Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2988 (Brod) Towns authorized to refund surplus revenues upon removal of a subordinate service district.
HF3704 (Bunn) Research activity credit increase modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3586 (Thissen) Education tax credit equity and opportunity provided.
HF3939 (Kalin) Special research and development corporate tax credit authorized
HF3585 (Koenen) Community-based energy development project powers of qualification described and Metropolitan Council and counties authorized to enter into contracts and to finance purchase of energy and interests in renewable energy projects.
HF3143 (Winkler) Individual income and corporate franchise credit allowed for investment in Minnesota high technology businesses, and appropriation reduced
HF3144 (Winkler) Jurisdiction limitation provided to tax persons investing in certain entities.
HF3538 (Winkler) Start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses investment credit provided.
HF3855 (Lanning) Regional emerging investment fund credit and a seed capital investment credit allowed, and commissioner duties imposed.
HF3632 (DeLaForest) Ad valorem tax imposition prohibited, and constitutional amendments proposed
HF4096 (Lenczewski) Alternative minimum taxable income modified to exclude charitable contributions made by nonitemizers.
HF4162 (Lenczewski) Partnership return, and refund claim time filing extended
HF3882 (Simpson) Lodging definition modified and standardized for lodging tax purposes
HF3599 (Marquart) JOBZ program standard business subsidy agreement required
HF3126 (Ruth) Tax registration for intracity buses fixed.
HF4169 (Lenczewski) Bloomington TIF
HF3323 (Hornstein) Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board authorized to adopt standards for dedication of land to the public or a payment of a dedication fee on certain new commercial and industrial development
We will take public testimony on:
HF4103 (Lenczewski) A bill for an act relating to taxation; modifying the treatment of foreign income and operations under the corporation franchise tax; authorizing grants; eliminating foreign operating corporations; reducing the corporate franchise tax rate; repealing the job opportunity building zone, the international economic development zone, and biotechnology and health sciences industry zone programs; repealing the airline industry job credit, the research credit, and the bovine testing credit; repealing the corporate alternative minimum tax; appropriating money.