Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2464 (Tschumper) County capital improvement projects debt limit increased, and bonding referendum required
HF1005 (Lenczewski) Municipal postemployment benefits for retired officers and employees authorized.
HF2268 (Lenczewski) Mark up of public finance omnibus bill
HF102 (Shimanski) Winsted authorized to issue bonds for acquisition of a city hall, community center, and police station
HF617 (Dill) Crane Lake certificates of indebtedness authorized.
HF1005 (Lenczewski) Municipal post-employment benefits for retired officers and employees authorized.
HF2268 (Lenczewski) Public improvements and services financing and issuance of obligations terms and conditions provided.
HF2391 (Hornstein) Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures additional financing provided, and bonds authorized.
HF2294 (Dill) Cook-Orr Hospital District levy authority modified. ** bill added **
HF1160 (Hilstrom) Local governments and school districts postemployment benefits trusts authorized, and money appropriated. ** bill added **
HF2443 (Lenczewski) Card club operations gross receipts tax imposed, and combined receipts tax on gambling reduced.
HF2446 (Howes) Emily wastewater treatment facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF2438 (Dettmer) Centerville; property located within certain tax increment financing districts defined as not commercial industrial property for purposes of metropolitan revenue distribution.