieve energy reduction goals.
HF2081 (Garofalo) - Public utilities required to file plans with the Public Utilities Commission promoting electric and compressed natural gas vehicles and to recover costs of such promotion, rebates and incentives to electric and compressed natural gas vehicle purchasers and salespersons provided, and money appropriated.
HF2123 (McDonald) - Broadband infrastructure economic development demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.

Legacy Funding Finance

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Funding request for the Duluth Children's Museum

Funding request for the Great Lakes Aquarium

Hearing on Monarch preservation
Bills Added:
HF1791 (Anzelc) - Grand Rapids; Children's Discovery Museum new exhibit funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF896 (Mahoney) - St. Paul; Chinese garden funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1967 (Nornes) - Special event recreational camping area exemption created.

Health and Human Services Finance

12:45 to 2:30 pm: Presentation on Federal Funding and Oversight of Grants to Non-Profits - MN Dept. of Health and MN Dept. of Human Services

Evening Hearing: All bills will be heard during the evening hearing and bills may be heard in a different order than listed.

Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to testify, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant, Chris Stolarzyk, at

HF1604 (Zerwas) Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
HF161 (Zerwas) Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE); accounts established for persons with disabilities.
Bills Added:
HF1148 (McDonald) - Olmstead Plan training funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF507 (Murphy) - Residential hospice facility definition modified.
HF1350 (Norton) - Nonemergency medical transportation providers regulated, and nonemergency medical transportation service payment rates modified.
HF512 (Norton) - Child support work group established, and money appropriated.
HF1637 (Pierson) - Supplementary group residential housing rate for certain facilities established.
HF329 (Dettmer) - State employees assaulted by inmates or patients provided continued insurance contributions.
HF1639 (Pierson) - Indigent individuals with emergency medical conditions or complex or chronic health conditions service grant established, and money appropriated.
HF1604 (Zerwas) - Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
HF161 (Zerwas) - Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE); accounts established for persons with disabilities.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Calendar for the Day: April 9, 2015

V. Adjournment
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