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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

Back to current committee list

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Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

Walk-through and Public Testimony of Delete-All amendment to HF2310 (Hansen) Environment and Natural Resources Omnibus Bill.

*An author’s delete-all amendment to HF2310 (Hansen) is posted below. The deadline to submit amendments to the DE electronically to the Committee Administrator ( is 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 28, 2023.

**If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 9:00am, Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2310 (Hansen) - Environment, natural resources, climate, and energy finance and policy bill.

Health Finance and Policy

Rollout and walkthrough of the Health Finance & Policy budget omnibus.

The DE amendment will be presented, no formal action or public testimony will be taken.

The DE amendment will be posted on Monday, March 27. Public testimony will be taken on Wednesday, March 29.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2930 (Liebling) - Health finance bill.

Housing Finance and Policy

Walkthrough and public testimony of the DE amendment for HF 2335

HF 2335 (Howard) Minnesota Housing Finance Agency budget established, childhood housing stability provided, community stabilization program established, first-generation homebuyers down payment assistance fund established, and money appropriated.*

*A DE amendment has been posted

If you wish to testify, submit materials, or submit written testimony please email the Committee Administrator by 5PM Monday, March 27.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2335 (Howard) - Housing finance and policy bill.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

HF2073 (Pelowski) Higher Education Finance & Policy Omnibus bill. (DE Amendment and Spreadsheet have been posted)

Walkthrough and public testimony on HF 2073 (Pelowski) Higher Education Finance & Policy Omnibus.

No action will be taken during this meeting. Action will be taken on amendments and the bill on Thursday, March 30.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify in person, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 5 PM Monday, March 27. Written testimony will be accepted after the deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2073 (Pelowski) - Higher education finance and policy bill.

Education Finance

Approval of the Minutes from March 24th, 2023
Walk through of HF 2497 (Youakim) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided; general education, education excellence, teacher, special education, facilities, nutrition, libraries, early childhood, community education, and state agencies provisions modified; reports required; and money appropriated. NOTE: A DE1 Amendment to HF 2497 (Youakim) that will serve as the House Omnibus Education Finance bill has been posted.

Agenda items may be added or changed.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
For questions about the agenda or the committee, please contact the Committee Administrator, Polly Cerkvenik, at or 651-296-5524.
Amendments to the DE to HF 2497 (Youakim) will be due at 5pm on Wednesday, March 29th

Public Testimony:
Testimony on HF 2497 (Youakim) will be taken on Wednesday, March 29th. If you are interested in providing testimony on HF 2497 (Youakim) please contact the committee administrator at: no later than 5pm on Tuesday, March 28th. Written testimony is encouraged. Testimony may be limited.
Bills Added:
HF2497 (Youakim) - Education finance bill.

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law

1. HF 447 (Becker-Finn) Fee for uncertified copies of instruments from civil or criminal proceedings eliminated, expedited attorney entry to district courthouse buildings provided, and attorneys secured access to court records provided.
NOTE: The delete everything amendment, labeled H0447DE3, to HF 447 containing the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee's policy omnibus will be taken up by the committee.

2. HF 1580 (Becker-Finn) Onetime market adjustment provided to district court law clerks' starting salary to align with competitive corridor, and money appropriated.
NOTE: The DE amendment, labeled H1580DE4, to HF 1580 containing the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law's finance omnibus will be presented and public testimony will be taken. No formal action will be taken on the DE on 3/28.

Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.

HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF447 (Becker-Finn) - Legislative enactments; miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors corrected.
HF1580 (Becker-Finn) - Judiciary finance bill.

Human Services Finance

I. HF2847 (Noor) - Walk-through and Public Testimony of the Delete-All amendment to the Human Services Finance Omnibus.

*No official action will be taken on the bill during the Tuesday hearing. Bill mark-up and passage will take place on Thursday, March 30 at 1pm.

*Agenda items may be added or removed.

AMENDMENTS: The author’s delete-all amendment to HF2847 (Noor) will be posted to the committee webpage on Monday, March 27, 2023. The deadline to submit amendments to the DE is 1:00pm on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

TESTIFYING: In-person public testimony on the DE Amendment will be taken as time allows. Testifiers must contact the Committee Administrator at by 5pm the day prior to the hearing in order to sign up to testify. Written testimony is encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage.

DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Human Services Finance webpage.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2847 (Noor) - Human services finance and policy bill.

Capital Investment

All bills will be heard on an informational only basis. No formal actions will be taken. Amendments may be offered for reference.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF64 (Nelson) - Brooklyn Park; anaerobic digestion facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1041 (Greenman) - Minneapolis; Nicollet Bridge over Minnehaha Creek capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1046 (Jordan) - East Side Neighborhood Services funding provided for food security and access, and money appropriated.
HF1211 (Smith) - Rochester; facility funding provided to colocate city operations, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1735 (Bliss) - Mahnomen; new hospital funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2375 (Greenman) - Minneapolis; Minnesota Veterans Home historic building 6 capital renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2675 (Jordan) - Minneapolis; Ukrainian American Community Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2983 (Davids) - Blufflands trail system extension funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF587 (Norris) - Blaine; National Sports Center capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF760 (Norris) - Anoka County; Trunk Highway 65 from 99th Avenue Northeast to 117th Avenue Northeast intersection and local road improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1105 (Howard) - Richfield; veterans affordable housing development and construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2694 (Howard) - Permanent campus location for Minnesota Independence College & Community (MICC) and residential space for program participants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF751 (Reyer) - Acquisition of land and easements for habitat and natural area management purposes funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1351 (Bierman) - Apple Valley Red Line transit station improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1357 (Sencer-Mura) - Pangea World Theater community arts and cultural center funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1869 (Rehm) - Chaska; City Square West redevelopment project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1943 (Noor) - Metropolitan Council; new Cedar Riverside Recreation Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2578 (Reyer) - State-owned public water access facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2594 (Sencer-Mura) - Mni Sota Fund funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2932 (Franson) - Carlos; new fire hall funding provided, and money appropriated.

Commerce Finance and Policy

HF2680 (Stephenson); Department of Commerce biennial budget established; various insurance governing provisions modified; strengthen Minnesota homes program established; money transmitters regulated; energy, renewable energy, and utility regulation governing provisions established and modified; state competitiveness fund established; technical changes made; penalties established; administrative rulemaking authorized; reports required; and money appropriated.

HF2680 will be the vehicle for the commerce finance and policy omnibus bill.
The DE amendment will be posted by the end of the day on Friday, March 24.
Public testimony to all provisions will be taken on Monday, March 27.
Markup and passage will take place on Wednesday, March 29.

Items may be taken up in any order, added, removed at the Chair’s discretion

**Public testimony may be limited at the Chair’s discretion. Testimony will be taken in the order signed up. If testimony is limited, you will be informed by email**

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email, preferably 24 hours prior to the hearing.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

The hearing will be broadcast through House Information Services, for more information visit:
Bills Added:
HF2680 (Stephenson) - Commerce finance and policy bill.
A23-0106-289404564703072985.pdf (3/24/2023)
2023 Commerce Omnibus Spreadsheet 3.24.23.pdf (3/26/2023)
3.26.23 ACT Oppositiom Sec. 9. [325E.72] HF 2860.pdf (3/26/2023)
2023-03 MN HF 2680 - supporting testimony on DE amdt from LLS.pdf (3/26/2023)
AED-MNTestimony-House Commerce & Finance Policy Committee 3.27.23docx.pdf (3/26/2023)
Council of Health Plans_House Commerce Omnibus Letter_HF2680_2023.03.27.pdf (3/26/2023)
CTA MN HF 2680 Letter to Rep Stephenson March 26 2023.pdf (3/26/2023)
HF 2680 House Commerce Finance and Policy Omnibus Bill _ Article 2, Sections 47 and 63 _ PCMA Testimony __ FINAL.pdf (3/26/2023)
HF 2680_Apple Handout1.pdf (3/26/2023)
HF 2680_Apple Handout2.pdf (3/26/2023)
HF 2680_Apple Handout3.pdf (3/26/2023)
Minnesota Omnibus House Commerce Policy repair letter[9][2].pdf (3/26/2023)
MN HF 2680 CTIA Opposition 3.25.23.pdf (3/26/2023)
MN HF 2680 Omnibus ESA Oppose 03-27-23.pdf (3/26/2023)
MN Newspaper Assn_AADC_House Commerce.pdf (3/26/2023)
NetChoice Testimony HF 2680 MN testimony.pdf (3/26/2023)
Patient Stories - HF2680 PDAB.pdf (3/26/2023)
PDAB PG One-Pager HF2680.pdf (3/26/2023)
PDAB PG Sign-On Letter of Support - HF2680.pdf (3/26/2023)
TechNet.MN.House.Commerce.Omnibus 3.26.23.pdf (3/26/2023)
Testimony for MN. Senate Commerce Finance and Policy Committee - 32723.pdf (3/26/2023)
White Bagging Choice Issue Brief - Art 2.Sec. 55.pdf (3/26/2023)
CCIA_Written Testimony_MN HF 2680 (House Commerce Committee).pdf (3/27/2023)
MnCUN comments - Commerce omnibus.pdf (3/27/2023)
3-26-23 BankIn MN HF2680.pdf (3/27/2023)
Commerce Minutes 3.22.2023.pdf (3/27/2023)
CORIHouse Commerce omnibus.pdf (3/27/2023)
MAFMIC Omnibus Commerce Letter Oppose HF1532 HF2249 3-26-2023.pdf (3/27/2023)
BIO HF 2680 Letter of Opposition.pdf (3/27/2023)
Age Assurance Information MnAADC.pdf (3/27/2023)
MN Parent Support Letter - MNAADC.pdf (3/27/2023)
MN AADC Coalition Support Letter .docx.pdf (3/27/2023)
MN Kids Code--FAQ.pdf (3/27/2023)
HF2680_MN Dealer Testimony_Various_03.27.23.pdf (3/27/2023)
100% Campaign Letter on HF 2680 - Commerce Omnibus.pdf (3/27/2023)
Commerce agenda 3-27-23.pdf (3/27/2023)
032623 MBA Letter on HF2680 DE Commerce Omnibus Bill.pdf (3/27/2023)

Veterans and Military Affairs Finance and Policy

Roll out, public testimony, and markup of the DE to HF 1937 will take place. If you wish to testify, provide materials, or submit written testimony please email the Committee Administrator by 9AM Monday March 27th.

HF 3011 (Anderson, P.E.) Veterans Campground wastewater system upgrade appropriation modified.

HF 1937 (Newton) Department of Military Affairs and Department of Veterans Affairs budgets established, veterans bonus program and Minnesota GI bill program provisions modified, reports required, and money appropriated.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF3011 (Anderson) - Veterans Campground wastewater system upgrade appropriation modified.

Ways and Means

HF10 (Lislegard) Skilled and trained contractor workforce use provided at petroleum refineries.
HF36 (Greenman) Worker safety requirements established, and money appropriated.
HF70 (Hansen R) Agricultural and food processing worker fair labor standard provisions modified.

HF3 has been removed from the agenda.
HF23 (Wolgamott) Safe workplaces for meat and poultry processing workers provided, report required, and money appropriated.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF10 (Lislegard) - Skilled and trained contractor workforce use provided at petroleum refineries.
HF36 (Greenman) - Worker safety requirements established, and money appropriated.
HF70 (Hansen) - Agricultural and food processing worker fair labor standard provisions modified.

Transportation Finance and Policy

NOTE: Time and Room Change

HF580 (Koegel) Tangible personal property delivery fee imposed, and funds allocated.

HF1322 (Tabke) Metropolitan Council authorized to issue administrative citations; Metropolitan Council required to implement transit safety measures, including a transit rider code of conduct; transit service intervention project established; civil penalties imposed; criminal penalties established; surcharge established; technical and clarifying changes made; reports required, and money appropriated.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF580 (Koegel) - Tangible personal property delivery fee imposed, and funds allocated.
HF1322 (Tabke) - Metropolitan Council authorized to issue administrative citations; Metropolitan Council required to implement transit safety measures, including a transit rider code of conduct; transit service intervention project established; civil penalties imposed; criminal penalties established; surcharge established; reports required; and money appropriated.

Workforce Development Finance and Policy

HF 2511 (Pryor) Mind the G.A.P.P. grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2199 (Howard) Minnesota Independence College and Community (MICC) funding provided for workforce development services for adults with autism and learning differences, and money appropriated.
Amy Gudmestad, Executive Director, MICC
Jenna Olsen, MICC Community Program Member

HF 3024 (Berg) Apprenticeship preparation programming funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2248 (Baker) Definition of noncovered employment modified.

HF 1824 (Baker) County labor force participation rates included as economic indicator.

HF 2407 (Reyer) Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation grant funding provided for Carts to Careers initiative, and money appropriated.
Jamie Pfuhl, President, Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation

HF 1371 (Xiong) Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Ruby Lee, President and CEO of CLUES
Jennifer Mendoza, Career Development Navigator & Community Liaison Greater MN-Willmar of CLUES

If you would like to testify or provide materials to the committee, please contact Travis Reese at by Noon on Thursday, March 23, 2023

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1371 (Xiong) - Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1824 (Baker) - County labor force participation rates included as economic indicator.
HF2199 (Howard) - Minnesota Independence College and Community (MICC) funding provided for workforce development services for adults with autism and learning differences, and money appropriated.
HF2407 (Reyer) - Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation grant funding provided for Carts to Careers initiative, and money appropriated.
HF2248 (Baker) - Definition of noncovered employment modified.
HF2511 (Pryor) - Mind the G.A.P.P. grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3024 (Berg) - Apprenticeship preparation programming funding provided, and money appropriated.

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 2950 (Her) Eligible employees of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities who are members of higher education individual retirement account plan authorized to elect coverage by Teachers Retirement Association and receive retroactive service credit. (Pensions Policy Omnibus Bill A23-0097)
HF 2204 (Freiberg) Metropolitan Council districts redistricting provided.
HF 2677 (Kraft) Metropolitan Council; greenhouse gas emissions benchmarks required, capacity expansion impact assessment required for projects, climate action plan required as a part of comprehensive plan content, land use study and report to legislature required by the council, and money appropriated.
HF 2092 (Hornstein) Metropolitan governance task force created.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.
Bills Added:
HF2092 (Hornstein) - Metropolitan governance task force created.
HF2204 (Freiberg) - Metropolitan Council redistricting provided.
HF2677 (Kraft) - Metropolitan Council; greenhouse gas emissions benchmarks required, capacity expansion impact assessment required for projects, climate action plan required as a part of comprehensive plan content, land use study and report to legislature required by the council, and money appropriated.
HF2950 (Her) - Pension policy bill.

Property Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF1377 (Lislegard) Property Tax Division Report (DE Amendment Forthcoming)

Mark-Up of Property Tax Division Report

The DE Amendment (Property Tax Division Report) will be posted on Tuesday. Additional materials will be posted on the Committee website when available. Public testimony will be taken at the Wednesday Property Tax Division hearing. Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1377 (Lislegard) - Local government aid provisions modified, calculation of local government aid modified, appropriation for local government aid increased, appropriation for county program aid increased, and Mahnomen property tax reimbursement program aid modified.

Education Finance

Approval of the Minutes from March 23rd, 2023
HF 58 (Richardson) Dismissal of students in kindergarten through grade 3 prohibited, and money appropriated.
HF 2925 (Kozlowski) Gender-neutral, single-user restroom and locker room facilities provided; and money appropriated.
HF 2492 (Norris) Economic development and housing challenge program; schools added as eligible recipients, and funding requirements added.
HF 2637 (Frederick) Project Success grants authorized, report required, and money appropriated.
HF 1175 (Youakim) Medical assistance coverage modified for special education school social work services.
HF 2920 (Youakim) Education finance; forecast adjustments made, and money appropriated.
HF 2638 (Hill) Playworks grant funding provided for expansion of social-emotional programming in elementary schools, and money appropriated.
HF 2797 (Sencer-Mura) Grant funding provided to improve students' writing skills, report required, and money appropriated.
HF 2918 (Pérez-Vega) Minnesota Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 1629 (Pérez-Vega) Music education grant programs provided, and money appropriated.

Agenda items may be added or changed.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
For questions about the agenda or the committee, please contact the Committee Administrator, Polly Cerkvenik, at or 651-296-5524.

Public Testimony:
If you are interested in providing testimony on the scheduled please contact the committee administrator at: no later than 2pm on Thursday, March 23rd. Written testimony is encouraged. Testimony may be limited.
Bills Added:
HF58 (Richardson) - Dismissal of students in kindergarten through grade 3 prohibited, and money appropriated.
HF2925 (Kozlowski) - Gender-neutral, single-user restroom and locker room facilities provided; and money appropriated.
HF2492 (Norris) - Economic development and housing challenge program; schools added as eligible recipients, and funding requirements added.
HF2637 (Frederick) - Project Success grants authorized, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1175 (Youakim) - Medical assistance coverage modified for special education school social work services.
HF2920 (Youakim) - Education finance; forecast adjustments made, and money appropriated.
HF2638 (Hill) - Playworks grant funding provided for expansion of social-emotional programming in elementary schools, and money appropriated.
HF2797 (Sencer-Mura) - Grant funding provided to improve students' writing skills, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2918 (Pérez-Vega) - Minnesota Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1629 (Pérez-Vega) - Music education grant programs provided, and money appropriated.
H2925A2.pdf (3/23/2023)
H2637A1.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2920i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2918i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2797i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2638i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2637i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf2492i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf1629i.pdf (3/23/2023)
hf1175i.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF2925 Written Testimony 3-23-23.pdf (3/23/2023)
Playworks 1 pager V2.pdf (3/23/2023)
Copy of Multi-Agency Letter of Support for HF 1175.pdf (3/23/2023)
Comparison CTSS requirements and IEP-EVAL requirements.docx.pdf (3/23/2023)
ISSUE Brief HF1175_SF1028.pdf (3/23/2023)
Letter for SF 1028 & HF 1175 (3).pdf (3/23/2023)
Commonly Asked Questions about School Social Workers 2023.pdf (3/23/2023)
MSSWA Legislative 2023 Agenda (1).pdf (3/23/2023)
MSSWA SSW Services Overview (2) 7.31.20 PM.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1175 Letter of Support to Ed Finance - Humphrey Policy Fellows.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1175 Testimony in Support - Virnig.pdf (3/23/2023)
Support for HF1175 Written Testimony...pdf (3/23/2023)
NASW-MN Support Letter for HF1175.docx.pdf (3/23/2023)
ISD 917 Support HF 2492.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 2492 Letter of Support- Jill Stewart-Kellar.pdf (3/23/2023)
Mittelstadt Support HF 1175.pdf (3/23/2023)
Support for HF 1175.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF2492 MACTA Letter of support hf.pdf (3/23/2023)
MICAH Letter of support for HF 2492 Minnesota House School Finance Committee.pdf (3/23/2023)
Poupart Letter of Support for HF 2492.pdf (3/23/2023)
Simmons Support for HF 2492.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1629 OSP Legislative One-Pager.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1629 LWM Handout.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1175 Youakim Support Letter .pdf (3/23/2023)
Expansion 1-page.pdf (3/23/2023)
Idil Abdull Testimony 3.2.23 Supporting HF 58 to keep students in the classroom.pdf (3/23/2023)
Dr. Kottke re HF 2492.pdf (3/23/2023)
Solutions Not Suspensions Coalition Letter of Support for HF58 (2).pdf (3/23/2023)
Mina Lein - Written Testimony HF58.pdf (3/23/2023)
K-3 Suspension Ban Testimony .pdf (3/23/2023)
HF58NAMISuspensions (1).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 58 Richardson Support Letter.pdf (3/23/2023)
Terrell Woods Letter of Support HF 1629.pdf (3/23/2023)
Legal Aid.K3.Finance lttr (1).pdf (3/23/2023)
H1502A4.pdf (3/23/2023)
Paul Peterson Testimony - Project Success[62].pdf (3/23/2023)
The Arc Minnesota_Letter of Support for HF 2925.pdf (3/24/2023)
826 MSP One Page Flyer.pdf (3/24/2023)
2925 Kozlowski.ts.pdf (3/24/2023)
826 MSP Letter of Support from Educator.pdf (3/24/2023)
Ed Finance Agenda 3.24.23.pdf (3/24/2023)
826 MSP 501c3 Letter with Name Change Docs..pdf (3/24/2023)
826 MSP 2020 990-Final.pdf (3/24/2023)
MESPA[1].pdf (3/24/2023)
Project Success Summary, Testimonials, Impact[90].pdf (3/24/2023)
CTSS Talking points- SPPS.pdf (3/24/2023)

Economic Development Finance and Policy

HF 2427 (Klevorn) Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board required to update Capitol Mall Design Framework, elements that must be included in updated framework specified, and money appropriated
Merritt Clapp-Smith, Executive Secretary, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

HF 2870 (Vang) Fortis Capital grant funding provided for revolving loan fund, report required, and money appropriated
James E. Terrell, Fortis Capital, Co-Founder & President

HF 1163 (Hassan) Targeted community capital project grant program modified, and money appropriated.

HF 3066 (Richardson) Minority business development funding provided, report required, and money appropriated
Dorothy Bridges, President & CEO, MEDA

HF 2826 (Grossell) Forgivable loan program for remote recreational businesses modified.
Grady Harn on behalf of Ed Arnesen, Commissioner, Lake of the Woods County
Joe Henry, Executive Director, Lake of the Woods Tourism

If you would like to testify or provide materials, please contact Travis Reese at by Noon on Thursday, March 23, 2023

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1163 (Hassan) - Targeted community capital project grant program modified, and money appropriated.
HF2427 (Klevorn) - Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board required to update Capitol Mall Design Framework, Capitol Area Community Vitality Task Force and account established, elements that must be included in updated framework specified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2826 (Grossell) - Forgivable loan program for remote recreational businesses modified.
HF2870 (Vang) - Fortis Capital grant funding provided for revolving loan fund, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3066 (Richardson) - Minority business development funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.

Housing Finance and Policy

HF 2763 (Howard) **** A DE has been posted for this bill

HF 3107 (Hussein) Rondo Community Land Trust grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2763 (Howard) - Community and household stability, homeownership opportunity, and rental opportunity funds established; state general levy apportioned for funds; and reports required.
HF3107 (Hussein) - Rondo Community Land Trust grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
H2763DE1.pdf (3/23/2023)

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law

1. HF 1406 (Frazier) Liability for felony murder committed by another person limited, task force on aiding and abetting felony murder extended, and report provided.
2. HF 282 (Frazier) Collection of race and ethnicity data on applications for drivers' licenses and identification cards authorized, and money appropriated.
3. HF 1520 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies required to provide disclosure notices and obtain consent.
4. HF 402 (Bierman) Health care entity transaction notice, review, and approval required; health system required to return charitable assets received from the state to the general fund.
5. HF 1831 (Greenman) Restrictive franchise agreements prohibited.
6. HF 2290 (Curran) No-knock search warrants prohibited.
7. HF 181 (Vang) Reporting of crimes motivated by bias expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; and money appropriated.

Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.

HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF181 (Vang) - Reporting of crimes motivated by bias expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; and money appropriated.
HF282 (Frazier) - Collection of race and ethnicity data on applications for drivers' licenses and identification cards authorized, and money appropriated.
HF1406 (Frazier) - Liability for felony murder committed by another person limited, task force on aiding and abetting felony murder extended, and report provided.
HF1520 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) - Direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies required to provide disclosure notices and obtain consent.
HF2290 (Curran) - No-knock search warrants prohibited.
HF1831 (Greenman) - Restrictive franchise agreements prohibited.
HF402 (Bierman) - Health care entity transaction requirements established, health care transaction data reported, expiration date changed on moratorium conversion transactions, health system required to return charitable assets received from the state to the general fund, study required on regulation of transactions, and report required.
H1406DE1 (Frazier).pdf (3/20/2023)
Hennepin County Attorney's Office Testimony on HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 1406 One-Pager.pdf (3/20/2023)
ISAIAH Testimony on HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN Alliance on Crime Testimony on HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN Second Chance Coalition Testimony on HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
Ramsey County Attorney's Office Testimony on HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
Task Force on Aiding and Abetting Felony Murder Executive Summary for HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
Violence Free MN Testimony on 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
Task Force on Aiding and Abetting Felony Murder Full Report for HF 1406.pdf (3/20/2023)
Aiding and Abetting Law Reform Presentation for HF 1406.pdf (3/21/2023)
POST Board Testimony on HF 181.pdf (3/21/2023)
MN Law Enforcement Coalition Testimony on HF 2290.pdf (3/22/2023)
H1520A2 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger).pdf (3/22/2023)
Coalition for Genetic Data Protection Testimony on HF 1520.pdf (3/22/2023)
Center for Victims of Torture Testimony on HF 2290.pdf (3/22/2023)
H1831A2 (Greenman).pdf (3/23/2023)
H1520A3 (Scott).pdf (3/23/2023)
MN Ambulatory Surgery Center Association and MN Medical Group Management Association Testimony on HF 402.pdf (3/23/2023)
H2290A2 (Curran).pdf (3/23/2023)
MN Farmers Union Testimony on HF 402.pdf (3/23/2023)
ACLU-MN Testimony on HF 181.pdf (3/23/2023)
ACLU-MN Testimony on HF 2290.pdf (3/23/2023)
Future of Privacy Forum Testimony on HF 1520.pdf (3/23/2023)
MN Nurses Association Testimony on HF 402.pdf (3/23/2023)
Healthcare at a Crossroads Report by MNA for HF 402.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1831.0 (Greenman).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1831 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF2290.1 (Curran).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 2290 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1520.1 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1520 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1520 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1406.0 (Frazier).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1406 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 1406 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 402 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF0282.1 (Frazier).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 282 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 282 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 181 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 181 House Research Summary.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF0181.1 (Vang).pdf (3/23/2023)
3.23.23 Minutes.pdf (3/23/2023)
MN Hospital Association Testimony on HF 402.pdf (3/23/2023)
National Council of Jewish Women MN Testimony on HF 181.pdf (3/23/2023)
Jewish Community Action Testimony on HF 181.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF0402.2 (Bierman).pdf (3/23/2023)
3.24.23 Agenda.pdf (3/24/2023)

Health Finance and Policy

This extra meeting was scheduled to complete the business from yesterday.

HF2267 (Keeler): Medical assistance payment rate modified for dually certified organization serving American Indians and Alaska Natives, Indian Health Board grant provided, and money appropriated.

HF1436 (Vang): Programs to address health and human services workforce shortage expanded and established, reports required, and money appropriated.

HF2505 (Lee): Victims of labor trafficking and labor exploitation services funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF1852 (Clardy): Alzheimer's public information program established, and money appropriated.

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testimony may be limited as time allows.

Remote or virtual testimony is not available.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1436 (Vang) - Programs to address health and human services workforce shortage expanded and established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1852 (Clardy) - Alzheimer's public information program established, and money appropriated.
HF2267 (Keeler) - Medical assistance payment rate modified for dually certified organization serving American Indians and Alaska Natives, Indian Health Board grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF2505 (Lee) - Victims of labor trafficking and labor exploitation services funding provided, and money appropriated.
TESBoardLT.pdf (3/23/2023)
TeamstersLT.pdf (3/23/2023)
Samuel Jacobs - Argumentative Essay - - Honors English 10B.pdf (3/23/2023)
REFA_TES_Letter of Support.pdf (3/23/2023)
MNCASA LOS HF 2505 Labor Trafficking.pdf (3/23/2023)
MNBTC Labor Trafficking.pdf (3/23/2023)
Letter of Support - BCA.pdf (3/23/2023)
Letter by Samuel to Chair Liebling.pdf (3/23/2023)
IIM support letter for Senate File 2269-House File 2505.pdf (3/23/2023)
Advocates for Human Rights testimony in support of HF2505 Labor Trafficking Services Program.pdf (3/23/2023)
MNLCOA Support for HF1852.pdf (3/23/2023)
MCLA Letter of Support (HF 1852).pdf (3/23/2023)
HF 2505_Minneapolis Letter of Support 2.pdf (3/23/2023)
The Link Letter of Support for HF 2505.pdf (3/23/2023)
Hennepin County LoS HF 2505 - Labor Trafficking.pdf (3/23/2023)
3.15.23-IHB-handout.pdf (3/23/2023)
Southwest Crisis Center Letter of Support.pdf (3/23/2023)
Health Financy and Policy Committee HF 1436 letter of support Borman-Shoap.pdf (3/23/2023)
MHA Support Letter HF 1436.pdf (3/23/2023)
Support Letter for HF1436.docx (2).pdf (3/23/2023)
MNAAP Letter Support HF1436.pdf (3/23/2023)
MBP_HF1436 Health Policy and Finance Committee Letter.pdf (3/23/2023)
Indigenous Visioning Indigenous Parent Leadership Letter of Support Community Solutions SF 2995.docx (3/23/2023)
Letter of Support HF347_SF 579, HF 2930_SF 2995.pdf (3/23/2023)
LIUNA support for hf 2505 (1).pdf (3/23/2023)
H1706A2-7386944777310279903.pdf (3/23/2023)
H2267A1-1-5388867482392484250.pdf (3/23/2023)
H2505A1-2169696496606125084.pdf (3/23/2023)
H2900A1-13560140753434581231.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1436 HRS.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1706 HRS.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF1852 HRS.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF2267 HRS.pdf (3/23/2023)
HF2505 HRS.pdf (3/23/2023)
Health Finance & Policy Agenda 03.24.23.docx (3/24/2023)
Testimony for HF1436.pdf (3/24/2023)
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