Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2058 (Lenczewski) Foreign operating corporations repealed, foreign royalties subtraction eliminated, election authorized to include foreign entities in combined report, and foreign dividend deduction modified.
HF912 (Hornstein) Minnesota family investment program and child care provisions modified, and foreign operating corporation provisions changed and clarified.
HF943 (Mullery) Deemed dividend corporate franchise tax deduction for foreign operating corporations limited.
HF1883 (Bunn) Income and franchise tax apportionment formula modified.
HF2070 (Simon) Dependent care income tax credit for licensed family day care providers equalized.
HF2071 (Simon) Federal nutrition program reimbursements federal taxable income subtraction provided.
HF1834 (Wollschlager) Multicounty housing and redevelopment authority levies authorized.
HF1229 (Demmer) Installation charges excluded from the sales tax.
HF1204 (Davnie) Low-income housing sales tax exemption extended to limited partnerships in which the sole general partner is a nonprofit corporation
HF1501 (Welti) Residential heating fuels sales tax exemption expanded to include all fuels except natural gas and electricity.
HF1613 (A.Peterson) Biomass fuel stoves sales tax exemption provided, and biomass-fueled electric generation facility construction sales tax exemption extended..
HF1950 (Ruud) Capital equipment sales tax exemption modified.
HF1516 (Swails) Washington County courts facility construction materials and equipment sales tax exemption provided, and obsolete provision removed.
HF1784 (Faust) Pine County Judicial Center construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF2060 (Brynaert) Blue Earth County courts facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF928 (Dill) Shooting range targets sales specified as a sale of property for resale.
HF2208 (Slocum) Richfield city hall and maintenance facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF2131 (Urdahl) Meeker County electrical cooperative sales tax exemption restriction eliminated.
HF1752 (Erickson) Sherburne County public works building construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF1791 (Heidgerken) Capital equipment sales tax exemption modified. ** bill added **
House Research Overview of Tobacco Taxes
HF1439 (Atkins) Contraband cigarettes disposition provided.
HF1937 (Solberg) Cigarette and tobacco products tax stamps distributor discount provided.
HF2311 (Davnie) Tobacco tax and tobacco health impact fee computation modified for "moist snuff".'
HF677 (Brod) JOBZ treatment for biodiesel fuel plants time period extended.
HF830 (Nornes) Job opportunity building zone tax benefits extended.
HF2329 (Howes) Homestead local option disaster abatement provisions modified.
HF1172 (Wollschlager) Revenue department debt collection time limits, collection costs, and referrals provisions modified.
HF158 (Urdahl) Livestock farming operations construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF1248 (Tillberry) Commuter rail system construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF1108 (Gardner) Rerefined motor oils and recycled paper sales tax exemption provided.
HF1478 (Hilstrom) Motor vehicle sales tax exemption provided for purchases by lessees who donate the leased vehicle to a charitable organization within 30 days of purchase
HF1203 (Poppe) Bioscience institute facilities construction materials and equipment sales tax exemption provided.
HF1462 (Liebling) Biobusiness center construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
HF1610 (Hausman) Agricultural society authorized to retain certain admissions sales tax proceeds.
HF413 (Lillie) Outdoor sport equipment dealers franchise agreements with manufacturers regulated, title requirements imposed, and money appropriated
HF1132 (Atkins) Sale of amusement devices provided as a sale for resale.
HF1133 (Atkins) Sales and purchase definition clarified to exclude the making available of amusement devices.
HF31 (Mullery) Public safety retiree pensions federal tax ruled conformity provided, and pension funds authorized to withhold and pay insurance premiums.
HF1532 (Hilstrom) Public safety retiree pensions federal tax rules conformity provided.
HF822 (Clark) - Neighborhood revitalization program expiration date extended.
HF406 (Welti) Small city definition modified.
HF919 (Welti) Elgin, Eyota, Byron, and Oronoco authorized to act as small cities for purposes of use of revenues from certain economic development districts.
HF1672 (Knuth) New Brighton tax increment financing expenditures outside district authorized.
HF1686 (Mullery) Minneapolis housing replacement districts provisions modified.
HF1808 (Atkins) Tax increment financing plan modification procedures clarified to not apply to certain acquisitions of property.
HF1879 (Laine) Columbia Heights tax increment financing district authorized.
HF2171 (Mullery) Tax increment financing; plan election provided for first year to receive increment.
HF2176 (Kalin) Tax increment financing and JOBZ and business subsidies searchable database required, and money appropriated.
HF2192 (Hilstrom) Brooklyn Center tax increment financing district authorized uses expanded.
HF2193 (Hilstrom) Brooklyn Center tax increment financing district authorized uses expanded
HF2121 (Laine) Fridley tax increment financing district authorized.
HF1789 (Peppin) Dayton tax increment financing district authorized subject to special rules
HF1650 (Nornes) Fergus Falls regional treatment center campus tax-free renaissance zone provided.