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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

Back to current committee list

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Education Policy

HF2037 (Rep. Berg) - School health services provided.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator before 12p.m. (noon), Tuesday, March 21st. If you are bringing hard copies on the day of, bring 40 copies.

TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Remote testimony is available upon request. Written testimony is encouraged and is accounted as official committee record; to be distributed to committee members and public. If you would like to testify or submit written testimony in PDF format, please email the committee administrator before 12 p.m. (noon), Tuesday, March 21st.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

For questions about the agenda or the committee, please contact the Committee Administrator at or 651-296-1913.
Bills Added:
HF2037 (Berg) - School health services provided, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment

Note: HF 2635 (Lislegard) Filmmaking and film education facility funding provided, and money appropriated has been added for informational only hearing. Other bills may be added.

REMOVED: HF 24 (Jordan) Authority modified to ensure safe drinking water, drinking water revolving fund provisions modified, grant program established to replace lead drinking water service lines, grant program established for mapping lead service lines, report required, and money appropriated.

All bills listed below will be heard on an informational-only basis. No formal actions will be taken.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF97 (Brand) - North Mankato; indoor recreational facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF385 (Nash) - Carver County; Waconia Regional Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF437 (Elkins) - Bloomington Ice Garden capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF618 (Olson) - Martin County; regional public safety and justice center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF919 (Kresha) - Lake Shamineau High Water Project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1742 (Olson) - Fairmont; new community center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1919 (Keeler) - Mahnomen; White Earth Area Health and Wellness Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2185 (Brand) - Children's museums across the state capital improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2448 (Dotseth) - Availability of appropriation extended, Western Lake Superior Sanitary District secondary clarifiers improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2635 (Lislegard) - Filmmaking and film education facility funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2027 (Lillie) - North St. Paul; improvement funding provided, including a new trail around Silver Lake, adjacent to Trunk Highway 120; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF2266 (Fischer) - North St. Paul Community Multicultural Outreach Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2934 (Hansen) - Newport; water and sewer infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1460 (Urdahl) - Chippewa County; family services facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2837 (Urdahl) - Meeker County; government facilities expansion and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Commerce Finance and Policy

HF2300 (Stephenson); Premium discounts and rate reductions provided, strengthen Minnesota homes program established, account established, and rulemaking authorized.
This bill had a full hearing on March 8, 2023. No testimony or discussion will be taken.

HF2823 (Lee); Deceptive trade practices and consumer fraud governing provisions modified.

HF2100 (Jordan); Air ventilation program established for public school buildings, grants authorized, and money appropriated.

HF1540 (Koegel); Mental Health Parity and Substance Abuse Accountability Office established in Department of Commerce, and money appropriated.

HF1189 (Freiberg); Time limitation requirements modified for motor vehicle insurance policies.

HF2891 (Torkelson); Automobile self-insurance governing provisions modified.

Items may be taken up in any order, added, removed at the Chair’s discretion

**Public testimony may be limited at the Chair’s discretion. Testimony will be taken in the order signed up. If testimony is limited, you will be informed by email**

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email, preferably 24 hours prior to the hearing.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

The hearing will be broadcast through House Information Services, for more information visit:
Bills Added:
HF1189 (Freiberg) - Motor vehicle insurance policy time limitation requirements modified.
HF1459 (Freiberg) - Consumer protection violation civil remedies amended for individual or family farmer.
HF1540 (Koegel) - Mental Health Parity and Substance Abuse Accountability Office established in Department of Commerce, and money appropriated.
HF2100 (Jordan) - Air ventilation program established for public school buildings, grants authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2823 (Lee) - Deceptive trade practices and consumer fraud governing provisions modified.
HF2891 (Torkelson) - Automobile self-insurance governing provisions modified.

Climate and Energy Finance and Policy

HF2502 (Hanson) - Public utility allowed to file program with public utilities commission to promote deployment of electric school buses.
HF2747 (Rehm) - Solar for schools program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1853 (Acomb) - University of Minnesota Extension Service weather resilience program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2170 (Berg) - Establishment of global warming impact standards required for construction materials used in state buildings and roads, global warming standards integrated into procurement process, pilot programs established to report greenhouse gas emissions from manufacture of products, grant program established, technical advisory committee established, and reports required.
*Items may be added to the agenda.

Bills removed:
HF1398 (Hill) - Community energy transition grant program modified, and money appropriated.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify in person, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 1 p.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

This hearing may be viewed in person or via the House webcast schedule page:

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2502 (Hanson) - Public utility allowed to file program with public utilities commission to promote deployment of electric school buses.
HF2747 (Rehm) - Solar for schools program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1853 (Acomb) - University of Minnesota Extension Service weather resilience program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2170 (Berg) - Establishment of global warming impact standards required for construction materials used in state buildings and roads, global warming standards integrated into procurement process, pilot programs established to report greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing of certain products, grant program established, and technical advisory committee established.

Economic Development Finance and Policy

HF 1922 (Hassan) Jobs and Economic Development Policy Bill

HF 2590 (Hassan) Funding provided for business loans, technical assistance, and capacity building to nonprofits serving African immigrant community; and money appropriated.

HF 2384 (Her) Minnesota Sports and Events grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Wendy Blackshaw, President and CEO, MN Sports and Events
Fartun Osman, Founder and CEO of Girls Rock

HF 2520 (Pursell) Rural economic development technical assistance grants funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2556 (Wolgamott) Initiative foundations grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Scott Marquardt, President, Southwest Minnesota Initiative Foundation
Tohow Sayid, Owner, National Home Health Care+

HF 2152 (Brand) Center for Rural Policy and Development funding provided, and money appropriated.
Julie Tesch, CEO of The Center for Rural Policy & Development

HF 2015 (Kozlowski) Latino Economic Development Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Henry Jiménez, Executive Director of the Latino Economic Development Center

HF 2440 (Kozlowski) LatinoLEAD grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Karen Velez, Finance and Operations Director, LatinoLEAD
John Pacheco, President of the MN Latino Chamber of Commerce and MetCouncil Member.

HF 2789 (Kozlowski) PFund Foundation and Quorum grant funding provided to establish business expansion program for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, and money appropriated.
Aaron Zimmerman, Executive Director of PFund Foundation
Ron Strychar, Quorum Board President, Owner of Horizon Agency LLC
Belo Miguel Cipriani, Ed.D., Founder of Oleb Media

Each bill will be given up to 10 minutes total on the agenda before being laid over for possible consideration in the omnibus bill, except HF 1922 which will be referred to the General Register

If you have any materials you would like to submit anything to the committee for this hearing, please contact Travis Reese at by Noon on Tuesday, March 21

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2015 (Kozlowski) - Latino Economic Development Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2152 (Brand) - Center for Rural Policy and Development funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2384 (Her) - Minnesota Sports and Events grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2440 (Kozlowski) - LatinoLEAD grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2520 (Pursell) - Rural economic development technical assistance grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2556 (Wolgamott) - Initiative foundations grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2590 (Hassan) - Funding provided for business loans, technical assistance, and capacity building to nonprofits serving African immigrant community; and money appropriated.
HF2789 (Kozlowski) - PFund Foundation and Quorum grant funding provided to establish business expansion program for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, and money appropriated.
HF1922 (Hassan) - Explore Minnesota Tourism, Department of Employment and Economic Development, and Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation various policy provisions adopted; account created; and money appropriated.

Elections Finance and Policy

HF1141 (Freiberg); Elections; technical and clarifying changes made.
This bill had a full hearing on February 15, 2023. No testimony or discussion will be taken, the motion is for referral to the General Register.

HF1489 (Coulter); Maximum refund permitted by political contribution refund program increased.

HF2793 (Coulter); Small donor political committees and funds regulated, small donor state match program established, candidate expenditures exempted from aggregate expenditure limits, campaign public subsidy program repealed, and money transferred.

HF1942 (Coulter); Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters.
DE amendment

Items may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair’s discretion

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email no later than 5pm the night before.

**Testimony may be limited at the Chair's discretion**

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

The hearing will be broadcast through House Information Services, for more information visit:
Bills Added:
HF1489 (Coulter) - Maximum refund permitted by political contribution refund program increased, and money appropriated.
HF1942 (Coulter) - Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters.
HF2793 (Coulter) - Small donor political committees and funds regulated, small donor state match program established, candidate expenditures exempted from aggregate expenditure limits, campaign public subsidy program repealed, and money transferred.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

HF2831 (Finke) Emerald ash borer response grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF2348 (Tabke) Shooting sports facility grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 1130 (Tabke) Cities authorized to adopt pesticide control ordinances.
HF 1317 (Hansen) Terms defined; Use, storage, disposal, and sale of pesticide-treated seed regulated; label statements for pesticide-treated seed required; consumer guidance required; rulemaking required; and money appropriated
HF2564 (Hansen) Snowmobile registration provisions modified, accounts established, state parks and trails provisions modified, Minnesota Naturalist Corps eligibility modified, timber provisions modified, water permit application requirements modified, resident license requirements modified, walk-in access program modified, use of motorized vehicles in wildlife management areas modified, permits to take wild animals under federal incidental take permit authorized, hunting and fishing and elk management provisions modified, nonlethal control of deer and elk causing damage provided, wanton waste provisions modified, open season dates clarified, and money appropriated.
HF1680 (Hansen) Sustainable diversion limits on groundwater appropriations provided.
HF1862 (Hansen) County approval requirements removed for land acquisitions.
HF1283 (Hansen) Environment; PFAS-related rulemaking required.
HF2745 (Myers) Deposit of waste prohibited outside a shelter, motor vehicle, or any other conveyance on ice of state waters; and report on options for funding additional enforcement of laws on ice of state waters required.

*Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Please note that testimony may be limited. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2831 (Finke) - Emerald ash borer response grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF2348 (Tabke) - Shooting sports facility grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1130 (Tabke) - Cities authorized to adopt pesticide control ordinances.
HF1317 (Hansen) - Agriculture; terms defined; use, storage, disposal, and sale of pesticide-treated seed regulated; label statements required; consumer guidance required; rulemaking required; penalties modified; and money appropriated.
HF2564 (Hansen) - Snowmobile registration provisions modified; state parks and trails provisions modified; Minnesota Naturalist Corps eligibility modified; timber provisions modified; water permit application requirements modified; resident license requirements modified; walk-in access program modified; various provisions related to use of motorized vehicles, hunting and fishing, and elk management modified; open season dates clarified; and money appropriated.
HF1680 (Hansen) - Sustainable diversion limits on groundwater appropriations provided.
HF1862 (Hansen) - County approval requirements removed for land acquisitions.
HF1283 (Hansen) - Environment; PFAS-related rulemaking required.
HF2745 (Myers) - Deposit of waste prohibited outside a shelter, motor vehicle, or any other conveyance on ice of state waters; and report on options for funding additional enforcement of laws on ice of state waters required.

Housing Finance and Policy

This hearing will go to 5:30, bills could be added or removed from the agenda

HF 2344 (Lislegard) Northland Foundation funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2585 (Hassan) Fee-based, first-time homebuyer home purchase financing program established; report required; and money appropriated.

HF 2196 (Agbaje) JADT Development Group grant funding provided for Satori Village Development, and money appropriated.

HF 2704 (Perez-Vega) Tenant's right to organize and penalties for retaliation for tenant organization provided.**

HF 302 (Howard) Eligible use of housing infrastructure bonds added, and issuance of housing infrastructure bonds prescribed, bonds issued.

HF 1667 (Howard) Eligible uses for housing infrastructure bonds expanded.

HF 2938 (Johnson) Task force on student housing established, and reports required.


*Bill added

** Amendment(s) posted
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF302 (Howard) - Eligible use of housing infrastructure bonds added, issuance of housing infrastructure bonds prescribed, and bonds issued.
HF1667 (Howard) - Eligible uses for housing infrastructure bonds expanded.
HF2196 (Agbaje) - JADT Development Group grant funding provided for Satori Village Development, and money appropriated.
HF2344 (Lislegard) - Northland Foundation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2585 (Hassan) - Fee-based, first-time homebuyer home purchase financing program established; report required; and money appropriated.
HF2704 (Pérez-Vega) - Tenant's right to organize and penalties for retaliation for tenant organization provided.
HF2938 (Johnson) - Task force on student housing established, and reports required.

Human Services Finance

I. HF1596 (Reyer) - PACE program funding mechanism established, and money appropriated.

II. HF1298 (Edelson) - Essential community supports modified, respite service grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

III. HF1494 (Frederick) - Human services provider workplace safety grants established, and money appropriated. *

IV. HF1043 (Hicks) - Task Force on Disability Services Accessibility and pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.

V. HF1851 (Hicks) - Community services development program renamed as live well at home grants, projects and grants established, live well at home grants extended, and money appropriated.

*HF2553 (Fischer) - Mental health provider staffing, documentation, and diagnostic assessment requirements modified; commissioner of human services required to establish medical assistance mental health service provider certification process; assertive community treatment staff requirements modified; adult rehabilitative mental health services provider entity standards modified; behavioral health home services staff qualifications modified; managed care contract requirements for mental health and substance use disorder treatment services modified; school-linked behavioral health grant data and outcome reporting requirements modified; family peer support services eligibility modified; and report required.

*HF1434 (Edelson) - Parental contribution fees eliminated for services for children with disabilities.

*Agenda items added and removed. Agenda items may be added or removed.

HANDOUTS: All handouts must be provided electronically to the Committee Administrator and Committee Legislative Assistant at least 12 hours prior to the start of a committee meeting. Handouts should be in accessible (Optical Character Recognition) format for posting to the committee webpage. Contact the Committee Administrator at to submit handouts or for more information about acceptable electronic formats.

TESTIFYING: In-person public testimony will be taken as time allows. Testifiers must contact the Committee Administrator at by 5pm the day prior to the hearing in order to sign up to testify. Written testimony is encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage.

DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Human Services Finance webpage.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1043 (Hicks) - Task Force on Disability Services Accessibility and pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1298 (Edelson) - Essential community supports modified, respite service grant funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1596 (Reyer) - PACE program funding mechanism established, and money appropriated.
HF1851 (Hicks) - Community services development program renamed as live well at home grants, projects and grants established, live well at home grants extended, and money appropriated.
HF1494 (Frederick) - Human services provider workplace safety grants established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1043 - A2 Amendment.pdf (3/21/2023)
HF1298 - A2 Amendment.pdf (3/21/2023)
HR Summary - HF1043.pdf (3/22/2023)
HR Summary - HF1298.pdf (3/22/2023)
HR Summary - HF1596.pdf (3/22/2023)
HR Summary - HF1851.pdf (3/22/2023)
HR Summary - HF1494.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1043 - Leter of Support.docx (3/22/2023)
HF1043 - MCD Letter of Support HF 1043 - Task Force on Disability Services Accessiblity 2023.03.23.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1043 - MNCCD HF 1043 Letter of Support 3.22.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1043 - One Pager.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1043 - The Arc Minnesota_Letter of Support for HF 1043 3.21.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF 1851 - Ahmed Yusuf Testimony on HF 1851.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF 1851 - Alz Association Letter of Support.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF 1851 - H1851DE1-2.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF 1851 - LIving at Home Network Testimony on HF1851.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1851 - AARP Live Well at Home LTR HF 1851- House Human Services Finance (1).pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1298 - Alz Association Letter of Support.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1494 - HHS Safety Letter of Support.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - 3.21 PACE Alz Association Letter of Support.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - Eventide PACE Support.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - Knute Nelson PACE LOS.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - Letter of Support PACE 2023.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - Letter supporting PACE from PHS.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - MN Letter v2.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - MNLCOA Supports PACE.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - NPA-infographic-dec2022.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - PACE Letter 2023_Ebenezer.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - PACE Letter 2023_Ecumen.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - PACE Letter 2023_HDG_Signed.pdf (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - PACE TPs_bill sponsors.docx (3/22/2023)
HF1596 - PACE written testimony_Skoglund.pdf (3/22/2023)

Housing Finance and Policy

HF 2632 (Hussein) Stable housing organization relief program established, and money appropriated.*

HF 1579 (Perez-Vega) Neighborhood House funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 1214 (Hussein) Community Stabilization Project grant funding provided for services to renters and property owners in low-income and underrepresented communities, and money appropriated.

HF 1705 (Kresha) Habitat for Humanity grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 2612 (Hassan) Urban Homeworks grant funding provided, and money appropriated.*

*Amendment(s) have been posted

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2612 (Hassan) - Urban Homeworks grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2632 (Hussein) - Stable housing organization relief program established, and money appropriated.
HF1579 (Pérez-Vega) - Neighborhood House funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1214 (Hussein) - Community Stabilization Project grant funding provided for services to renters and property owners in low-income and underrepresented communities, and money appropriated.
HF1705 (Kresha) - Habitat for Humanity grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

Human Services Finance

I. HF2876(Becker-Finn) - Board on Aging Native American elders coordinator position modified, and money appropriated.

II. HF1416 (Curran) - Integrated community supports modified.

III. HF2568 (Finke) - HIV/AIDS support services funding provided, and money appropriated.

IV. HF1664 (Norris) - Headway Emotional Health Services grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

V. HF1184 (Clardy) - Statewide parent-to-parent program for families of children and youth with special health care needs funding provided, and money appropriated.

*HF1494 (Frederick) - Human services provider workplace safety grants established, and money appropriated.

*Agenda Item removed. Agenda items may be added or removed.

HANDOUTS: All handouts must be provided electronically to the Committee Administrator and Committee Legislative Assistant at least 12 hours prior to the start of a committee meeting. Handouts should be in accessible (Optical Character Recognition) format for posting to the committee webpage. Contact the Committee Administrator at to submit handouts or for more information about acceptable electronic formats.

TESTIFYING: In-person public testimony will be taken as time allows. Testifiers must contact the Committee Administrator at by 5pm the day prior to the hearing in order to sign up to testify. Written testimony is encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage.

DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Human Services Finance webpage.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1184 (Clardy) - Statewide parent-to-parent program for families of children and youth with special health care needs funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1416 (Curran) - Integrated community supports modified.
HF1664 (Norris) - Headway Emotional Health Services grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2568 (Finke) - HIV/AIDS support services funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2876 (Becker-Finn) - Board on Aging Native American elders coordinator position modified, and money appropriated.

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law

1. HF 2269 (Kraft) Owners of certain buildings required to enter energy use data into benchmarking tool, public disclosure of energy use data required, grants provided, and money appropriated.
2. HF 1873 (Kozlowski) Enforcement authority modified for appropriating water.
3. HF 1750 (Huot) Data practices changes made, Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution established, Office of Enterprise Sustainability established, expired report on state government use of eligible contractors removed, and historic properties and fair campaign practice provisions modified.
4. HF 1580 (Becker-Finn) Onetime market adjustment provided to district court law clerks' starting salary to align with competitive corridor, and money appropriated.
5. HF 2611 (Frazier) State Board of Public Defense membership increased.
6. HF 635 (Greenman) Election official intimidation prohibited, interference with performance of duty of election administration by election official prohibited, tampering with or unauthorized access to types of election systems and equipment prohibited, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
7. HF 2788 (Agbaje) Board of Pardons provisions modified, Clemency Review Commission established, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated. (pending referral)
8. HF 2369 (Hassan) Transportation network company driver protections established.

Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.

HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF635 (Greenman) - Election official intimidation prohibited, interference with performance of duty of election administration by election official prohibited, tampering with or unauthorized access to types of election systems and equipment prohibited, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
HF1580 (Becker-Finn) - Judiciary finance bill.
HF1750 (Huot) - Data practices changes made, Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution established, Office of Enterprise Sustainability established, expired report on state government use of eligible contractors removed, and historic properties provisions modified.
HF1873 (Kozlowski) - Enforcement authority modified for appropriating water.
HF2269 (Kraft) - Owners of certain buildings required to enter energy use data into benchmarking tool, public disclosure of energy use data required, grants provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2369 (Hassan) - Transportation network company driver protections established, civil action provided, and criminal penalties provided.
HF2611 (Frazier) - State Board of Public Defense membership increased.
HF2788 (Agbaje) - Board of Pardons provisions modified, Clemency Review Commission established, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
H1580DE1 (adopted 2.16.23).pdf (3/17/2023)
Department of Administration Policy Priorities Handout, HF 1750.pdf (3/17/2023)
HF 635 Fiscal Note.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF 635 House Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF 1580 House Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF 1873 House Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF 2269 House Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF 2788 House Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF0635.1 (Greenman).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1580.0 (Becker-Finn).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1750.0 (Huot).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1873.1 (Kozlowski).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2269DE1 (adopted in Climate).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2369.0 (Hassan).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2611.0 (Frazier).pdf (3/19/2023)
100% Campaign Testimony on HF 2269.pdf (3/19/2023)
Chamber of Commerce Testimony on HF 2269.pdf (3/19/2023)
H1750A3 (Huot).pdf (3/20/2023)
H1580DE2 (Becker-Finn).pdf (3/20/2023)
Hennepin County Attorney's Office Testimony on HF 1580 DE2.pdf (3/20/2023)
H2369DE2 (Hassan).pdf (3/20/2023)
H2788A2 (Agbaje).pdf (3/20/2023)
Uber Technologies Testimony on HF 2369.pdf (3/20/2023)
Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Testimony on HF 2788.pdf (3/20/2023)
City of Minneapolis Testimony on HF 635.pdf (3/20/2023)
Fresh Energy Testimony on HF 2269.pdf (3/20/2023)
TechNet Testimony on HF 2369.pdf (3/20/2023)
League of Women Voters Minnesota Testimony on HF 635.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN Power Testimony on HF 2269.pdf (3/20/2023)
Minnesota Multi Housing Association Testimony on HF 2269.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2369 House Research Summary.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2611 House Research Summary.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2788 House Research Summary.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2788.1 (Agbaje).pdf (3/20/2023)
Clemency Commission Fact Sheet on HF 2788.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN Rideshare Drivers Association Testimony on HF 2369.pdf (3/20/2023)
3.21.23 Agenda.pdf (3/20/2023)
Zach Lindstrom Testimony on HF 2788.pdf (3/20/2023)

Higher Education Finance and Policy

HF2073 (Pelowski) Office of Higher Education, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, University of Minnesota, and Mayo Clinic funding and policy related changes provided; scholarship and student aid programs created and modified; direct admissions program created; reports required; and money appropriated.
HF1840 (Klevorn) University of Minnesota; operations and maintenance funding provided, and money appropriated.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2073 (Pelowski) - Higher education finance and policy bill.
HF1840 (Klevorn) - University of Minnesota; operations and maintenance funding provided, and money appropriated.

Health Finance and Policy

10:30 AM Morning Session:

HF346 (Reyer): Mental health service rate increase bridge established.

HF402 (Bierman): Health system required to return charitable assets received from state to general fund in certain circumstances.

HF1279 (Edelson): State required to pay medical examination costs for criminal sexual conduct victim, and money appropriated.

HF1771 (Bierman): Medical assistance and insurance coverage of psychiatric collaborative care model provided.

Other bills may be added.

The committee will recess at 12:30PM and reconvene at 6:30PM in Room 5

6:30 PM Evening Session:

HF2930 (Liebling): Department of Health Budget Bill

PUBLIC TESTIMONY: If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must contact the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing in order to sign up to testify in person. In person testimony may be limited as time allows. Written testimony is preferred, and should be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format.

If you wish to testify on the budget proposal, please specify which provision you intend to speak to. Testimony on the budget may be limited to ONE MINUTE. Written testimony is strongly preferred.

Remote or virtual testimony is not available.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF346 (Reyer) - Mental health service rate increase bridge established.
HF402 (Bierman) - Health care entity transaction requirements established, health care transaction data reported, expiration date changed on moratorium conversion transactions, health system required to return charitable assets received from the state to the general fund, study required on regulation of transactions, and report required.
HF2930 (Liebling) - Health finance bill.
HF1771 (Bierman) - Medical assistance coverage of psychiatric Collaborative Care Model provided.
HF1279 (Edelson) - State required to pay medical examination costs for criminal sexual conduct victim, and money appropriated.
Health Department Revised Budget Proposal.pdf (3/16/2023)
H0402DE2-2-3715920992298388345.pdf (3/17/2023)
H0346A1-185792240377258997.pdf (3/20/2023)
H0402DE2-2-3715920992298388345.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF402 HRS.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2930 HRS.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1771 HRS.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1279 HRS.pdf (3/20/2023)
Health Finance & Policy Agenda 03.21.23 (Evening Session).docx (3/20/2023)
Health Finance & Policy Agenda 03.21.23 (Morning Session).docx (3/20/2023)
HHS LOS CHW Governors Budget 2023.H.pdf (3/20/2023)
Letter of Support_Miehe_HF 2930.pdf (3/20/2023)
MLA Letter of Support - Telehealth in Libraries 02.2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
MFU Support of HF402 3.21.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
Faulkner House File 1279.pdf (3/20/2023)
Healthcare at a Crossroads.pdf (3/20/2023)
EW Written Testimony HF 1279.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN Chamber - HF 1771 - 3.21.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 402 support - 2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
Hennepin Sexual Assualt Bill Letter of Support_02.17.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF346.SF926_legislative handout_03.19.2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
Terri Wilder Testimony.docx (3/20/2023)
HF 346_MACMHP letter of support_03.21.2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
MAFPsupportforCollaborativeCare_2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
20230320_346.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN_House__HF_346_Letter_of_Support.docx.pdf (3/20/2023)
2023 CHW support_Group sign on letter_House version.docx.pdf (3/20/2023)
Allina Health LOS HF1279 .pdf (3/20/2023)
AJF Long COVID testimony points _230320.docx (3/20/2023)
HealthPartners Support for HF2930_MentalHealthPromotion.pdf (3/20/2023)
CHWAwarenessFlier (1)-1.pdf (3/20/2023)
2024_25 Community Health Workers (CHWs) - Enhancing Health and Well-being with Community-Led Care_Fact Sheet(1).docx (3/20/2023)
20230320 MN NFP Testimony on HF 2930.pdf (3/20/2023)
PUC_Support for CHW funding_Liebling.pdf (3/20/2023)
doc20230320105233.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2930 Public Health v2 Comm Sheila Kiscaden 03192023.pdf (3/20/2023)
RHA support HF2930 (Liebling) Gov MDH Budget 3.20.23.docx (3/20/2023)
Letter of Support for HF2930 - DIsability Health Equity BUdget Provisions.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2930 - Letter AMC LPHA.pdf (3/20/2023)
Support for HF 2930 TEMPLATE.docx (3/20/2023)
Supporting Long COVID Survivors and Monitoring Impact.docx (3/20/2023)
Hennepin Healthcare ltr re HF1771-SF1219.pdf (3/20/2023)
Collaborative Care Codes Management diagram - MN Psychiatric Society.pdf (3/20/2023)
OPR Letter RE- HF 2930 Article 2, Section 68 ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION.docx (3/20/2023)
Support for HF 2930 MMN Spring 2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
LOS_City of Mpls_HF 2930_3.20.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
MHA HF 1279 Letter of Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
Letter of Support HF2930.docx (3/20/2023)
Supporting Long COVID Survivors and Monitoring Impact.docx (3/20/2023)
MHA HF 402 DE2 Letter 3.21.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
MNAAP Letter HF2930.docx (3/20/2023)
NASW-MN Support Letter for HF346.docx.pdf (3/20/2023)
Nystrom_OneSheet FINAL_2.pdf (3/20/2023)
House_Health Committee 3.20.2023 ARMHS Bill.pdf (3/20/2023)
Support letter for MDH proposed budget around people with disabilites.docx (3/20/2023)
MMA Letter HF2930.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2930 Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2930 - LMC comments.pdf (3/20/2023)
LetterofSupport_HF2930Art2Sec68_IgniteAfterschool_3.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
CoCMSF1490HF1771.pdf (3/20/2023)
MAFP_HF2930.pdf (3/20/2023)
Health Support Letter.docx (3/20/2023)
CJBHF.docx (3/20/2023)
HF 402 Advocacy Letter (SLH).pdf (3/20/2023)
WLSSD Support for H.F. 2930 Water and Wastewater Advisory Council Reauthorization.pdf (3/20/2023)
PN3_Support HF 2930_Health_03.21.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
MCFHV_Support HF 2930_Health_03.21.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
MRWA HF2930 & SF2995 Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
International Falls HF2930 & SF2995 Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
Aurora HF2930 & SF2995 Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
MACHP - HF2930 COVID-Delayed Preventive Care 3-20-23.pdf (3/20/2023)
WellShare International Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
Hibbing HF 2930 and SF 2995 Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
MNPQC support letter 3.20.23.docx (3/20/2023)
HF 2930 Gillette Children's Letter of Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
HDA MN HF 2930 Reporting Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
MNSBHA supports HF 2930.docx (3/20/2023)
Pipestone HF2930 and SF2995 Support Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
VOAMNWI Letter of Support HF346.pdf (3/20/2023)
TSA letter to Support HF346-SF926.pdf (3/20/2023)
Nexus Family Healing_HF346 Support Bridge funding.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF346_Change Inc_Letter of Support.docx (3/20/2023)
HF346 MA Community-Based MH Rates_CCTC.pdf (3/20/2023)
Fernbrook Family Center_HF346_support.pdf (3/20/2023)
WFM HF 2930 Family Planning Grant .docx (3/20/2023)
Christensen Testimony.docx (3/20/2023)
LSS HF346 Letter of Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
RepLiebling_CHW Alliance Support Letter.docx.pdf (3/20/2023)
Small City 2930.docx.pdf (3/20/2023)
Testimony Bazak Sharon MD, pediatric Covid Clinic.pdf (3/21/2023)
The Arc Minnesota_Letter of Support HF 2930.pdf (3/21/2023)
Letter of Support MDH 3-21-23.pdf (3/21/2023)
H0346A2-6871056273067624456.pdf (3/21/2023)
Mental Health Minnesota Support of HF2930.pdf (3/21/2023)
V&C Letter of Support Community Solutions House HHS.pdf (3/21/2023)
H2930A1-1-17031018497693387577.pdf (3/21/2023)
Health Committee Letter - MMCGME.pdf (3/21/2023)
CDF-MN Letter of Support for Community Solutions Governor Budget.pdf (3/21/2023)
Rachel Garaghty testimony.docx (3/21/2023)
HF 2930 MCD Letter of Support MDH Disability Health Equity Proposal .pdf (3/21/2023)
2023 MDH One Minnesota Revised Budget Presentation-House Health.pdf (3/21/2023)
HF2930 GJ Support Letter-2.pdf (3/21/2023)

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

*Agenda Change: Bills Added. Bills Removed.

HF2105 (Hansen) Requirements modified for conveying easements and leasing state lands; state parks, forests, and waysides added to and deleted from; and state land sale and exchange authorized.
HF2304 (Curran) Issuance authorized and modification of water use permits prohibited, White Bear Lake Area Water Use Work Group established, comprehensive plan required, and money appropriated.
HF2833 (Hansen) Department of Natural Resources law enforcement supervisor transition provisions modified.
**HF2324 (Hansen) Drill core library funding provided, and money appropriated.
**HF1828 (Hansen) Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
***HF2387 (Hansen) Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.

**Please note that 2324 (Hansen) and HF1828 (Hansen) received full hearings with public testimony on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 (HF2324) and March 15, 2023 (HF1828). The committee will be limited to amendments and final action.

***Please note that HF2387 (Hansen) will be heard for informational purposes and no action will be taken.

*HF1900 (Hollins), HF2778 (Hansen), and HF2865 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) have been removed from the agenda.

If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Monday, March 20, 2023. Please note that testimony may be limited. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2105 (Hansen) - Easement conveying requirements modified; state parks and forests added; and state land sales, purchases, and transfers authorized.
HF2304 (Curran) - Water use permit issuance authorized and modification prohibited, White Bear Lake Area Water Use Work Group established, comprehensive plan required, and money appropriated.
HF2833 (Hansen) - Department of Natural Resources law enforcement supervisor transition provisions modified.
HF2324 (Hansen) - Drill Core Library funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1828 (Hansen) - Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
HF2387 (Hansen) - Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.

Children and Families Finance and Policy

HF135 (Feist) Hennepin County; persons experiencing homelessness funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1686 (Hollins) Ramsey County; funding provided for families experiencing homelessness, and money appropriated.
HF2138 (Hicks) Olmsted County; funding provided for persons experiencing homelessness, and money appropriated.
HF2008 (Kozlowski) Homeless youth cash stipend pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2845 (Fischer) St. Paul and Minneapolis; Catholic Charities funding provided for its operation of homeless elders program, and money appropriated.
HF1074 (Brand) Minnesota Initiative Foundations funding provided, and money appropriated.

*Agenda items may be added or changed.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Amendments: All amendments that are substantive must be given to the CA by 1:00PM on the day prior to the committee hearing. This deadline may be waived at the discretion of the Chair

Meeting Materials: Presenters or members of the public are encouraged to provide all materials to be offered in Committee to the CLA at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. Distribution of such materials is subject to approval by the Chair; a copy will be kept by Committee staff. These materials should be in accessible (Optical Character Recognition) format for posting to the committee webpage; contact the Committee Administrator for more information about acceptable electronic formats.

Testimony: Bill authors must arrange their own testifiers and provide each testifier’s name, position title, and email address to the CA 24 hours in advance of the hearing. Written testimony is also encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage prior to the meeting.
Bills Added:
HF1686 (Hollins) - Ramsey County; funding provided for families experiencing homelessness, and money appropriated.
HF135 (Feist) - Hennepin County; persons experiencing homelessness funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2138 (Hicks) - Olmsted County; funding provided for persons experiencing homelessness, and money appropriated.
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Homeless youth cash stipend pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2845 (Fischer) - St. Paul and Minneapolis; Catholic Charities funding provided for its operation of homeless elders program, and money appropriated.
HF1074 (Brand) - Minnesota Initiative Foundations funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF135 (Feist) - Bill 1st Engrossment.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Mpls Mayor Frey Office - letter of support.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1074 (Brand) - Bill As Introduced.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1074 (Brand) - Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Bill As Introduced.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - MN One Stop LoS.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - 2023 HHR slides for legislature Presentation handout.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - HeadingHome_FundingFlyer_2023 (Bill).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - ICA LetterOfSupport_HMIS.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Letterofsupport_SaintPaulFireDepartment.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - LOS HF 1686 from HHR GB and SC 3-16-2023.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Midway Chamber Support Heading Home Ramsey 2023 Leg Pkg 2-21-23[1].pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - SPAC Letter of Support.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - SPPN-Heading Home Ramsey Bill (1).pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - StPaul Downtown Alliance - Ramsey Support.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Washington County Ramsey housing bill support letter.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - First Engrossment.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - A2.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Birnbaum St Louis Co. Testimony.PDF (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Chapin Hall Final Handout 2 for SF1903-HF2008.PDF (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Jordon Eunison-Chisti Testimony HF 2008.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2008 (Kozlowski) - Youthprise Final Handout.PDF (3/19/2023)
HF2138 (Hicks) - A1.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2138 (Hicks) - Bill as introduced.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2138 (Hicks) - Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2845 (Fischer) - Bill As Introduced.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF2845 (Fischer) -Research Summary.pdf (3/19/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - LoS from Rabbinical Assoc.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Saint Paul Chidrens Collaborative Supporting Heading Home Ramsey Request.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Saint Paul Public Schools Support letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2845 (Fischer) - Legal Aid Ltr of Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2753 (Greenman) - Family Enhancement Center - Legislative Ask short version on letterhead.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2845 (Fischer) - Homeless Elders Fact Sheet.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - Fairview HHR Support.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1686 (Hollins) - InterFaith Action HF 1686 support.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Catholic Charities Letter of Support HF444 HF135.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - digital only - Community Solutions - Minneapolis Hennepin County achieves 30% reduction in chronic homelessness by improving their system.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - digital only -CNN - How one Minnesota county has been rapidly housing the homeless since the pandemic.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Salvation Army Letter of Support - HC homelessness solutions HF 135.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Simpson Housing Services Letter of support HF135 Hennepin homelessness.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Hennepin LOS.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Hennepin Bill slides - March 2023 v2.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Agate Housing Services Support for HF135 homelessness funding Hennepin.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - AICDC Hennepin County Support letter HF 135.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - Avivo Letter of Support_Hennepin County Homelessness Funding Bill.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1074 (Brand) - A1.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF135 (Feist) - A2-1.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2138 (Hicks)- Olmsted County Presentation.pdf (3/21/2023)
HF 2138 Presentation House Children and Families.pdf (3/21/2023)

Climate and Energy Finance and Policy

HF2620 (Pursell) - Distribution system upgrades funding provided to interconnect distributed energy projects, and money appropriated.
HF2892 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) - Solar energy production incentive program extended, energy storage incentive program established, and money appropriated.
HF2336 (Greenman) - Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority established to provide financing and leverage private investment for clean energy and other projects, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2771 (Acomb) - Department of Commerce program to award rebates for purchase and installation of residential heat pumps established, program to train heat pump installers established, and money appropriated.
*Items may be added to the agenda.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify in person, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 1 p.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

This hearing may be viewed in person or via the House webcast schedule page:

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2620 (Pursell) - Distribution system upgrades funding provided to interconnect distributed energy projects, and money appropriated.
HF2892 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) - Solar energy production incentive program extended, energy storage incentive program established, and money appropriated.
HF2336 (Greenman) - Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority established to provide financing and leverage private investment for clean energy and other projects, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2771 (Acomb) - Department of Commerce program to award rebates for purchase and installation of residential heat pumps established, program to train heat pump installers established, and money appropriated.

Agriculture Finance and Policy

Agriculture Policy Omnibus Bill
Late Monday, March 20, 2023: Ag policy omnibus bill HF 1587 (Vang) will be posted.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023: walk through and public testimony.
12 pm noon, Wednesday, March 22: amendments due.
Thursday, March 23: mark up and passage.
Friday, March 24: mark up and passage, if necessary.

HF 1587 (Vang) Restricted species provisions modified. DE amendment.
HF 2387 (Hansen, R) Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.
HF 2142 (Tabke) Grant program established to prevent wolf-livestock conflict, and money appropriated.
HF 127 (Burkel) Wolf and elk depredation payment funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 2299 (Anderson PH) Deer abatement and crop damage report funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.
Bills Added:
HF1587 (Vang) - Agriculture policy bill.
HF127 (Burkel) - Wolf and elk depredation payment funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2142 (Tabke) - Grant program established to prevent wolf-livestock conflict, and money appropriated.
HF2299 (Anderson) - Deer abatement and crop damage report funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2387 (Hansen) - Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.

Education Finance

Approval of the Minutes from March 17th, 2023
HF 629 (Edelson) Read Act established, schools required to use approved literacy curriculum, literacy specialists required, report required, and money appropriated. **There is a DE16 Amendment that is an author's amendment and will be taken up.
HF 1269 (Pryor) Prekindergarten through grade 12 provisions modified including general education accountability and transparency, education excellence, American Indian education, charter schools, discipline, teachers, special education, and early learning; and reports required.

Agenda items may be added or changed.

Notes: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
For questions about the agenda or the committee, please contact the Committee Administrator, Polly Cerkvenik, at or 651-296-5524.

Public Testimony:
If you are interested in providing testimony on the scheduled bills please contact the committee administrator at: no later than 2pm on Monday, March 20th. Written testimony is encouraged. Testimony may be limited.
Bills Added:
HF629 (Edelson) - READ Act established, schools required to use approved literacy curriculum, literacy specialists required, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1269 (Pryor) - Prekindergarten through grade 12 provisions modified including general education accountability and transparency, education excellence, American Indian education, charter schools, discipline, teachers, special education, and early learning; and reports required.
Lensmire.3.20.23.Testimony.pdf (3/20/2023)
literacy coalition letter 3.9.2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
Rodriguez-MNSU-M-response-20230310.pdf (3/20/2023)
Written Testimony -The Read Act- Senate Finance.pdf (3/20/2023)
hf1269e1.pdf (3/20/2023)
HELP letter to legislature 3.14.2023 (1).pdf (3/20/2023)
FY22 Literacy Aid (1).pdf (3/20/2023)
Cavanaugh.3.19.23.docx (1).pdf (3/20/2023)
20230319_Gilson_Written_Feedback_HF1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
2023 Legislative Handout v4.pdf (3/20/2023)
Ittner Testimony (3).pdf (3/20/2023)
Dear Edu Finance Committee.pdf (3/20/2023)
PSEO Finance HF1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
H0629DE16.pdf (3/20/2023)
H0629DE14.pdf (3/20/2023)
H0629DE15.pdf (3/20/2023)
Dear Education Finance Committee Chair Youakim and Members of the Committee.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1269 Opposition.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1269 Education Finance Committee.pdf (3/20/2023)
Johnson-Lybeck.Testimony.3.20.23.pdf (3/20/2023)
READ act Testimony - Hutchinson.pdf (3/20/2023)
Finance Committee.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF-1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
PSEO Concern.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1269opposition.pdf (3/20/2023)
HS1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
PSEO opposed letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
PSEO letter YC - Google Docs.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1269_opposed_huss.pdf (3/20/2023)
Written Testimony Opposing Amendment to HF-1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
Science of reading letter of support.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN House Ed Finance Letter HF-1269 (1).pdf (3/20/2023)
House Letter HF-1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
legislation document - Google Docs - take 3.pdf (3/20/2023)
Untitled document-30.pdf (3/20/2023)
WRITTEN TESTIMONY in opposition to HF 1269.pdf (3/20/2023)
PSEO House Finance Committee Kron.pdf (3/20/2023)
Regarding HF1269 and HF2291_Melissa and Joshua Ives.pdf (3/20/2023)
Rousu PSEO Opposition Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
Rousu PSEO Opposition Letter.pdf (3/20/2023)
March 20 PSEO Letter Opposition to PSEO Bill.pdf (3/20/2023)
Dear EducationFinanceCommittee Chair Youakim and Members of the Committee,.pdf (3/21/2023)
House Omnibus Policy Bill [86].pdf (3/21/2023)
HF629-1A_MDE FN (1).pdf (3/21/2023)

Labor and Industry Finance and Policy

HF 1872 (Hollins) Micro-unit dwellings authorized on religious properties.
Valerie Roy
Meredith Campbell
Todd Feske
Colleen Diemer
Tamela K. Walhof, Director, Lutheran Advocacy - Minnesota

HF 2164 (Kraft) Contractor recovery fund modified to include claims against solar installers.
Sean O’Neil, Investigations Supervisor, Construction Codes and Licensing, DLI

HF 2104 (Daniels) State Building Code; new buildings with pitched roofs exempted from requiring dedicated anchorages for window cleaning.
Greg Metz, Manager, Construction Plan Review, DLI

HF 1700 (Feist) Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act of 2023
Mary McGibbon, RN from Elk River
Carrie Mortrud, RN and Staffing Specialist at MNA from Cottage Grove
MariBeth Olson, Vice President of Acute Care Nursing Operations, Allina Health 
Sara Gabrick, Chief Nursing Officer, Winona Health
Mary Krinkie, VP of Government Relations, Minnesota Hospital Association

*For HF 1700, testimony and amendments must be within the jurisdiction of the committee:
Section 6. Subd 9. Page 10 - lines 10.27 through 10.30
Section 9. Subd 6. Page 14 - lines 14.10 through 14.12

If you would like to testify or provide materials to the committee, please contact Travis Reese at by 5pm on Monday, March 20, 2023

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1700 (Feist) - Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act of 2023; hospital nurse staffing and nurse workload committees requirements established, core staffing plan requirements modified, commissioner required to track compliance, hospital preparedness and incident response action plan requirements modified, hospital nursing and health professional education loan forgiveness programs established/modified, and money appropriated.
HF1872 (Hollins) - Micro-unit dwellings authorized on religious properties.
HF2104 (Daniels) - State Building Code; new buildings with pitched roofs exempted from requiring dedicated anchorages for window cleaning.
HF2164 (Kraft) - Contractor recovery fund modified to include claims against solar installers.
HF 2164 DE1 amendment.pdf (3/17/2023)
HF2164-1A Completed FN.pdf (3/17/2023)
NECA support of HF2164 DE1.pdf (3/19/2023)
March2023 House Letter.pdf (3/19/2023)
MN Solar Bill PDF.pdf (3/19/2023)
H1700A6-3897697185265513314[1].pdf (3/20/2023)
H1872A1.pdf (3/20/2023)
H2104DE1.pdf (3/20/2023)
LMC Comments on HF 1872 – House Labor - 3-21-23.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF2164 DE1 Support Housing First Minnesota.pdf (3/20/2023)
Letter of Support HF 1872 Micro Unit Dwellings.pdf (3/20/2023)
Metro Cities Letter HF 1872.pdf (3/20/2023)
MBP_HF1700 Labor and Industry Committee.pdf (3/20/2023)
House Labor and Industry Finance and Policy_MFC Support of HF 1872.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1872 Star Tribune Opinion Exchange_.pdf (3/20/2023)
2023_03_13_KNABA Fast Facts.pdf (3/20/2023)
03132023 SF1561 KNABA Senate Labor Testifmony-Kelly Hallow.pdf (3/20/2023)
Studies on Nurse Staffing and Patient Care_.pdf (3/20/2023)
Why We Left Report 2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
Research-Showing-How-a-Law-Setting-Safe-Patient-Limits-Has-Improved-Patient-Care-for-California-Hospitals.pdf (3/20/2023)
Effect of changes in hospital nursing resources on improvements in patient safety and quality of care_ A panel study.pdf (3/20/2023)
Strib editorial Caution on nurse staffing reforms.pdf (3/20/2023)
MN CNO Opposition Letter on HF 1700 (1).pdf (3/20/2023)
MHA Nurse Staffing Ratio Fact Sheet.pdf (3/20/2023)
KNATB Union Letter 2023.pdf (3/20/2023)
Support for HF 1872.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF 2164.pdf (3/20/2023)
HF1872-SF2471 Sacred Communities Issue Briefing.pdf (3/21/2023)
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