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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Ways and Means

HF 31 (Gomez) Federal Tax Conformity (Pending referral from the Committee on Taxes)

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator at
Bills Added:
HF31 (Gomez) - Individual income and corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and federal tax provisions conformity provided.

Transportation Finance and Policy

Members and Staff Introduction
Committee Rules and Procedures
Overview of Major Transportation Finance Issues

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Taxes Committee Hearing
Chair: Rep. Aisha Gomez
In-person, State Office Building, Room 5


HF31 (Gomez) Federal Tax Conformity (Revisor #:23-01509-6203788253504536850/Pending Introduction)

Updated: The DE2/SW-A06 (Gomez-Authors Amendment) Amendment will replace the DE1/Authors Amendment-SWA02 (Gomez). Additional materials will be posted on the Committee website. Agenda items may be added or removed from the agenda.

If you would like to sign up to testify in-person, submit written testimony or provide hand-outs, please email Committee Administrator, Patrick McQuillan at: by 5 pm on Tuesday, January 3rd. Please note that public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes.

Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF31 (Gomez) - Individual income and corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and federal tax provisions conformity provided.

Sustainable Infrastructure Policy

1. Member and Staff Introductions
2. Presentation by the National Conference of State Legislators on the IIJA and IRA

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs <> for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Rules and Legislative Administration

1. Welcome and Call to Order

2. Committee Member and Staff Introductions

3. HR Resolutions, Director of Human Resources Kelly Knight
Policy on Harassment and Discrimination
2023-P1 - Policy on Service Award Program
2023-P2 - Policy on Donated Time
2023-P3 - Policy on Compensatory Time and Timecard Policy
2023-R7 - Resolution on Alcohol Consumption
2023-R8D - Resolution on Remote Work Policy

4. Budget and Accounting Resolutions, Controller and Chief Financial Officer Barb Juleich
2023-P4 - Policy on the Payment of Per Diem Living Expenses during Interims
2023-P6 - Policy on Photographs and Digital Images
2023-R1 - Resolution on House Chaplain
2023-R2 - Resolution on Leadership Compensation
2023-R3 - Resolution on Expense Reimbursement
2023-R6 - Resolution on Reimbursement of Member Communications Expenses

5. Sergeant-At-Arms Resolutions, Chief Sergeant-At-Arms Lori Hodapp
2023-R4 - Resolution on Member’s Personalized Stationery Allocation
2023-R10 - Resolution on Administration of Educational Programs

6. Announcements
Conflicts of Interest Overview (Review only)
Formal request for proposals for permanent rules

7. Adjournment

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
2023-P1.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-P2.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-P3.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R4.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R7.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R8D.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R10.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-P4.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-P6.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R1.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R2.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R3.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R6.docx (1/2/2023)
2023-R9A.docx (1/4/2023)

Education Policy

Member/Staff Introductions

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.


Commerce Finance and Policy

Overview Hearing

Member/Staff introductions

Department of Commerce, Comm. Grace Arnold

Office of Attorney General, Consumer Protection, Attorney General Keith Ellison

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

Member and staff introductions.

HF50 (Hansen) Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sales and conveyances of land authorized.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF50 (Hansen) - Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.
HF50 (Hansen) - Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.
HF50 (Hansen) - Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.
HF50 (Hansen) - Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.
HF50 (Hansen) - Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.

Elections Finance and Policy

Overview Hearing

Member/Staff introductions

Jeff Sigurdson, Campaign Finance Board

Elections Overview, Office of the Secretary of State
-David Maeda, Director of Elections, Deputy Secretary of State
-Paul Linnell, Deputy Director of Elections

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Capital Investment

1. Committee Member and Staff Introductions
2. Bonding Overview:
Chelsea Griffin, House Research Department
Andrew Lee, House Fiscal
3. Debt Capacity Report:
Andrew Lee, House Fiscal

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Climate and Energy Finance and Policy

Member introductions
Presentation on Climate Change impacts
Presentation on avoiding the worst of Climate Change
*Items may be added to the agenda

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Housing Finance and Policy

Introduction of Members and Staff

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Informational hearing on several topics related to the Department of Corrections. No official action will be taken. A more detailed agenda will be posted prior to the hearing date.

Items may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at

If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form

To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.

1. Welcome and Call to Order

2. 2024-2025 LCC Legislative Plan for Employee Benefits
Kelly Knight, Director of Human Resources

3. 2024-R28A2 Resolution on House Operations in the Absence of a Duly Organized Legislature
Matt Gehring, Director of House Research

4. 2024-Virnig Motion on Payment of Legal Fees
Pete Skwira, Controller and Chief Financial Officer

5. Adjournment

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact Isabel Rolfes ( or 651-296-1926).

HF 5242 (Hornstein/Dibble) - Transportation, Labor, and Housing supplemental budget bill


House has the Gavel

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF5242 (Hornstein) - Transportation, labor, and housing finance bill.

*The House holds the Gavel*

Senate Conferees: Wiklund, Boldon, Utke
House Conferees: Liebling, Carroll, Nadeau

The hearing will convene at 7:00PM.

Walkthrough and adoption of the A24 amendment.

Television production will, generally, coincide with the legislative body that holds the gavel for a given hearing.
- If the House holds the gavel, go to the House webcast schedule page: House Public Information Services
- If the Senate holds the gavel, go to the Senate webcast schedule page: Senate Media Services
All events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF4247 (Liebling) - Transfer care specialist registration established; modifying or establishing licensure for occupations including behavior analysts, veterinary technicians, specialty dentists, dental assistants, social workers, and marriage and family therapists; pharmacy provisions modified; and money appropriated.

HF 5216 (Moller) Judiciary, public safety, and corrections supplemental budget bill.

The House will have the gavel.

Walkthrough and adoption of HF 5216 agreement. Amendment and spreadsheet are posted.

No public testimony will be taken.

House Conferees: Moller, Becker-Finn, Feist, Curran, Mueller
Senate Conferees: Latz, Oumou Verbeten, Westlin, Seeberger, Limmer

Please check back at the committee website for any additional documents that may be added before the meeting.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at

If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form

To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF5216 (Moller) - Judiciary, public safety, and corrections supplemental budget bill.

*House has the gavel*

House Conferees: Noor, Bahner, Franson
Senate Conferees: Hoffman, Fateh, Abeler

I. Walkthrough and Adoption of SF5335 Conference Committee Agreement.

*Agenda items may be added or removed.

DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the SF5335 Conference Committee webpage.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at

If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form

To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
SF5335 (Noor) - Human services supplemental budget bill.

HF4024 (Pelowski/Fateh) Higher Education Finance and Policy Bill.

Note: The A24-0346 contains the Conference Committee's agreed upon bill language for the Higher Education Finance & Policy bill.

Please submit any written testimony to and

Note: Pursuant to Joint Rule 2.06, HF5299 and SF5326 (Higher Education Budget Bills) will be merged into the HF4024 conference committee.

Chairs: Rep. Gene Pelowski and Sen. Omar Fateh
House Conferees: Pelowski, Wolgamott, McDonald
Senate Conferees: Fateh, Putnam, Duckworth

The House holds the gavel.
Television production will, generally, coincide with the legislative body that holds the gavel for a given hearing.
- If the House holds the gavel, go to the House webcast schedule page: House Public Information Services
- If the Senate holds the gavel, go to the Senate webcast schedule page: Senate Media Services
All events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at

If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form

To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.

*The House holds the Gavel*

House Conferees: Hansen, R., Pursell, Finke, Jordan, Heintzeman
Senate Conferees: Hawj, McEwen, Morrison, Boldon, and Nelson

HF3911 (Hansen/Hawj) Environment and natural resources supplemental budget bill.
-Walkthrough and Adoption of Conference Committee Agreement.

Letters must be submitted to by 7:00pm, May 15, 2024 or else 50 copies must be delivered at the meeting.
Television production will, generally, coincide with the legislative body that holds the gavel for a given hearing.
- If the House holds the gavel, go to the House webcast schedule page: House Public Information Services
- If the Senate holds the gavel, go to the Senate webcast schedule page: Senate Media Services
All events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

- To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
- If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send you comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
- To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
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