Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Huntley called to order the fiftieth meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Committee at 10:25 a.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building on Thursday, March 27, 2014. A quorum was present. The committee legislative assistant noted the roll:
Members Present:
Rep. Thomas Huntley, Chair
Rep. Kim Norton, Vice Chair
Rep. Jim Abeler
Rep. Susan Allen
Rep. Peter Fischer
Rep. Patti Fritz
Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen
Rep. Laurie Halverson
Rep. Melissa Hortman
Rep. Carolyn Laine
Rep. Tina Liebling
Rep. Diane Loeffler
Rep. Tara Mack
Rep. Joe McDonald
Rep. Rena Moran
Rep. Jerry Newton
Rep. Duane Quam
Rep. Joe Schomacker
Rep. Nick Zerwas
Members Excused:
Rep. Matt Dean
H.F. 2150 (Huntley) – The Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus Bill - Health and human services appropriations and policy provisions technical corrections made.
Announcement by Chair regarding anticipated timeframe for the hearing with likely recess until 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.
Chair Huntley renewed his motion that H.F. 2150 be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and further moved adoption of the
A14-0976 delete all amendment. The motion prevailed. The A14-0976 delete all amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A6 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A6 amendment was adopted.
Vice Chair Norton moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A58-2 amendment. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A58-2 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler explained the
H2150A1 amendment. Testifying were:
Barb Turner, ARRM
Bruce Nelson, ARRM
Heidi Hamilton, Department of Human Services (DHS)
Following discussion, Representative Abeler moved adoption of the H2150A1 amendment and the motion prevailed. The H2150A1 amendment was adopted.
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Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A25 amendment. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A25 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A4 amendment. Discussion occurred and Chair Huntley moved the H2150A4 amendment be laid on the table and then withdrew the motion. Representative Abeler then withdrew the H2150A4 amendment.
Representative Norton moved adoption of the
H2150A5 amendment and further moved adoption of the following oral amendment:
Page 1, delete lines 1.4 through 1.25
Page 2, delete lines 2.1 through 2.8 and lines 2.27 through 2.34
Page 3, delete lines 3.1 through 3.35
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A5 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Representative Quam moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A7 amendment and then withdrew the amendment.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A9 amendment and further moved adoption of the following oral amendment:
Line 1.6, delete “shall” and insert “may”
Abigail Mosher, Minnesota Department of Health, testified briefly to the amendment. Following discussion, the motion did not prevail. The H2150A9 amendment, as amended, was not adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A11 amendment; then withdrew the amendment.
At 11:33 a.m. Chair Huntley recessed the meeting until the Call of the Chair.
At 4:38 p.m. the Chair called the meeting back to order.
Vice Chair Norton moved approval of the March 25 and 26, 2014 minutes. The motion prevailed. The minutes were approved.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A34 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A34 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A14 amendment. Testifying were:
Sarah Anderson, Key Medical Supply Inc.
Mark Hughes, Constituent and Self Advocate
Following discussion, Representative Abeler withdrew his amendment.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
A14-0999 amendment and then withdrew it.
Representative Moran moved adoption of and explained the A14-1010 amendment; then stated she wished to move only the language in Section 14. Discussion occurred. Testifying was:
Mary Orr, Department of Human Services (DHS)
Representative Moran withdrew her original motion and moved adoption of Section 14, Subdivisions 1 and 2. Following discussion, Representative Moran moved to delete lines 1.4 through 3.3. The motion prevailed. On adoption of the
A14-1010 amendment, as amended, the motion prevailed.
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Representative Laine moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A12 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A12 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150 A15 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A15 amendment was adopted.
Representative Gruenhagen moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A17 amendment. Following discussion, the motion did not prevail. The H2150A17 amendment was not adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A18 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A18 amendment was adopted.
Representative Fritz moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A19 amendment. Discussion occurred. Testifying were:
Kevin Goodno, Minnesota Habitation and Rehabilitation, on behalf of 5% Campaign
Sarah Lewerenz, AFSCME Council 65
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A19 amendment was adopted.
Representative Fritz moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A20 amendment. Jessica Anderson of Children’s Defense Fund testified. Following testimony, the motion prevailed. The H2150A20 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A21 amendment. Testifying were:
Jay McLaren, Medica and on behalf of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans
Patrick Hultman and Kim Carolan, MN Department of Human Services (DHS)
Following testimony, the motion prevailed. The H2150A21 amendment was adopted.
Vice Chair Norton moved the
H2150A23 amendment for discussion and explained her amendment. Doug Berg, Fiscal Analyst, commented on the fiscal impact of the amendment. Following discussion, Vice Chair Norton withdrew her amendment.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A24 amendment, and then withdrew the amendment.
Representative Fritz moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A27 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Page 9, line 9.10, after “recipient” insert “or the recipient’s guardian”
Testifying were:
Anne Henry, Minnesota Disability Law Center
Mary Jo George, AARP
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A27 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A31 amendment. Representative Abeler also presented the JO-A01 amendment for discussion but withdrew both amendments with the intention of bringing them to the Floor with Representative Moran.
Representative Fritz moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A26 amendment. Mary Jo George of AARP testified. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A26 amendment was adopted.
Representative Liebling moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A35 amendment. Representative Fabian testified. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The A2150A35 amendment was adopted.
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Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A36 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A36 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A37 amendment. Jonathan Watson, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers testified. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A37 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A38 amendment and then withdrew it.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A39 amendment as a placeholder. Testifying were:
Jonathan Watson, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers
Kathryn Kmit, Minnesota Council of Health Plans
Doug Berg, Fiscal Analyst, commented
Phil Griffin, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A39 amendment was adopted.
Representative Moran moved adoption of and explained the
A14-1014 amendment. Jessica Anderson, Children’s Defense Fund, testified. Following discussion of a fiscal note, Representative Moran withdrew the amendment.
Representative Moran moved adoption of and explained the
A14-1016 amendment. Jessica Anderson, Children’s Defense Fund, testified. Following discussion, Representative Moran withdrew the amendment.
Representative Moran moved adoption of and explained the
A14-1027 amendment. The motion prevailed. The A14-1027 amendment was adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A30 amendment. Discussion occurred and Doug Berg, Fiscal Analyst, commented on the fiscal note. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A30 amendment was adopted.
Representative Norton moved adoption of the following oral amendment to the
A14-0976 delete all amendment to H.F. 2150:
Page 141, delete Section 9
Page 144, delete lines 20 through 30
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The oral amendment to the A14-0976 delete all amendment was adopted.
Representative Hortman moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A40 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A40 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A43 amendment and then withdrew it.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A44 amendment and then withdrew it.
Representative Norton moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A45 amendment and then withdrew it.
Chair Huntley wished Representative Allen a Happy Birthday, whereupon Representative Allen laughed and chose not to comment!
Representative Allen moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A46 amendment. Testifying were:
Abigail Mosher, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
David Greeman, MDH
Phil Griffin for Interpreter Services group
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Following discussion, Representative Allen renewed her motion to adopt the H2150A46 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A46 amendment was adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A48 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A48 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A50 amendment. Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A50 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A51 amendment. Susan Winkelmann, Department of Health, Division of Compliance Monitoring, testified. Following testimony, the motion prevailed. The H2150A51 amendment was adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A54 amendment incorporating the following oral amendment:
Line 1.3, delete “9” and insert “15”
The motion prevailed. The
H2150A54, as amended, was adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A55 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A55 amendment was adopted.
Representative Liebling moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A56 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A56 amendment was adopted.
Representative Loeffler moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A57 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Line 1.8, delete “it” and insert “the department”
The motion prevailed. The H2150A57 amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and explained the
H2150A13 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H2150A13 amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler moved adoption of and explained the
Chair Huntley moved adoption of and Doug Berg, Fiscal Analyst, explained the H2150A59 amendment (a technical amendment to the forecast, Article 8). Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The H2150A59 amendment was adopted.
Chair Huntley renewed his motion that H.F. 2150 (the Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus bill) be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, as amended. The motion prevailed.
Closing comments were made by various members of the committee before the Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant