Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Huntley began the thirty-fourth meeting at 10:10 a.m. on Friday, March 30, 2007, in Room 10 of the State Office Building and made announcements regarding the upcoming Division schedule. A quorum was not present.
A quorum present at 10:35 a.m., Chair Huntley formally called the meeting to order and the clerk noted the roll:
Members Present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Hosch, Larry, Vice-Chair
Abeler, Jim
Anderson, Bruce
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Erickson, Sondra
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Liebling, Tina
Loeffler, Diane
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul
Walker, Neva
Testimony on diagnostic imaging issue began:
Dr. Bob Meiches, Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota Medical Association
At 10:50 a.m. Vice Chair Hosch assumed the gavel. Discussion continued with testimony from:
Dr. Terry Clark, Medical Director, St. Mary's Duluth Clinic
At 10:52 a.m. Chair Huntley resumed the gavel.
Discussion continued and testimony was given by:
Dr. Sam Carlson, Park Nicollet, Minneapolis
Dr. Charles Fazio, Chief Financial Officer, Medica
Geoff Bartsch, Health Partners, Inc.
Dr. Patrick Corneya, Medical Director, Health Partners, Inc.
Carolyn Perry, Buyers Health Care Action Group
Twila Brase, President, Citizens Council on Health Care
Chair Huntley moved
A07-0645, the HF 297 delete all amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0645 delete all amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley further moved the
H0297A63 amendment before the Division. Rep. Thissen requested to divide the amendment between lines 1.15 and 1.16 and first take up the 2nd part relating to the Advisory Committee. Rep. Thissen further requested the Chair incorporate verbal amendments as follows:
page 2, line 17, after the period insert "The Commissioner shall report back to the Legislature no later than January 15, 2008." and on line 2.22, after "committees" insert "immediately"
The Chair renewed his motion that
H0297A63 with the incorporated Thissen language be adopted. The motion prevailed.
Discussion occurred on lines 1.4 through 1.15 (moratorium on notification programs for diagnostic imaging services) and Rep. Gottwalt requested a roll call vote on the top half of the
H0297A63 amendment and after further discussion, withdrew his request for a roll call.
On line 1.13 delete “January 15, 2008" and insert “September 1, 2007". Chair Huntley moved adoption of the top half of the amendment with incorporation of the verbal amendment. The motion did not prevail. The moratorium language of Sec. 21 was stricken from the
H0297A63 amendment.
Chair Huntley renewed his motion that the
H0297A63 amendment, as amended, be adopted. The motion prevailed.
Chair Huntley moved the
H0297A58 amendment and incorporated changes as follows:
page 55, line 55.12, delete “$7500,000" and insert “$750,000"
page 21, line 21.10, after “provisions" insert “or other federal regulations"
page 56, line 56.27, after “services" insert “for persons"
Rep. Thao asks for incorporation of the following language:
page 54, line 54.24, delete “three members from the" and insert “(15) one interpreter trainer" and “(16) one interpreter certification examiner" The motion prevailed.
Rep. Abeler moved to amend page 53 of the
H0297A58 amendment orally as follows:
delete lines 53.16 through 54.3 and insert lines 1.20 through 2.20 of the
H0297A21 amendment. The motion prevailed.
At 12:40 p.m., Chair Huntley called for a half-hour recess.
At 1:43 p.m., the Chair called the meeting back to order and Rep. Hosch opened discussion of page 22, subdivision 3, regarding case mix indices. Testifying were:
Patti Cullen, Care Providers of Minnesota
Bob Held, Department of Human Services
Rep. Brod moved to strike the new language in Section 5, on page 35, line 35.35 and page 36, lines 36.1 and 36.2 relating to essential employee, and requested a roll call vote. Testifying continued by:
Julie Bleyhl, representing AFSCME Council 5
Mike Tessner, Department of Human Services
Rep. Brod renewed her motion to strike Section 5 and re-requested a roll call vote. The motion did not prevail. The roll call vote failed 7-9, as follows:
Ayes: Anderson, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin, Thissen
Nays: Abeler, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Thao
Absent: Bunn, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Walker
Rep. Gottwalt moved to strike page 36, lines 36.34 through 37.4 and move the dollars to crisis nurseries and requested a roll call vote. Discussion occurred. The motion did not prevail, failing 10-10 as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Anderson, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Fritz, Gottwalt, Hosch, Otremba, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Peterson
Discussion occurred regarding line 29.15 on page 29. Mr. Tessner, Department of Human Services, came to the table to testify.
Don Allen, Department of Human Services and Julie Bleyhl, Legislative Director for AFSCME Council 5, came to the table to testify.
Discussion followed.
Rep. Brod moved an oral amendment to the
H0297A58 amendment as follows:
page 36, line 1, strike all the language after “Human Services"
page 36, line 2, strike “personalities, sexual predators, and the criminally insane," and insert “at the Minnesota Security Hospital". Rep. Brod requested a roll call vote which failed 7-10 as follows:
Ayes: Anderson, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Hosch, Peppin
Nays: Abeler, Fritz, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Abstain: Ruud
Absent: Bunn, Peterson, Slawik
Discussion occurred on a rate increase for Chisholm and Hibbing on page 25 and language interpreter services on page 34 of the
H0297A58 amendment.
Rep. Peppin moved to delete sections 25.24 through 25.31 and replace it with HF 721 (Fritz) and HF 781 (Loeffler) and requested a roll call vote.
Rep. Liebling asked to divide the amendment. Discussion on the first half first, lines 25.21 through 25.31 (removing Chisholm and Hibbing). The motion prevailed on a 10-2 vote as follows:
Ayes: Anderson, Brod, Dean, Fritz, Hosch, Liebling, Peppin, Peterson, Ruud, Thissen
Nays: Abeler, Huntley
Abstain: Murphy, Slawik, Walker
Absent: Bunn, Erickson, Gottwalt, Loeffler, Otremba, Thao
At 3:02 p.m., Chair Huntley called the meeting back to order.
Rep. Anderson moved to delete Section 50 of the
A0297A58 amendment (Anatomical Gift Section), lines 37.6 through 53.15, and requested a roll call vote. The following two individuals came to the table to testify:
Susan Mau Larson, Director Public Affairs, Life Source
Twila Brase, Citizens Council on Health Care
A roll call vote was taken and failed 2-16 as follows:
Ayes: Anderson, Erickson
Nays: Abeler, Bunn, Dean, Fritz, Gottwalt, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Brod, Loeffler, Peppin
Rep. Thissen moved lines 2.3 through 2.9 (Medicare Part D relating to co-pays) of HF 708, the 1st engrossment, be inserted into the
H0297A58 delete all amendment. Discussion occurred and the motion prevailed.
Chair Huntley renewed his motion on the
H0297A58 amendment, as amended. The motion prevailed. The
H0297A58 delete all, as amended, was adopted.
Rep. Thissen moved adoption of and explained the
H0297A11 amendment and subsequently withdrew it.
Rep. Walker moved adoption of and explained the
H0297A22 amendment. Discussion occurred and Anne Martineau, Department of Human Services, came to the table to testify.
Discussion also occurred on the repealer language on page 51. Lynn Aves of House Research verified that 51.23 through 51.35 should be removed. Rep. Walker moved to strike lines 51.23 through 51.35. The motion prevailed. The amendment to the
H0297A22 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Walker incorporated:
page 11, line 16, after “will" insert “be" and replace “trial" with “tribal"
Rep. Walker renewed her motion that the
H0297A22 amendment, as amended, be adopted. The motion prevailed.
Rep. Walker moved adoption of the
H0297A10 amendment. Rep. Abeler moved to amend the
H0297A10 amendment as follows:
line 1.8, after "extremities;" insert "and"
lines 1.8 and 1.9, delete "and therapy modalities, including but not limited to physiotherapy, ice, heat, traction, and electrical stimulation"
Discussion occurred and Chris Reisdorf of the Department of Human Services came to the table and testified. There being no further discussion, the Abeler motion prevailed and his verbal amendment to the
H0297A10 amendment was adopted.
At 4:03 p.m., Vice Chair Hosch assumed the gavel. There being no further discussion, the
H0297A10 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
At 4:10 p.m., Chair Huntley resumed the gavel and Rep. Abeler moved adoption of the H0297A13 amendment; however, some packets were missing copies of the amendment so the Division moved on to a different amendment.
Rep. Hosch moved adoption of the
H0297A20 amendment and moved an oral amendment to redirect any revenues they may gain go to the child safety grants under HF 1290 (Slawik). Coming to the table to testify to the issues of targeting case management and child safety were:
Patricia Coldwell, Association of Minnesota Counties
Kate Lerner, Director, MACSSA, representing County Social Service Administrators
Additional discussion followed and Don Allen, Department of Human Services, came to the table to testify as well.
The voice vote indiscernible, Chair Huntley requested a division. The motion prevailed (8 yes; 7 no) and the
H0297A20 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Rep. Abeler moves adoption of the
H0297A13 amendment and incorporate language from the
H0297A48 amendment, lines 1.2 through 1.8. Discussion followed. The
H0297A13 amendment was adopted, as amended.
Rep. Loeffler moved adoption of the
A07-0674 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0674 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Loeffler moved adoption of the
A07-0669 amendment. Discussion followed. Ann Sessoms came to the table to respond to questions. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0669 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Thissen moved adoption of the
H0297A27 amendment (the “clean-up" language). The motion prevailed. The
H0297A27 amendment was adopted.
At 4:53 p.m. Chair Huntley called a recess until 5:30 p.m.
At 5:50 p.m., Chair Thao called the meeting back to order.
Rep. Murphy moved adoption of the
H0297A53 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
H0297A53 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Thissen moved adoption of the
H0297A16 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H0297A16 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Thissen moved adoption of the
A07-0660 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0660 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Thissen moved adoption of the
A07-0661 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0661 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Bunn moved adoption of the
A07-0651 amendment. Laura Smith, Department of Employee Relations, came to the table to respond to questions.
Rep. Huntley moved to amend the
A07-0651 amendment as follows:
delete lines 19.9 through 19.18 (Section 13). The motion prevailed. The amendment to the
A07-0651 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Peppin moved to amend the
A07-0651 amendment by inserting the language of the
H0297A60 amendment.
Erin Sexton of Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and Beth Hartwig of the Minnesota Business Partnership came to the table to testify.
There being no further discussion, the motion did not prevail. The Peppin amendment was not adopted.
Rep. Bunn renewed her motion that the
A07-0651 amendment, as amended, be adopted. The motion prevailed.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
A07-0668 amendment (a technical amendment; part of HF 1855). Scott Leitz, Minnesota Department of Health, came to the table to testify. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0668 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
A07-0667 amendment and Scott Leitz came to the table to explain the amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0667 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
A07-0676 amendment. Scott Leitz and Jim Golden, Department of Health, came to the table to testify. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0676 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
A07-0677 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0677 amendment was adopted.
Chiar Huntley moved adoption of the
A07-0679 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
A07-0679 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the TP-A05 amendment. The motion prevailed. The TP-A05 amendment was adopted and staff was instructed to insert the language in the appropriate place and to make any technical corrections.
Rep. Otremba moved adoption of the family cap amendment, hereinafter referred to as the XXX amendment by Chair Thao.
page 30, line 30.1 after “2006" insert “Section 256J.24, subdivision 6;"
page 30, line 30.1 delete “3a and"
The motion prevailed. The XXX amendment was adopted.
Rep. Abeler moved adoption of the
A0297A30 amendment (which would replace Section 6 in amendment
A07-0651). Discussion occurred and Margaret Kelly, Minnesota Department of Health came to the table to testify. The motion prevailed. The
A0297A30 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Brod moved adoption of the
H297A36 amendment. The motion did not prevail. The
H297A36 amendment was not adopted.
Rep. Abeler moved to amend HF 297 as follows:
page 217.22, strike "ten" and insert "twelve"
page 217.25, strike "five" and insert "six"
page 217.26, strike "two" and insert "three"
page 217.29, strike "five" and insert "six"
page 217.30, strike "two' and insert "three"
The motion prevailed. The oral amendment was adopted.
Rep. Brod moved adoption of the
H0297A41 amendment but subsequently withdrew the amendment.
Rep. Erickson moved adoption of the
H0297A42 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The amendment was not adopted, failing 5-14 as follows:
Ayes: Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Abeler, Anderson
Rep. Erickson moved adoption of the
H0297A43 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The amendment was not adopted, failing 5-14 as follows:
Ayes: Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud,Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Abstain: Abeler
Absent: Anderson
Rep. Gottwalt moved adoption of the
H0297A44 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The amendment was not adopted, failing 7-13 as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Bunn, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson
Rep. Gottwalt moved adoption of the
H0297A47 amendment. The motion did not prevail. The amendment was not adopted.
Rep. Erickson moved the
H0297A49 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The amendment was not adopted, failing 5-14 as follows:
Ayes: Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao,Thissen, Walker
Abstain: Abeler
Absent: Anderson
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
H0297A50 amendment. Discussion occurred and he moved to lay the
H0297A50 amendment on the table.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
H0297A52 amendment. Discussion occurred and the motion prevailed. The
H0297A52 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved the
H0297A50 amendment be taken off the table. Discussion occurred and the Chair moved an oral amendment as follows:
page 226, delete lines 34 and 35
page 227, delete lines 1 through 11
The Chair renewed his motion on the
H0297A50 amendment, as amended. The motion prevailed. The
A0297A50 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Rep. Peppin moved adoption of the
H0297A55 amendment and requested a roll call vote. Kathy McDonough, Department of Human Services, came to the table to testify.
Rep. Peppin withdrew her request for a roll call. There being no further discussion, the motion prevailed. The
H0297A55 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Dean moved adoption of the
H0297A61 amendment. Bob Johnson of the Insurance Federation of Minnesota came to the table and testified. The motion did not prevail on a voice vote and a division was called. The
H0297A61 passed on a 9-7 division vote.
Chair Thao moved further amend the
H0297A30 amendment by deleting on page 2, lines 2.19 through 2.35. Following discussion, Chair Thao withdrew his amendment.
Rep. Walker moved adoption of the
H0297A62 amendment and wished to incorporate as follows:
page 1, delete 1.4 through 1.17, (Legislative Findings)
page 2, line 2.15, delete "Interdependent" and insert "Independent" and delete "Organization" and insert "Alliance"
Discussion occurred and Rep. Ken Tschumper came to the table to participate in discussion.
Rep. Thissen moved to amend the
H0297A62 on page 2, line 2.1, after "party" insert "and one from the minority party;" and on line 2.2 after "house" delete ", and one from the minority party appointed by the" and on line 2.3 delete "minority leader of the house of representatives" but subsequently withdrew this oral amendment.
Rep. Gottwalt moved an oral amendment to the
H0297A62 amendment:
After line 2.15 insert: "(10) one member selected by the Minnesota Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business"
Discussion occurred. Rep. Brod requested a roll call vote on the Gottwalt oral amendment. The Gottwalt oral amendment was adopted on an 11-6 roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Bunn, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Hosch, Loeffler, Peppin, Peterson, Ruud
Nays: Fritz, Huntley, Murphy, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Abstain: Otremba, Slawik
Rep. Brod moved the following oral amendment to the
H0297A62 amendment:
on page 2, line 2.15 delete "Metropolitan Independent Business Organization" and insert "Minnesota Farm Bureau"
Rep. Walker requested dividing the oral amendment, voting second on the deletion of Metropolitan Independent Business Organization and voting first on the insertion of the Minnesota Farm Bureau.
Rep. Brod withdrew her oral amendment and moved a different oral amendment to the H0297A62 amendment as follows:
page 2, between 2.15 and 2.16 insert “(11) one member selected by the Minnesota Farm Bureau"
Rep. Huntley moved to amend the Brod oral amendment by deleting "the Minnesota Farm Bureau" and inserting "The Farmers Union" The motion prevailed.
Rep. Brod incorporates the Huntley language in her amendment so it reads "the Farmers Union" and it passed on a voice vote.
Rep. Brod moved an oral amendment:
“(12) one member selected by the Minnesota Farm Bureau" Discussion occurred. On the bottom amendment. Rep. Brod and Peppin requested a roll call vote. The motion prevailed 11-6. The oral amendment was adopted.
Rep. Peppin moved an oral amendment to the
H0297A62 amendment as follows:
before line 2.16 insert "(13) one member selected by the Minnesota Taxpayer League" and discussion occurred. Rep. Peppin requested a roll call vote and more discussion occurred.
Rep. Peterson moved to amend Rep. Peppin's oral amendment by inserting "and one member from the AFL-CIO" and was advised by Rep. Thissen that the motion was out of order. Discussion occurred. Rep. Brod requested a roll call on the Peppin oral amendment. The motion did not prevail, failing 6-12 as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Huntley, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Hosch, Liebling
Rep. Peterson declined offering her amendment to the previous amendment.
Rep. Brod moved adoption of an oral amendment to the
H0297A62 amendment as follows:
page 2, between lines 4 and 5 insert "the secretary of state or the secretary of state's designated representative" and "the state auditor or the state auditor's designated representative" The motion did not prevail.
Rep. Brod moved to lay
H0297A62 on the table and requested a roll call vote. The motion did not prevail, failing 6-10 as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Huntley, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Thao, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Hosch, Liebling, Slawik, Thissen
More discussion occurred regarding a fiscal note. Scott Leitz, Minnesota Department of Health, came to the table to respond to this issue and further discussion followed.
Rep. Walker moved to call the question. Discussion followed on a point of parliamentary inquiry. Motion to vote prevails. Vote on the amendment, as amended. The motion prevailed. Dean requests a division. The
H0297A62 amendment, as amended, passed 10-6 on a division vote.
Rep. Erickson moved adoption of the
H0297A65 amendment and Rep. Brod moved an oral amendment to the
H0297A65 amendment by deleting the language just adopted via the
H0297A62 amendment. Discussion occurred and Rep. Erickson moved to divide the
H0297A65 amendment and vote on lines 1.1 through 1.5 first. Rep. Brod withdrew her amendment to the
H0297A65 amendment. After discussion, Rep. Erickson withdrew her motion.
Rep. Dean moved adoption of the
H0297A66 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The motion did not prevail, failing 13-6 as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao,Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Liebling
Rep. Fritz moved adoption of the
H0297A31 amendment. Mary Jo George of the Minnesota Nurses Association came to the table and testified. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
Rep. Gottwalt moved adoption of the A67 amendment but subsequently withdrew this motion.
Rep. Thissen moved to amend HF 297 by incorporating lines 244.11 through 244.16 of the
A07-0645 amendment with the following additional language incorporated:
line 244.14 after "providing" insert "$100,000 in"
line 244.16, after "Collaborative" insert "and $200,000 in first year for local match required to access federal Technology Related Assistance Act, Alternate Finance Project"
The motion prevailed. The amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Rep. Gottwalt moved adoption of the
H0297A74 amendment and requested a roll call vote. Steve Nelson of the Department of Human Services came to the table and testified. The motion did not prevail, failing on a 6-12 vote as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Hosch, Huntley, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Fritz, Liebling
Rep. Gottwalt moved adoption of the
H0297A71 amendment. The motion did not prevail. The amendment was not adopted.
Rep. Brod moved adoption of the
H0297A72 amendment and requested a roll call vote. The motion did not prevail, failing on a 6 to 13 vote as follows:
Ayes: Abeler, Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin
Nays: Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Liebling
Rep. Erickson moved adopted of the
H0297A68 and requested a roll call vote. The motion did not prevail, failing on a 5-12 vote as follows:
Ayes: Brod, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt, Peppin,
Nays: Huntley, Fritz, Hosch, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Abstain: Abeler, Bunn
Absent: Anderson, Liebling
Rep. Erickson moved adoption of and explained the
H0297A33 amendment. The motion did not prevail. The amendment was not adopted.
Rep. Erickson moved adoption of the
H0297A34 amendment but subsequently withdrew her amendment.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
H0297A59 amendment (Health Department to conform to federal law). Scott Leitz of the Department of Health came to the table to explain the amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Abeler moved adoption of the
H0297A11 amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment was adopted.
Closing comments on the bill were made by some of the Division members.
Chair Huntley renewed his motion that HF 297, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed on a 14-4 roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Huntley, Abeler, Bunn, Fritz, Hosch, Loeffler, Murphy, Otremba, Peterson, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Nays: Brod, Dean, Erickson, Peppin
Absent: Anderson, Gottwalt, Liebling
Rep. Walker made comments to the Division members and Chair Huntley adjourned the meeting at 9:26 p.m., reminding members of the Saturday Division meeting at 12:00 noon.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant