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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Health and Human Services Policy


2013-2014 Regular Session - Friday, March 21, 2014


Chair, Representative Tina Liebling


Representative Liebling, Chair of Committee on Health and Human Services Policy, called the meeting to order at 10:12 am, March 21, 2014 in Room 200 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
Liebling, Chair
Moran, Vice Chair
Mack, Lead
Benson, J.
Ward, JoAnn

No members were absent. A quorum was present.

The committee recessed at 10:13 am.
The committee reconvened at 10:57 am.

Chair Liebling moved that HF2402 be re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Liebling moved the A14-0926 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Chair Liebling moved the H2402A10 amendment. Chair Liebling and Lynn Aves, House Research, explained the amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Morgan moved the H2402A5 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Chair Liebling moved the H2402A33 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Chair Liebling moved the H2402A36 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.
Representative Abeler moved the H2402A27 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A1 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Lynn Aves, House Research
Dr. Larry Spicer, MN Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Representative Abeler withdraws the H2402A1 amendment.

Representative Huntley moved the H2402A8 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

The committee recessed at 11:47 am.
The committee reconvened at 12:52 pm.

Representative Morgan moved the H2402A29 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Moran moved the H2402A18 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Gruenhagen withdraws the H2402A21 amendment.

Representative Benson moved the H2402A2 amendment. Representative Benson withdraws the H2402A2 amendment.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A4 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Katherine Finlayson, Department of Human Services
Laura Plummer Zrust, Department of Human Services
Representative Abeler temporarily withdraws the H2402A4 amendment.

Representative Mullery moved the H2402A23 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Allen moved the A14-0968 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
David Godfrey, Hennepin County Medical Center
Jim Golden, Department of Human Services
Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

The committee recessed at 1:27 pm.
The committee reconvened at 4:52 pm.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A15. Danyell Punyelli, House Research, explained the amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment.
Patrick Carter, Department of Human Services
Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Chair Liebling moved the H2402A41 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A4 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Barb Turner, ARRM
Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Loeffler moved the H2402A42 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Huntley moved the H2402A40 amendment. Representative Huntley withdraws the H2402A40 amendment.

Chair Liebling withdraws the H2402A37 amendment.

Representative Loeffler moved the H2402A30 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A20 amendment. Representative Abeler temporarily withdraws the amendment.

Representative Loeffler moved the H2402A6 amendment. Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Loeffler moved the H2402A38 amendment. Representative Loeffler incorporated the oral amendment as follows: on line 1.3 delete “182” and insert “186”. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Jim Golden, Department of Human Services
Joel Ulland, UCare
Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Huntley withdraws the H2402A17 amendment.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A19 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Mark Schoenbaum, Minnesota Department of Health
Motion prevailed. Amendment adopted.

Representative Allen withdraws the A14-0957 amendment.

Representative Gruenhagen moved the H2402A14 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Julie Marquardt, Department of Human Services
Doug Berg, House Fiscal Analyst
Chair Liebling rules the H2402A14 amendment to be not germane as it was outside the jurisdiction on the committee. Amendment is not adopted.

Representative Moran withdraws the H2402A13 amendment.

Representative Abeler moved the H2402A20 amendment. The following individuals explained the amendment:
Phil Griffin, March of Dimes Minnesota Chapter
Eric Dick, MNAAP
Representative Abeler withdraws the amendment.

Chair Liebling renewed her motion that HF2402 as amended be re-referred to the General Register. Motion prevailed.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm.

Representative Tina Liebling, Chair

Lynn Sando, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF2402 (Liebling) - Omnibus health and human services policy bill.
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HF2402 (Liebling) is the vehicle for the Omnibus HHS Policy bill. A delete-everything (DE) amendment and bill summary have been posted to the committee website. The committee will entertain amendments and vote on HF2402. Additional public testimony will not be taken.

With questions, please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at