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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Legacy Funding Finance

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Funding request for the Duluth Children's Museum

Funding request for the Great Lakes Aquarium

Hearing on Monarch preservation
Bills Added:
HF1791 (Anzelc) - Grand Rapids; Children's Discovery Museum new exhibit funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF896 (Mahoney) - St. Paul; Chinese garden funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1967 (Nornes) - Special event recreational camping area exemption created.

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

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We will recess at 10 am and reconvene at 12:45 in the Basement Hearing Room.
Bills Added:
HF147 (Dettmer) - Surviving spouses of deceased service members and permanently disabled veterans market value exclusion extended.
HF1116 (Zerwas) - Transfer for divided lands restriction rules modified.
HF1307 (Bernardy) - Residential and apartment property improvement valuation exclusion authorized.
HF1407 (Hackbarth) - Wine produced by a farm winery classified as an agricultural product for property tax classification purposes.
HF1698 (Anzelc) - Class 1c property requirements modified, and treatment of leased seasonal-recreational land modified.
HF1768 (Isaacson) - Elderly and disabled income tax exclusion increased, and second exemption allowed for property tax refund claimants.
HF1830 (Green) - Counties required to enter into joint operating agreements with towns or townships.
HF1831 (Green) - Property tax credits for overvalued property required.
HF1950 (Davids) - Destination Medical Center; city fund use restrictions provided.
HF1265 (Davids) - Cities provided dedicated aid to fund transportation costs.
HF890 (Schomacker) - Local government aid penalty forgiveness provided, and appropriations modified.
HF1794 (Fabian) - Oslo; 2013 city aid penalty forgiven, and money appropriated.
HF684 (Fabian) - Workforce housing use provided.
HF1565 (Slocum) - Richfield; redevelopment tax increment financing district duration extended.
HF1933 (Uglem) - Coon Rapids; tax increment financing provisions modified.
HF2002 (Schoen) - Cottage Grove; five-year rule for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-12 extended.
HF1945 (Hertaus) - Wayzata; five-year rule for Tax Increment Financing District 3 extended.
HF1202 (Anzelc) - Modifications to payments in lieu of taxes for natural resource land provided.
HF1649 (Dill) - Sustainable Forest Incentive Act early withdrawal allowed.
HF287 (Quam) - Agricultural homestead classification for property allowed.
HF1230 (Marquart) - Agricultural purposes definition modified for class 2 properties.
HF1944 (Hertaus) - Agricultural preserve allowed commercial and industrial operation provisions modified, and early termination provided for an agricultural preserve.
HF1450 (Drazkowski) - Small cities assistance program established.
HF538 (Drazkowski) - Political contribution refund and public subsidy program and related expenditure limits repealed.

Health and Human Services Finance

12:45 to 2:30 pm: Presentation on Federal Funding and Oversight of Grants to Non-Profits - MN Dept. of Health and MN Dept. of Human Services

Evening Hearing: All bills will be heard during the evening hearing and bills may be heard in a different order than listed.

Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to testify, please contact the Committee Legislative Assistant, Chris Stolarzyk, at

HF1604 (Zerwas) Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
HF161 (Zerwas) Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE); accounts established for persons with disabilities.
Bills Added:
HF1148 (McDonald) - Olmstead Plan training funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF507 (Murphy) - Residential hospice facility definition modified.
HF1350 (Norton) - Nonemergency medical transportation providers regulated, and nonemergency medical transportation service payment rates modified.
HF512 (Norton) - Child support work group established, and money appropriated.
HF1637 (Pierson) - Supplementary group residential housing rate for certain facilities established.
HF329 (Dettmer) - State employees assaulted by inmates or patients provided continued insurance contributions.
HF1639 (Pierson) - Indigent individuals with emergency medical conditions or complex or chronic health conditions service grant established, and money appropriated.
HF1604 (Zerwas) - Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
HF161 (Zerwas) - Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE); accounts established for persons with disabilities.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
*Bills may be added to agenda
**Bills may be taken up in any order
***Bills not taken up on Tuesday will be heard during the regularly scheduled Wednesday meeting

Bills Added:
HF328 (Loon) - Crowdfunding transactions provided exemption from securities regulation.
HF579 (Franson) - Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF716 (Mahoney) - Saint Paul Port Authority governing provisions modified.
HF776 (Sanders) - Voice-over-Internet protocol service and Internet protocol-enabled service regulation prohibited.
HF1290 (Loonan) - Insurance fraud prevention account funding provided, and annual money transfer from the automobile theft prevention program to the general fund ended.
HF1749 (Murphy) - Aircraft manufacturing facility loan from the Minnesota Investment Fund provided.
HF1977 (Vogel) - Labor and industry commissioner required to allow builders flexibility in methods used to achieve energy reduction goals.
HF2081 (Garofalo) - Public utilities required to file plans with the Public Utilities Commission promoting electric and compressed natural gas vehicles and to recover costs of such promotion, rebates and incentives to electric and compressed natural gas vehicle purchasers and salespersons provided, and money appropriated.
HF2123 (McDonald) - Broadband infrastructure economic development demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Innovation Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills may be taken in any order. Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1676 (Kelly) - Educational partnership fund established, and money appropriated.
HF1838 (Mariani) - Charter school authorizer recommendations required.
HF1930 (Hamilton) - Hmong and Southeast Asian children and family program provided to engage in accessing early childhood care and education, health and developmental screening, and reading assessments.
HF498 (Dettmer) - Physical education standards and benchmarks provided.
HF879 (Anderson) - Agricultural educator grant program established, and money appropriated.
H0498A3.pdf (3/25/2015)
H0879A1.pdf (3/25/2015)
H1838DE3.pdf (3/25/2015)

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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***Other bills may be added***
Bills Added:
HF1429 (Dill) - Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Crow Wing, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Hubbard, Lake, Martin, Pine, St. Louis, Todd, Washington, and Winona Counties; public and private sales and conveyances of state lands provided, and prior sale authority modified.
HF1835 (Runbeck) - Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee modified and duties specified, water supply plan requirements modified, report required, and implementation of groundwater management area plan delayed.
H1429A2.pdf (3/25/2015)
H1835A2.pdf (3/25/2015)

Government Operations and Elections Policy

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More bills may be added.

Bills may be taken in any order.
Bills Added:
HF1714 (Pierson) - E-Health Advisory Committee, Trauma Advisory Council, and Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force expiration date changed; and review requested for stillbirth data collection, prenatal protocols, and family supports.
HF1979 (Hoppe) - No-fault automobile insurance reform issues task force established, legislative appointments provided, and report required.
HF1541 (Vogel) - Cedar Lake area water and sanitary sewer district special law certificate filing time period extended.
HF1359 (Anzelc) - County overseer of roads appointment requirement repealed in unorganized territories of a county.
HF1151 (Zerwas) - Medical assistance coverage and reimbursement for dental services modified, new dental reimbursement system development authorized, oral health system administrative simplification work group convened, basic dental screenings performed by dental hygienists and dental therapists covered, and money appropriated.
HF1568 (Hoppe) - Mentally ill and dangerous to the public individuals provisions modified, and duties imposed on special review board and the head of the treatment facility.
HF586 (Dill) - Tofte; housing authority powers provided.
H1151A1.pdf (3/25/2015)
H1541A1.pdf (3/25/2015)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1955 (Urdahl) - Teacher mentorship program importance reaffirmed, taxable income modifications made, and money appropriated.
HF1956 (Urdahl) - School year-long student teaching programs made part of teacher preparation, report on tax credit for student teachers required, and money appropriated.
HF1994 (Carlson) - Exemption for sales broadened to nonprofit groups.
HF1775 (Davids) - Federal tax burdens required to be included in tax incidence study.
HF89 (Davnie) - Instructional materials tax exemption modified.

Agriculture Finance

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Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1906 (McNamara) - Pesticide regulatory account use modified, and labeling and advertising prohibitions pertaining to plants beneficial to pollinators modified.
HF910 (Newberger) - Prepared food direct sale licensing exclusions modified.
HF536 (Hamilton) - Advanced biofuel, renewable chemical, and biomass production incentive programs established; and money appropriated.
HF1451 (Miller) - Livestock industry study required.
HF1079 (Applebaum) - Farmer ombudsman office established to provide one-stop regulatory assistance, and money appropriated.
A15-0310.pdf (3/24/2015)
H0536A13.pdf (3/25/2015)
H1451A3.pdf (3/25/2015)

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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HF1677, HF1935, and HF1825 will be heard pending timely referrals from other committees.
Bills Added:
HF795 (Mack) - Cost-benefit approach implemented to measure success of corrections and human services programs.
HF518 (Scott) - Parenting time rebuttable presumption clarified, remedies following denial of court-ordered parenting time or other agreements modified, post-decree modification of maintenance allowed, disclosure of income information required, and alternate effective date for modification of child support allowed.
HF1677 (Albright) - Human services policy modifications provided; unmarked vehicle use authorized; background study requirements, cost of care requirements, and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act modified; nonemergency medical transportation documentation required; council continued; Indian child out-of-home placement provisions modified; conforming changes made; rulemaking authorized; and criminal penalties provided.
HF1935 (Green) - Autopsy religious objection provided.
HF1940 (Simonson) - Trespass crime expanded to include trespassing on a school bus.
HF1703 (Vogel) - Tax Court conforming changes made, and appropriations clarified.
HF1825 (Slocum) - Automated sale suppression device use criminal penalties provided.
HF1947 (Atkins) - Used wireless communication device cash payments permitted, and effect of nonredemption modified.
H0518A1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1947A1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1677DE1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1935A1.pdf (3/25/2015)
H1935A2.pdf (3/25/2015)
A15-0351.pdf (3/26/2015)

Health and Human Services Finance

MNsure presentation on their budget, federal grant request and outreach grants

Bills may be added.

Education Finance

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HF 1170 and HF 809 are pending re-referral.

Other bills may be added.

Bills Added:
HF1762 (Erickson) - Districts that enhance proficiency for English language learners provided financial incentive.
HF1763 (Erickson) - Eighth grade student numeracy incentive aid created.
HF880 (Anderson) - Agricultural education teacher loan forgiveness provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF1170 (Bennett) - Teacher shortage loan forgiveness program provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF984 (Drazkowski) - State general levy phased out over six years.
HF809 (Gunther) - Career pathway coordinators provided, reports required, funding provided for career pathways coordinators and the Minnesota youth program, and money appropriated.
H0809A1.pdf (3/25/2015)
H0984A1.pdf (3/25/2015)

Civil Law and Data Practices

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Civil Law is reconvening in Room 5 immediately following session to finish the remainder of the bills.
Bills Added:
HF233 (Hancock) - Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings.
HF683 (Franson) - Industrial hemp industry development provided for and regulated, industrial hemp research authorized, rulemaking required, possession of industrial hemp defense provided, wild hemp definition modified, and money appropriated.
HF1470 (Smith) - Business fees and filings regulated.
HF1535 (Mack) - Omnibus health and human services policy bill.
HF1539 (Scott) - Human services data and background study provisions modified.
HF1725 (Christensen) - Electronic filing for hearings in contested cases at the Office of Administrative Hearings permitted, and electronic transfer of rulemaking documents permitted.
HF1792 (Baker) - Nursing home or certified boarding care home governing receivership provisions changed, and medical cannabis provisions changed.
HF1751 (Schoen) - Certificate of compliance scope of application changes made, and bid and proposal requirements from businesses clarified.
HF1003 (Laine) - Local governments permitted to donate surplus equipment to nonprofit organizations, and exception to tort liability created.
HF1688 (Mullery) - Statute of limitations for a minor child filing a claim under the Human Rights Act extended.
HF1647 (Hilstrom) - Patient allowed to enjoin collection actions taken by a nonprofit hospital if the hospital has failed to provide a financial assistance policy.
HF506 (Schoen) - Temporary licensing provided for former and current members of the military.
HF210 (Zerwas) - Hospital required to provide a patient the opportunity to designate a caregiver upon entry, and hospital required to provide discharge plan and aftercare instructions to designated caregiver prior to discharge.
HF1976 (Albright) - Electronic transactions modified, penalties authorized, and death or injury reporting requirements modified.

State Government Finance

The committee will reconvene approximately 30 minutes after session in the Basement hearing room and continue the agenda.

HF146, HF1003, HF1538, HF840, and HF1725 are pending re-referral from other committees.

Bills may be taken out of order
Bills Added:
HF337 (Sanders) - Campaign finance and public disclosure board provisions modified; enforcement, registration, fees, data, contributions, statements of economic interest, and other provisions administered by the board modified; penalties provided; and technical changes made.
HF1467 (Anderson) - Hennepin County; railroad condemnation power limited.
HF745 (Howe) - Veterans preference procedures and rights modified.
HF1725 (Christensen) - Electronic filing for hearings in contested cases at the Office of Administrative Hearings permitted, and electronic transfer of rulemaking documents permitted.
HF146 (Dettmer) - Honor and Remember Flag designated as an official symbol of the state's commitment to military service members who have lost their lives in service to our country, and display of flag encouraged on certain days in certain public locations.
HF1538 (Loonan) - Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
HF1003 (Laine) - Local governments permitted to donate surplus equipment to nonprofit organizations, and exception to tort liability created.
HF840 (Sanders) - Election administration provisions modified including provisions related to school boards, voters, ballots, registration, violations, absentee ballots, candidates, vacancies, recounts, filing fees, and precincts; military and overseas absentee voting provisions modified; Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act provided; and various technical changes made.
A15-0349.pdf (3/25/2015)

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

***HF1161 has been added to the agenda***
***Other bills may be added***
Bills Added:
HF1327 (Torkelson) - Soil and water conservation district funding modified, county levies for soil and water conservation districts specified as special taxing district levies, soil and water conservation district grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1410 (Dill) - Sustainable Forest Incentive Act; revenue commissioner powers transferred to the natural resources commissioner; transfer of ownership rules provided; eligibility, certification, and notification requirements provided; clarifying changes made; and obsolete provisions repealed.
HF1096 (Lueck) - School trust land condemnation provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1161 (Fabian) - Private truck wash facilities operated as part of feedlot operations permitting provided.
H1327DE1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1410A1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1161A2.pdf (3/24/2015)
HF1327A2.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1327A3.pdf (3/24/2015)

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

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We will hear the property tax portions of HF 1589 and 1590 at the beginning of the hearing.
Bills Added:
HF228 (Knoblach) - Income definition modified for property tax refunds.
HF705 (Howe) - Congressionally chartered veterans organization property provided reduced classification rate.
HF894 (Kiel) - Permanent tax reduction authority provided to border city enterprise zones.
HF951 (Lueck) - Assessor accreditation and assistant to county assessor rules modified.
HF995 (Rarick) - Indian Child Welfare Act; local government aid reimbursement provided for out-of-home placement costs of children, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Governor's Supplemental Budget Items

Department of Military Affairs: Executive Director Don Kerr

Department of Administration
Matt Scherer, Legislative Director
Wayne Waslaski, Director - Real Estate and COnstruction Services
Laurie Beyer-Kropuenseke, Director of Community Services

Minnesota State Arts Board Executive Director Sue Gens
Bills Added:
HF1974 (Anderson) - Districting principles for legislative and congressional plans established.
HF922 (Drazkowski) - Local referenda related to spending required to be conducted on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
H0922A1.pdf (3/24/2015)

Agriculture Policy

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Testimony on HF812 was taken at a previous meeting.

Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1944 (Hertaus) - Agricultural preserve allowed commercial and industrial operation provisions modified, and early termination provided for an agricultural preserve.
HF1905 (Metsa) - Butcher training pilot program established.
HF812 (Bly) - Income tax credit for sales or rentals of agricultural assets to beginning farmers provided, income tax credit for beginning farmer financial management programs provided, and the beginning farmer program administered by the Rural Finance Authority modified.
HF1904 (Anderson) - Retail petroleum dispenser grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
A15-0325.pdf (3/24/2015)
H0812A1.pdf (3/24/2015)

Government Operations and Elections Policy

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More bills may be added.

Bills may be taken in any order.
Bills Added:
HF1538 (Loonan) - Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
HF1616 (Fenton) - Washington County; Gateway Corridor Busway funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1617 (Fenton) - Washington County; Gateway Corridor Busway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1447 (Kiel) - Legislative Health Care Workforce Commission investment priorities implemented; advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, mental health professional, and primary care residency training grant programs established; health profession student preceptors and medical resident preceptors incentive payment provided; and money appropriated.
HF1427 (Daniels) - District 1 Hospital Board meeting requirement changed.
HF1694 (Barrett) - Legislative auditor required to evaluate economic development incentive programs, management and budget commissioner reports required, and money appropriated.
HF749 (Hamilton) - Workforce housing grant program created, tax credits created for workforce housing, reports required, and money appropriated.
H1427A1.pdf (3/23/2015)
H1694A1.pdf (3/23/2015)
A15-0335.pdf (3/24/2015)
A15-0336.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1447A2.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1616A1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1616A2.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1617A1.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1617A2.pdf (3/24/2015)
H0749DE9.pdf (3/24/2015)
H1694A2.pdf (3/25/2015)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1589 (Davids) - Taxation policy changes made.
HF1590 (Davids) - Taxation; clarifying and technical changes made to individual income and corporate franchise, estate, sales and use, special, property, and other taxes and tax provisions.
HF1083 (Considine) - Tax credit for employer paid taxes provided.
HF1176 (Hoppe) - Lawful gambling taxes modified.
HF1185 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling tax rate reduced.
HF1423 (Petersburg) - Special fuels for off-road uses exempted from motor fuels and sales tax.
HF1544 (Nash) - Premium cigar definition modified, and premium cigar maximum tax reduced.
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