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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF3122 (Lenczewski) - Governor's tax bill.

Property and Local Tax Division

Mark Up Committee Report
Bills Added:
HF3099 (Falk) - Real property definition modified.
HF3086 (Marquart) - Agricultural market value homestead property tax credit permanently increased, supplemental credit payments for taxes payable in 2014 provided, and money appropriated.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Resolution on Waiver of Dates

Judiciary Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF3015 (Carlson) - Public Employment Relations Board created, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2545 (Liebling) - Health definitions modified and added; Pharmacy Board powers, duties, and business regulation licensing, and immunization participation requirements changed; compounding requirements clarified; legend drug purchase allowed by educational institutions; drug handling in preparation for emergency use allowed; drug manufacturers payment reporting clarified; and substances added to the controlled substances schedules.
HF2531 (Laine) - Campaign finance board duties modified, rulemaking required, online electronic records systems authorized, board authorized to request reconciliation information, penalties authorized, definitions and fee amounts modified, reporting and filing requirements modified, various technical and clarifying changes made, data classifications provided, and statements of economic interest modified.
HF2446 (Simonson) - Pharmacy Board cease and desist authority granted to prevent the sale of synthetic drugs, misbranded or adulterated drug laws modified, definition expanded, emergency drug scheduling authority sunset and legislative reporting requirement repealed, mandatory restitution provided, public education plan established, and money appropriated.
HF2295 (Johnson) - Judicial districts required to establish minimum standards as a condition to using GPS to monitor domestic abuse offenders, and victim and defendant location data protected.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

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(HF1940, HF2281, & HF2576 will be heard March 20)
Bills Added:
HF2144 (Paymar) - Sexual exploitation of youth; carryover to second year of grant and training funds to combat sexual exploitation of youth authorized.
HF1845 (Lesch) - Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act enacted as proposed for adoption by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and other law regarding collateral consequences and the rehabilitation of criminal offenders conformed to the uniform act, rulemaking provided, and money appropriated.
HF1585 (Cornish) - Felony of fraudulent or other improper financing statements extended to include retaliation against a police officer or chief of police or correctional officer or employee for performing official duties.
HF2654 (Cornish) - Part-time peace officer licensure eliminated.
HF2501 (Metsa) - St. Louis County Sheriff's Rescue Squad facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1713 (Kelly) - Red Wing; fire station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2910 (Simonson) - Animal cruelty law enforcement task force established to comprehensively review the enforcement of animal anticruelty laws and practices and to make recommendations for improvement, and money appropriated.
HF2372 (Schoen) - Human Rights Department application for certificate of compliance scope changes made, and requirements for bids and proposals clarified.

Health and Human Services Policy

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HF2402 (Liebling) will be the vehicle for the Omnibus HHS Policy bill. A delete-everything (DE) amendment will be posted Tuesday morning. The committee may walk through the DE amendment during this meeting but will not take any public testimony.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF1479 (Isaacson) - Medical assistance coverage provided for enhanced asthma care services.
HF2396 (Morgan) - Military members or their spouses or inactive military veteran professional licensing boards required to expedite issuance of license or certification, and report required.
HF2314 (Fabian) - Hospital construction moratorium exception provided.
HF2556 (Newton) - Veterans housing and long-term care; new residential facility moratorium exemptions provided, grants provided for veteran housing needs assessments, and money appropriated.
HF1992 (Dehn) - Home and community-based waiver housing program requirement exceptions established.
HF3059 (Norton) - Nonemergency medical transportation service provisions modified.
HF2797 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance personal need allowance increased for persons in facilities.
HF2977 (Franson) - Home care provider licensing and compliance monitoring changes made.
HF2402 (Liebling) - Omnibus health and human services policy bill.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1984 (Sundin) - Public construction accountability and transparency enhanced, and responsible contractor definition and requirement established.
HF2384 (Mahoney) - Allina Health systems extended employment services authorization extended.
HF2949 (Persell) - Unemployment insurance program policy and housekeeping changes made, and Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
Agenda will change. Please check back for details
Bills Added:
HF1068 (Hausman) - General fund capital investment bill.
HF2976 (Mahoney) - Supplemental omnibus jobs and economic development finance bill.
HF2933 (Norton) - Apprenticeship competency standards in precision manufacturing, health care services, and information technology pilot programs established; and money appropriated.
HF2369 (Isaacson) - Apprenticeship program federal conformity changes made.
HF2948 (Mahoney) - Employment and Economic Development Department, Metropolitan Council, and MN.IT; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws repealed; and conforming changes made.
HF2740 (Mahoney) - Diagnosis related group system provided for payment of inpatient hospital services, and money appropriated.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF2566 (Mahoney) - St. Paul Port Authority; meetings by telephone or other electronic means authorized.
HF2917 (Simon) - Special service district ordinance, petition, and veto requirements modified.
HF2217 (Murphy) - Grant management process and contract management provisions changed, and encumbrance exception in the grant process provided.
HF2693 (Sawatzky) - Special Education Case Load and Rule Alignment Task Force 2014 recommendations implemented, and commissioner of education authorized to use expedited rulemaking to implement the rule recommendations of the task force.
HF2783 (Isaacson) - Ramsey County Housing and Redevelopment Authority authorized to establish housing improvement areas.
HF2968 (Anzelc) - Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission four-year terms authorized.
HF2220 (Barrett) - North Branch; Public Utilities Commission membership increase authorized.
HF2461 (Lesch) - Employee earned sick and safe time provided.
HF2318 (Hansen) - Special School District No. 6, South St. Paul; election district dissolution authorized.
HF2236 (Freiberg) - Open meeting law changed.
HF2165 (Dill) - Minnesota Sustainable Forest Resources Act updated.
HF2617 (Nelson) - State government technical changes made; sections renumbered; antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete language eliminated or modernized; and existing provisions updated.

Health and Human Services Finance

**Agenda subject to change. Check the committee website for updates.**
To sign up to testify, email the Committee Administrator at
Bills Added:
HF892 (Melin) - Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updated.
HF2408 (Newton) - Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
HF2458 (Allen) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) participants educational opportunities modified.
HF2599 (Loeffler) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) housing assistance grant effective date modified.
HF2678 (Fritz) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) effective date of family cap repeal modified.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2238 (Ward) - Crow Wing County; sale of tax-forfeited land that borders public water authorized.
HF2317 (Ward) - Brainerd permitted to purchase Brainerd Dam.
HF2873 (Lenczewski) - Hennepin County; tax-forfeited land conveyance and private sale authorized.
HF2239 (Wills) - Dakota County; conveyance of tax-forfeited land bordering public waters authorized.
HF2959 (Anzelc) - Itasca County; private sale of tax-forfeited lands authorized.
HF2747 (Johnson) - Chisago County; sale of tax-forfeited lands bordering public waters sale authorized.
HF2530 (Johnson) - Tax-forfeited land that borders public water conveyance authorized.
HF3009 (Leidiger) - Carver County; conveyance of tax-forfeited land that borders public water authorized.
HF2867 (Persell) - Beltrami and Itasca Counties; tax-forfeited land sales authorized.
HF3060 (Lohmer) - Surplus state land conveyance authorized.
HF2240 (Dill) - St. Louis County; tax-forfeited land sales authorized, procedure provided for sale of noncompliant tax-forfeited land on Minnesota Point in Duluth.
HF2301 (Erickson) - Omnibus lands bill.
HF1711 (Kelly) - Goodhue County; private sale of state land required.
HF2715 (Dill) - Natural Resources Department; obsolete laws modified and repealed, regulatory efficiencies provided, and drainage inspector requirements modified.
HF2628 (Hansen) - Rest areas provided to be used as watercraft decontamination sites.
HF2311 (Hansen) - County commissioner prohibited from serving as drainage inspector.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

Bills may be added to the agenda.
Public testimony on HF84 will be limited to the financial aspects of the bill. To testify, contact
Bills Added:
HF2101 (Hansen) - Plastic microbeads in surface water study money appropriated.
HF84 (Lesch) - Dog and cat breeder licensing and inspection provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1976 (Falk) - Terrestrial invasive species research center money appropriated.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2889 (Anzelc) - Resorts exempted from restricted plumbing licensure.
HF2419 (Fritz) - State-administered retirement savings plan report to the legislature required by the commissioner of management and budget, and money appropriated.
HF3073 (Atkins) - Insurance regulations modified to reduce fraud, no-fault auto benefits regulated, economic benefits modified under chapter 65B, and motor vehicle insurance coverage verification task force established.
HF2829 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; and games, prizes, and regulatory provisions modified.
HF2542 (Hortman) - Lead and mercury products prohibited and regulated, and formaldehyde in children's products ban modified.
HF2199 (Hoppe) - Farm wineries allowed to import bulk distilled spirits, and excise tax exemption created.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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NOTE: Agenda subject to change. Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF2691 (Newton) - Early learning scholarship evaluation report due date established.
HF1106 (Allen) - Counties required to maintain information regarding reports alleging child maltreatment.
HF2921 (Mullery) - Success for All program established, and money appropriated.
HF2115 (Clark) - Child care center eligibility governing provision temporarily suspended for child care assistance, child care professional development pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment

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Legislative auditor report on general obligation bond expenditures
Bills may be added

Civil Law

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Bills Added:
HF1971 (Liebling) - Automatic external defibrillator (AED) registration provided.
HF2274 (Masin) - Wage disclosure protected, and retaliation prohibited.
HF2373 (Moran) - Equal pay certificate required as a condition for public contracts, data classified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2526 (Norton) - Newborn screening program modified.
HF2722 (Mahoney) - Custody and parenting time provisions changes made.
HF2151 (Mullery) - Residential lease violation duty to mitigate damages created.
HF2192 (Allen) - Termination of lease upon infirmity or death provided.

Education Finance

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HF2180 (Murphy, E.) School district employee health coverage provisions amended, and money appropriated. - pending referral

Education Policy

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Overview of the H2397DE1 author's delete all.


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Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF2943 (Urdahl) - County attorney special election required to fill a vacancy.
HF2956 (Dehn) - Election day free transit service provided, and money appropriated.
HF2463 (Atkins) - Political contributions made from funds derived from revenues of a corporation or LLC required to be subject to the individual income tax.
HF2662 (Simon) - Corporation political activity notice and consent required.

Energy Policy

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**Amendments are due to Committee Administrator Peter Strohmeier by noon, March 17.
Bills Added:
HF2884 (Garofalo) - Special electric tariff required for charging electric vehicles.
HF2666 (Garofalo) - Electric generation facility exception provided to certificate of need requirements.
HF2924 (Garofalo) - Electric power generating plants regulated, and solar generation facilities allowed to be eligible for alternative review.

Energy Policy

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*Amendments are due to Committee Administrator Peter Strohmeier by 4 p.m. March 14.
Bills Added:
HF2719 (Anzelc) - Biorefinery using cellulosic feedstock environmental review requirements modified.
HF2911 (Davnie) - Solar energy systems exempted from property taxation, and solar energy production tax established.
HF2918 (Morgan) - Solar energy system residential use restrictions prohibited.
HF2834 (Hortman) - Omnibus energy bill.
HF2869 (Newberger) - Coal energy standard provided.
HF2828 (Quam) - Pipeline permitting efficiency goal established.
Issues related to municipalization and community choice aggregation.
*HF1450, HF 945, and HF2732 are informational and no vote will be taken. Action will be taken on HF2877. The Chair has waived the amendment deadline for HF2877.
Bills Added:
HF1450 (Dehn) - Public utility franchise agreement provided, and municipalities authorized to charge public utility fee.
HF945 (Hornstein) - Public Utilities Commission just compensation determination factor amended for a utility purchased by a municipality.
HF2732 (Garofalo) - Municipal energy goal costs allocated.
HF2877 (Falk) - Community energy choice aggregation program study required, and money appropriated.
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