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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Please check back for updates. Agenda may change
Bills Added:
HF1970 (McNamar) - Energy efficiency grant financial match modified.
HF2262 (McNamar) - Building code inspection authority of local units of government regulated.
HF2268 (Rosenthal) - Small business investment credit allowance extended.
HF2633 (Norton) - Greater Minnesota angel investment credit established, and money appropriated.
Please check back for details. Agenda will change
Bills Added:
HF2650 (Norton) - Minnesota Centers for Independent Living grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2670 (Dehn) - Architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design professional license provisions modified.
HF1866 (Morgan) - Commerce Department advisory groups governing provisions modified.
HF2543 (Hortman) - Environmental data classified, reporting requirements modified, permitting efficiencies modified and created, Pollution Control Agency duties modified, administrative penalty order and field citation provisions modified, civil penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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There will be a brief presentation from MDE on the status of the Early Learning Scholarships
Bills Added:
HF1880 (Winkler) - Early learning scholarships availability expanded.
HF2558 (Mullery) - Early learning scholarship program funding increased, neighborhood achievement zone services extended, basic sliding fee child care assistance program fully funded, provider reimbursement rates modified, home visiting program expanded, and money appropriated.
HF2381 (Myhra) - Early learning scholarships clarified.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

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Other bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1960 (Halverson) - Voting equipment purchase with Help America Vote Act grants deadline extended.
HF2091 (Winkler) - Private and public employee labor standards provided, minimum wage regulated, and state employee use of donated vacation leave regulated.
SF1952 (Lillie) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
HF2812 (Newton) - Veterans' Voices Month created and designated in October.


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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2108 (Lenczewski) - Estate and gift taxes unified; base, rate, administrative, and procedural provisions modified; and penalties imposed.
HF1909 (Drazkowski) - Gift tax and business-to-business taxes repealed, wheelage tax increase rescinded, conservation easement valuation reductions reinstated, school board authority to authorize referendum levies rescinded, student achievement levy repealed, and prior animal waste technician fee and licensing requirements reverted.
HF2014 (Anderson) - Tax provisions repealed, exemptions reinstated, and money appropriated.
HF1886 (Albright) - Federal estate and gift tax exemption amount conformity provided.
HF2182 (Erhardt) - Gift tax repealed.
HF2297 (Loon) - Estate tax exemption linked to the federal exclusion amount, and gift tax repealed.
HF2464 (Selcer) - Estate and gift tax unified transfer tax system established; base, rate, administrative, and procedural provisions modified; and obsolete provisions repealed.
HF2596 (Torkelson) - Gift tax repealed.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Agenda has not been finalized. Please check back for details/updates.
Bills Added:
HF2203 (Halverson) - Homeless Youth Act activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1983 (Hansen) - Dakota County Development Agency low-income housing tax credit allocation threshold criteria modified.
HF2251 (Moran) - Eviction proceedings expungement and disclosure modified.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1335 (Rosenthal) - Collision requirements clarified, and terminology change made.
HF2141 (Rosenthal) - Probable cause arrests clarified for violations of protection, restraining, and no contact orders; and time limit modified for probable cause arrests for domestic abuse.
HF2385 (Lesch) - Expert review certification time limits adjusted because of recent amendments to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure.

Civil Law

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Bills Added:
HF2405 (Ward) - Checking account numbers classified as nonpublic data.
HF2795 (Holberg) - Driver's license and motor vehicle registration data bulk transfer standards modified, and collection and deposit of fees provided for requests for data in bulk form.
HF2120 (Holberg) - Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy Legislative Commission created.
HF2138 (Holberg) - Databases maintained by a government entity required to track user access.
HF2576 (Melin) - Criminal record expungement governing provisions modified, business screening services required to delete expunged records, and eviction record expungement allowed in some cases.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF2365 (Murphy) - Professional licensing boards required to expedite license processing for former and current members of the military, and report required.
HF2372 (Schoen) - Human Rights Department application for certificate of compliance scope changes made, and requirements for bids and proposals clarified.
HF2147 (Rosenthal) - Continued employer insurance contributions required for former Corrections Department employees.
HF2787 (Hornstein) - Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles purchase by state agencies barriers eliminated.
HF2392 (Hornstein) - State agencies; cleaner fuel-powered motor vehicles purchase barriers eliminated.
HF2391 (Hornstein) - State SmartFleet requirements modified.
HF2849 (Garofalo) - Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle purchase by state barriers eliminated.
HF2926 (Carlson) - Public Employment Relations Board created, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2157 (Winkler) - Workplace bullying policy required for state government agencies.
HF2281 (Winkler) - Legislators' privilege from arrest clarified, and driving while impaired specified as a breach of the peace for purposes of the Minnesota Constitution.
HF2785 (Dorholt) - Central fund feasibility study creation required to pay for costs of providing accommodations to state employees with disabilities.
HF2621 (Freiberg) - Lifeguards at public beaches required to have minimum training.
HF1941 (Dehn) - Mortgage foreclosure mediation established, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Policy

HF435 and HF2803 will be heard together and both bills will be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus HHS Policy bill.
Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF2581 (Hertaus) - Licensed dentists authorized to administer influenza vaccinations, and liability insurance coverage and insurance reimbursement provided.
HF2428 (Halverson) - Podiatrist licensure changes made.
HF1999 (Laine) - Certified doula definition modified.
HF2803 (Liebling) - Health profession license provisions changed.
HF2360 (Johnson) - Athletic trainer credentialing regulated.
HF1904 (Allen) - Healthcare interpreter spoken language services defined.
HF2779 (Schoen) - Licensed professional clinical counselors licensing provisions changed.
HF2164 (Ward) - Occupational therapist licensure changed.
HF1463 (Morgan) - Dental licensing provisions changed.
HF1850 (Fritz) - Chiropractors; scope of practice modified.
HF435 (Schoen) - Advanced practice registered nurse clarified.

Transportation Policy

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Bills may be added to agenda.
Pending Referral:
HF2265 (Laine) Secretary of state authorized to obtain data from the Public Safety Department, to share data, and money provided.
Bills Added:
HF2092 (Brynaert) - Special vehicle license plates; retired firefighter special plate and veteran special motorcycle plate for combat wounded veterans authorized, and technical changes provided.
HF2208 (Murphy) - Community destination sign program established.
HF2219 (Barrett) - Nicholas Patrick Spehar Memorial Highway designated.
HF1979 (Lillie) - Trunk Highway 36 marked segment designated as Officer Richard Crittenden, Sr., Memorial Highway.
HF2425 (Erickson) - Vehicle testing permitted uses modified.
HF1302 (Carlson) - Motor vehicle title transfer-on-death provided.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Note: All bill relating to liquor issues will be held over for possible inclusion in the omnibus liquor bill.
Bills Added:
HF1931 (Halverson) - E-cigarettes, and nicotine and lobelia delivery products regulated.
HF2177 (Ward) - Tanning equipment limited to persons age 18 or older.
HF1984 (Sundin) - Public construction accountability and transparency enhanced, and responsible contractor definition and requirement established.
HF2482 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling fraud provided.
HF2880 (Clark) - Minneapolis Institute of Arts issuance of liquor licenses provided.
HF2444 (Lillie) - University of Minnesota alcohol service extended.
HF2610 (Hoppe) - Malt liquor sampling regulations modified.
HF2710 (Hoppe) - Alcohol service; food service requirements removed, spirit service requirements changed, and on-sale use of infused beverages and cocktails allowed.
HF2577 (Atkins) - Liquor Act citation obsolete provision repealed.
HF2720 (Atkins) - Omnibus liquor bill.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2754 (Fischer) - Emancipation of minors provided.
HF2001 (Norton) - Family child care training and background study requirements modified, and safe sleep spaces for infants in child care requirements clarified.
HF2115 (Clark) - Child care center eligibility governing provision temporarily suspended for child care assistance, child care professional development pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Bills Added:
HF2412 (Hornstein) - Hybrid and narrow-leaved cattail general permit required for control.
HF2804 (Hansen) - Native quail recovery plan required.
HF2733 (Dill) - Omnibus environment and natural resources policy bill.
HF2852 (Dill) - Omnibus game and fish bill.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1905 (Masin) - Eagan; tax increment collection time period extended, and current local tax rate authorized to be used to compute tax increment, and five-year rule extended.
HF2013 (Isaacson) - Shoreview; tax increment collection period extended.
HF2450 (Mahoney) - St. Paul; authority to spend tax increments expanded.
HF2727 (Erhardt) - Edina; tax increment collection and spending authority extended.
HF2580 (Hertaus) - Mound Harbor Tax Increment Financing District five-year rule extended.
HF2632 (Marquart) - Detroit Lakes; time extended for approval of tax increment financing districts under a special law.
HF2886 (Atkins) - Eagan; tax increment financing district five year-rule extended.
HF2739 (Fabian) - Workforce housing use provided.

Education Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2871 (Yarusso) - Teacher licensure testing requirements clarified.
HF2189 (Quam) - Teacher licensure provisions modified.

Agriculture Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2178 (Barrett) - Farmers' market definition provided, and food product sampling and demonstration permitted.
HF2746 (Poppe) - Agriculture Department; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws removed; and biodiesel fuel requirements modified.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2256 (Dorholt) - Location equity revenue maximum amount authorized for any school district with more than 7,000 students.
HF2585 (Norton) - Location equity regional definition adjusted.
HF2544 (Benson) - Location equity revenue calculation clarified.
HF2547 (Radinovich) - Location equity revenue program eligibility expanded, and location equity revenue and referendum revenue calculation technical changes made.
HF2919 (Sawatzky) - School facility finance plan required to be included in fiscal year 2016-2017 budget recommendations, onetime school facilities improvement revenue provided, base established for the new facilities finance plan, and money appropriated.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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Bills Added:
HF2736 (Erickson) - Broadband service mapping money appropriated.
HF2373 (Moran) - Equal pay certificate required as a condition for public contracts, data classified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2767 (Johnson) - Telecommunications antiquated, unnecessary, redundant, or obsolete laws eliminated; and conforming changes made.

Health and Human Services Finance

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**Agenda subject to change; please visit committee website for updates**
To testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF2067 (Johnson) - Minnesota Security Hospital, St. Peter phase one renovation and construction project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1224 (Persell) - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe ambulance service grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1831 (Fritz) - Medical assistance coverage modified to include consultations with licensed independent clinical social workers and licensed marriage and family therapists.
HF1295 (Fritz) - Nursing facility level of care modified to prevent seniors currently enrolled in the elderly waiver program from losing coverage.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2263 (Halverson) - Sexual assault victim notice of rights required to be given by hospitals.
HF2295 (Johnson) - Judicial districts required to establish minimum standards as a condition to using GPS to monitor domestic abuse offenders, and victim and defendant location data protected.
HF1851 (Kieffer) - Repeat criminal sexual conduct offenders penalties enhanced.
HF1126 (Winkler) - Criminal sexual conduct offenses expanded for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles.
HF2142 (Yarusso) - Domestic violence victim provided with notice of release of offender.
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