Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF107 (Erhardt) Wagering losses treatment modified under the alternative minimum tax.
HF2076(Brod) Alternative minimum tax repealed
HF187 (Brod) Estate tax federal exemption amount conformity provided.
HF946 (Lieder) Transportation finance omnibus bill (pending Finance approval)
Department of Revenue presentation of Tax Incidence Study
HF1367 (Liebling) Alternative minimum tax exemption phaseout threshold inflation adjustment provided.
HF1511 (Simon) Alternative minimum tax exemption amount increased
HF107 (Erhardt) Wagering losses treatment modified under the alternative minimum tax.
HF2076(Brod) Alternative minimum tax repealed
HF187 (Brod) Estate tax federal exemption amount conformity provided.
HF2235 (Juhnke) Estate tax exclusion for certain farm and small business properties
HF1212 (Mullery) Gift tax imposed and coordinated with the estate tax.
HF1271 (Mullery) Gift taxation provided for gifts made within three years of death.
Agenda continued from March 14
HF930 (Dean) Health insurance premiums income tax subtraction authorized.
HF69 (Mullery) Health insurance premiums federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1245 (Eken) Volunteer ambulance personnel longevity awards income tax subtraction provided.
HF81 (Paulsen) Long-term capital gains income tax exclusion provided.
HF1378 (Paulsen) Minnesota college savings plan contributions income tax subtraction provided.
HF435 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle conversion income tax credit provided has been added.
HF433 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1537 (Gunther) Education loans principal and interest payments income tax subtraction provided.
HF1541 (Thissen) Tuition savings plan federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1963 (Thissen) Income tax credit provided for donations to qualified scholarship-granting organizations.
HF1240 (Marquart) Historic structure rehabilitation income tax credit provided has been added
HF1817 (Wollschlager) Military service income tax credit modified and increased has been added
HF551 (Wollschlager) Tax deduction for out-of-state active military duty clarified has been added.
HF37 (Brod) Out-of-state active military duty tax deduction clarified to include active duty performed by members of the National Guard and other military reservists.
HF29 (Severson) Military pensions federal income tax subtraction provided.
HF82 (Erickson )Military pension federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF622 (Zellers) Retired pensioners income tax subtraction provided.
HF871 (Rukavina) Individual income; allowing a subtraction for educational awards from the National Service Trust
HF930 (Dean) Health insurance premiums income tax subtraction authorized.
HF69 (Mullery) Health insurance premiums federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1245 (Eken) Volunteer ambulance personnel longevity awards income tax subtraction provided.
HF81 (Paulsen) Long-term capital gains income tax exclusion provided.
HF1301 (Moe) Residents right of first refusal established when a manufactured home park is being sold.
HF1378 (Paulsen) Minnesota college savings plan contributions income tax subtraction provided.
HF435 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle conversion income tax credit provided has been added.
HF433 (Cornish) Alternative fuel vehicle federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1537 (Gunther) Education loans principal and interest payments income tax subtraction provided.
HF1541 (Thissen) Tuition savings plan federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1963 (Thissen) Income tax credit provided for donations to qualified scholarship-granting organizations has been added.
Continue hearing income tax credit bills
Health and Human Services
HF309 (Gottwalt) Long-term care insurance income tax credit adjusted.
HF313 (Fritz) Home care tax credit established., and money appropriated.
HF338 (Seifert) Adoption income tax credit authorized.
HF1111 (Rukavina) Volunteer ambulance attendant and volunteer firefighter income tax credit provided, and money appropriated.
HF1249 (Atkins)Senior independent living personal technology income tax credit provided.
HF1341 (Tinglestad) Adoption expenses refundable income tax credit authorized, and money appropriated.
HF1312 (Jaros) Affordable housing contributions income tax credit provided.
HF1240 (Marquart) Historic structure rehabilitation income tax credit provided.
Introduction to income tax subtractions by House Research
HF300 (Haws) Military pay tax deduction expanded, and military pension subtraction including survivor benefits created.
HF551 (Wollschlager) Tax deduction for out-of-state active military duty clarified.
Bills added to the Agenda
HF1817 (Wollschlager) Military service income tax credit modified and increased.
Bills deleted from the Agenda
HF732 (Haws) Military pay income tax deduction expanded, and military pension and survivor benefit payments subtraction created.