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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Capital Investment

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Department of Administration presentation on their Capital Security Bonding Request
Bills Added:
HF2518 (Hansen) - Lilydale; Highway 13 storm water runoff collection and conveyance funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2577 (Hansen) - South St. Paul; Jefferson Elementary School demolition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2085 (Clark) - Minneapolis; Norway House funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2443 (Wagenius) - Wellhead protection funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Complete mark-up of HF3931 (Garofalo) the Job Growth and Energy Affordability Omnibus bill and take action on the bill.

Ways and Means

It is the Chair's intent to use HF2749 as the vehicle to combine both HF3858 and HF3237.
Bills Added:
HF3237 (Nornes) - Office of Higher Education, Minnesota State colleges and Universities, and the University of Minnesota policy and finance provided including programs for student loans, college readiness and remediation, students with disabilities, fetal tissue research, psychiatric drug trials, and collegiate recovery; appropriations modified; and reports required.
HF3858 (Loon) - Early childhood and family, prekindergarten through grade 12, and adult education funding and policy provided including general education, education excellence, charter schools, special education, early childhood education, self-sufficiency, lifelong learning, and state agencies; and money appropriated.
HF2749 (Knoblach) - Omnibus supplemental budget bill.

Ways and Means

HF3328 (Quam ; Lesch ; Youakim ; Ward ) will be amended to become the Claims Bill.
Bills Added:
HF3328 (Quam) - Imprisonment and Exoneration Remedies Act award payments provided; legislative consideration clarified; claims against Corrections Department payment provided; funding provided; claims for loss, damage, or destruction of property of patients or inmates provided; claim limit of $7,000 established for settlement; claims filing fee increased; and money appropriated.
HF71 (Swedzinski) - Criminal vehicular homicide enhanced penalty created for offenses occurring within ten years of qualified offense.
HF2690 (Kelly) - Ignition interlock required for repeat offenders in order to reinstate driving privileges, and ignition interlock program limited to alcohol related offenses.
HF1182 (Anderson) - Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.

Legacy Funding Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The DE Amendment for HF 3829 includes the language for HF 2611.
Bills Added:
HF2611 (McNamara) - Outdoor heritage fund money appropriated, fund and council provisions modified, and prior appropriations modified.
HF3829 (Urdahl) - Outdoor heritage funding provided, Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council provisions modified, legacy fund provisions modified, prior appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
H3829DE2.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3829A8.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A7.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A9.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A12.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A13.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A14.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A10.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A11.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3829A15.pdf (4/15/2016)

Transportation Policy and Finance

This will be a informational hearing on mostly trunk highway bonding funding bills for projects. Testimony will be limited to 5 minutes for each project. The bills will be laid over after hearing them. Similar to last session the committee may submit a list to the bonding committee of bills to possibly consider for funding in a bonding bill.
Additional bills may be added or bills may be removed
If the committee runs out of time any remaining bills would have to be heard on Wednesday. So 5 minute maximum time limit is very important and will be enforced.
Bills Added:
HF2853 (Kelly) - Red Wing; U.S. Highway 61 reconstruction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3596 (Uglem) - Brooklyn Park; Trunk Highway 169 and 101st Avenue interchange project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3875 (Heintzeman) - Motorcycle insurance information requirements modified, and technical changes made.
HF3860 (Dehn) - I-94 wire rope safety barrier installation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3646 (Hoppe) - Trunk Highway 101 reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3322 (Mack) - Apple Valley; enclosed pedestrian and bike overpass across Cedar Avenue funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3321 (Theis) - St. Cloud; Heatherwood Road construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3428 (Murphy) - Minneapolis to Duluth high-speed passenger rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2643 (Runbeck) - White Bear Lake and Hugo; Hugo Short Line Railway improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2595 (McNamara) - Washington County; Red Rock Corridor transitway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3106 (Koznick) - Dakota County; transit improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3833 (Koznick) - Metro Orange Bus Rapid Transit line funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2801 (Wills) - Dakota County; County Road 42 and Trunk Highway 52 interchange reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2265 (Murphy) - Duluth; airport improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3151 (Pierson) - Rochester International Airport capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2696 (Theis) - St. Cloud Regional Airport air transport optimization study funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3356 (Ecklund) - Falls International Airport capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3412 (Anderson) - I-35W and I-494 interchange improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3413 (Anderson) - Mall of America light rail transit station improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3845 (Ecklund) - Ranier; Trunk Highway 11 expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2676 (Ecklund) - Koochiching County; County State-Aid Highway 24 bridge over railroad tracks, extension to Trunk Highway 11, and road connecting County State-Aid Highway 20 and Trunk Highway 11 funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF3896 (Smith) - Trunk Highway 610 interchange project modification funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Public testimony on the DE amendment to HF3931 (Garofalo), which will be the Job Growth and Energy Affordability Omnibus bill. The Committee may also begin mark-up of the bill and take action on the bill.

HF3931DE amendment (JGEA omnibus bill) and spreadsheet are posted below.

If you would like to testify, please contact Meagan Rice, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills Added:
HF3931 (Garofalo) - Omnibus agriculture, environment and natural resources, employment and economic development, and energy policy and finance bill.
AN-A09.pdf (4/14/2016)
Jobs Tracking Spreadsheet 2016 session_House 011416.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3931A21_1.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A25.pdf (4/15/2016)
A16-1088.pdf (4/15/2016)
A16-1089.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A2-1.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A3.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A4.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A8.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A22_1.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A23.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A24.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A27.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A11.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A16.pdf (4/15/2016)
H3931A17.pdf (4/15/2016)

Civil Law and Data Practices

Presentation by the Department of Public Safety on Real ID legislative report

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation by the Department of Public Safety on Real ID legislative report
Commissioner of Public Safety Mona Dohman
Dawn Olson, Director of Driver and Vehicle Services

Rep. Peggy Scott, Chair of Civil Law Committee will chair the House of Representatives Dept of Public Safety Report on Real ID joint hearing


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF3858 (Loon) - Early childhood and family, prekindergarten through grade 12, and adult education funding and policy provided including general education, education excellence, charter schools, special education, early childhood education, self-sufficiency, lifelong learning, and state agencies; and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

Mark up and action on the Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus bill. DE amendment to HF3467 (Dean).

The amendment deadline to the HF 3467 DE amendment is 5:30 pm, Thursday, April 14th.
Bills Added:
HF3467 (Dean) - Omnibus health and human services, state government finance, and public safety policy and finance bill.
HF3374 (Lohmer) - Family planning service fund grant distribution requirements modified, entities eligible for family planning grants specified, grant recipient reporting and publication required, and health commissioner required to apply for and distribute federal Title X funds for family planning services.
2016_HHS_ Change Item Detail.pdf (4/13/2016)
Amendment H3467DE1.pdf (4/13/2016)
DE 3467 House Research Bill List.pdf (4/13/2016)
HHS 2016 finance summary.pdf (4/13/2016)
3467de1 Dean.hhs.pdf (4/13/2016)
HHS 2016 finance summary2.pdf (4/13/2016)
A16-1074.pdf (4/14/2016)
A16-1075.pdf (4/14/2016)
A16-1076.pdf (4/14/2016)
A16-1079.pdf (4/14/2016)
A16-1080.pdf (4/14/2016)
A16-1082.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A1.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A2.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A3.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A6.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A7.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A8.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A9-2_1.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A10-1.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A11.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A12.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A13.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A15.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A17.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A20.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A21.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A23-1.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A24.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A27.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A29.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A31.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A32.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A33.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A34.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A37.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A28_1.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A25.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A26.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A36.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A35.pdf (4/14/2016)
H3467A23-2.pdf (4/15/2016)

State Government Finance

*** If the agenda is not concluded by 10 AM, the committee will recess and convene 30 minutes following session in room 200 ***

- Amendments should be drafted to amend the posted DE3 amendment.

- As in the standard rules, all amendments must be filed electronically with committee staff before the convening of the committee on April 14. Amendment filings must include the name of the member who will offer the amendment.

- Any amendment filed after 8 PM April 13 must be filed electronically AND the author must provide paper copies of the amendment for the committee and public. The paper copies must include the signature of the member who will offer the amendment.

- For the purposes of this bill, the number of paper copies required for late filings is increased to 120.

- After the committee convenes, minor and technical oral amendments may be allowed at the discretion of the chair.
Bills Added:
HF3168 (Anderson) - State government supplemental appropriations and reductions bill.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

HF3890 is the Supplemental Budget Bill
The amendment deadline is 4:00 pm, Wednesday, April 13th.
***If you would like to testify, please contact the committee administrator at***
Bills Added:
HF3890 (McNamara) - Environment and natural resources funding provided; appropriations modified; wild rice provisions modified; marine carbon monoxide detection device requirements established; committee, fund, and account terms modified; prescribed burns provided for; land sale and exchange provisions modified; task force created; appointments and permit provided; and reports required.
H3890DE2.pdf (4/12/2016)
H3890A3.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A4_1.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A5_1.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A6.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A7.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A10.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3890A8.pdf (4/13/2016)

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: April 18, 2016

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

*HF291 will become the Public Safety Omnibus Bill. A DE amendment will be posted by 10:15 a.m. on April 12. Amendments will be due by 10:15 a.m. on April 13.
Bills Added:
HF291 (Cornish) - Traffic violations around school buses fine increased, penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a license, alcohol use by sensory testing service allowed, avian influenza emergency response funding extended, correctional industries revolving fund transfer provided to the general fund, and money appropriated.
H0291DE2.pdf (4/12/2016)
H0291A2.pdf (4/12/2016)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
This bill will be heard on an informational basis. No official action will be taken.
Bills Added:
HF3806 (Sanders) - St. Paul; Major League Soccer stadium provided, and tax exemptions provided.

Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3

The author's H3888DE1 amendment was adopted on Tuesday, April 12th. Amendments to the bill as amended are due to committee staff by Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. There was for public testimony at the Agriculture Finance hearing on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Further opportunity to testify will be extended to individuals who did not have a chance to testify on Tuesday. If necessary, the committee will recess at noon and reconvene 15 minutes after floor session in Room 300 South to complete its work.
Bills Added:
HF3888 (Hamilton) - Agriculture related funding provided; agriculture provisions modified; clarifying, technical, and policy changes made; tractor rollover pilot grant program provided; agricultural emergency account established; and money appropriated.
H3888DE1.pdf (4/11/2016)
H3888A2.pdf (4/13/2016)

Health and Human Services Finance

Public testimony on the DE amendment to HF 3467 (Dean), which will be the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill.

The DE amendment and spreadsheet will be made available on the HHS Finance committee website no later than 12:30 pm on Wednesday, April 13th. An email notice will go out once the documents are posted to the website.

The amendment deadline to the HF 3467 DE amendment is 5:30 pm, Thursday, April 14th.

If you would like to testify, please contact Chris Stolarzyk, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills Added:
HF3467 (Dean) - Omnibus health and human services, state government finance, and public safety policy and finance bill.

Education Finance

HF3858 Delete-All (Loon) - Education Finance Omnibus Supplemental

Committee will consider of amendments to the Delete-All Amendment.
H3858A5.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A6.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A8.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A9-3.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A10.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A11.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A13-1.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A14.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A15.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A18-1.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A20.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A22.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A24-2.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A25.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A26.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A27.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A29.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A31.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A32.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A33.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A34.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A35.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A39.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A40.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A43.pdf (4/13/2016)
H3858A41.pdf (4/13/2016)
HF3858 Delete-All_a16-1062.pdf (4/13/2016)

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF3118 (Freiberg) - Disabled veteran property tax abatement provided.
HF2820 (Fenton) - Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority laws amended, and Washington County Community Development Agency created.
HF3806 (Sanders) - St. Paul; Major League Soccer stadium provided, and tax exemptions provided.
HF3828 (Anderson) - Riparian buffer land property tax reduction provided, and money appropriated.
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