Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2237 (Nelson) Bloomington tax increment financing district improvements construction materials sales tax exemption provided, district duration extended and boundaries modified.
HF4062 (Nelson) Tax refund provided on fuel used in certain auxiliary power devices
HF3590 (Wagenius) Ground water monitoring charge established.
HF3395 (Tillberry) Light rail transit vehicle and repair parts exemption modified and expanded to Northstar Corridor rail project, and Central and Northstar Corridor construction purchases exempted for materials and supplies.
HF3119 (Howes) Propane-fueled school vehicle purchases exemption provided
HF3399 (Brynaert) Mankato; Sales and use tax extension authorized, revenue use modified, and local tax imposition authorized
HF4127 (Jaros) School district lease purchase agreements limited.
HF2467 (Thissen) Metropolitan Airports Commission nondebt levy authority eliminated, and new bonding by the commission prohibited
HF3030 (Morgan) Two-wheel motorized vehicles exempted from metropolitan county wheelage tax.
HF2781 (Jaros) Disaster response vehicles exempted from registration tax and fees
HF4078 (Hornstein) Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures additional financing provided, and obligation bonds authorized and issued.
HF4168 (Lenczewski) Wages subject to withholding definition modified
HF3338 (Drazkowski) Mortgages in disaster areas exempted from mortgage registry tax.
HF3422 (Liebling) Pollution control machinery and equipment providing energy to health care facilities exemption provided.
HF4181 (Olin) Subtraction from income attributable to herd eradication provided, bovine testing credit increased, state paid property tax credit provided for bovine tuberculosis management zones, sales tax exemption provided, and money appropriated.
HF4078 (Hornstein) was removed from the agenda and rescheduled for Thursday, April 17th
HF3776 (Hornstein), HF3364 (Moe), HF4158 (Dill), HF3547 (Dill), HF3032 (Dill) have been removed from the agenda
HF4017 (Lieder) Northwest Minnesota Multicounty Housing and Redevelopment Authority allowed to levy certain taxes.
HF2763 (Gardner) Anoka County; Library governing bonding provision modified.
HF3315 (Mahoney) Small business research and development credit allowed, and money appropriated.
HF4064 (Davnie) Tax incentives and certification provided for green economy businesses, and money appropriated
HF2779 (Paulsen) Lifelong learning account program established, tax credits to employees and employers for contributions to lifelong learning accounts allowed, and money appropriated