HF2928 (Acomb) - Preapplication filings for large water appropriation projects required, permit application information for large water appropriation projects added, level of environmental review for data centers specified, data centers exempted from making financial contributions to an energy conservation and optimization plan, and other data center provisions modified.
HF2912 (Her) - Macalester College geothermal energy system funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2297 (Myers) - Special license plate established for solar pollinator programs, and agrivoltaic solar sites made eligible for solar site management practices.
Revisor Code 25-04891 (Kraft) - Virtual power plants
***25-04891 is pending introduction
Items may be added or removed from the agenda.
If you wish to submit written testimony or testify, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to Mike.Molzahn@house.mn.gov by 1 p.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.